Jay Cutler 7-yr Contract Extension - $50 mil guaranteed

Blindly acting like Romo's ridiculous errors aren't the biggest part of this teams mediocrity is even better thinking.

Anyone who says that Romo is the biggest part to the mediocre record the last 3 years doesn't understand football. That's not opinion. That's not me being a stan. That is simply fact.

Some of the most respected minds in the business Cowboys and otherwise could not disagree with you more.

What you're saying is not smart.
Anyone who says that Romo is the biggest part to the mediocre record the last 3 years doesn't understand football. That's not opinion. That's not me being a stan. That is simply fact.

Some of the most respected minds in the business Cowboys and otherwise could not disagree with you more.

What you're saying is not smart.

No, what I'm saying is just contrary to your opinion. doesn't make me any less right than you or anyone else.
Okay, clearly we aren't going to agree on anything. You think I'm wrong, I think you're wrong.

your problem is that there is a lot of top quality people in the NFL that say you are full of it
That's what good QBs cost, and people complained about Romo's contract? If you're not willing to spend 16-18M a year, then chances are you'll have some scrub/average QB unless they're in their rookie contract.

If Cutler left the Bears, he would've gotten around 16-18M, which is market value for a QB around his caliber.
So does McCown stay, or does he go to a team to be a stopgap starter while the rookie QB they draft sits and learns, e.g. OAK, HOU, CLE, MIN etc.?
So does McCown stay, or does he go to a team to be a stopgap starter while the rookie QB they draft sits and learns, e.g. OAK, HOU, CLE, MIN etc.?

He mentioned not too long ago about possibly not playing next season. Who knows.
That wasn't my rationalization as to why Cutler was more accomplished, I used that example to state that both Romo and Cutler have all these accolades, but have nothing to show for it...so if it's dumb to give Jay Cutler such a lucrative contract, then it was dumb to give Romo a similar contract.

The Adrian Peterson example was to simply point out your argument that since "it's just the Bears" that his Bears passing statistics really aren't all that impressive.

Who exactly was it that complied incredible stats before Tony Romo got here? Sure wasn't Aikman, Danny White? not really. If you're going to use the same criteria to put a guy on a pedestal (all time whatever for his team) than it needs to be a universal criteria no matter what team it is.

Where did I say it was dumb to give either Cutler or Romo these contracts?

The Bears passing yards record sucks. I already pointed out 5 QBs with Dallas that compiled more yards than that. You do realize Troy Aikman ranks 31st all-time in passing yards. He ranked 19th at the time he retired. Perhaps when Cutler retires he will have compiled a nice team record for the Bears for future QBs to strive for, but breaking a record of around 14,900 passing yards it not that impressive. Consider that over those same 5 seasons Cutler did that, Romo has put up just over 4000 more yards.

Anyway you cut it, your original statement of Romo accomplishing less than Cutler was just wrong.
This talk about Cutler not being able to win a Superbowl is just silly.

Cutler's production is easily comparable to both Joe Flacco and Eli Manning who both won championships in recent years. Not to mention people like Trent Dilfer or Brad Johnson.
I love how my Jerry and Jason threads get moved out but this doesn't get moved
In the last couple years (including this year) he spends half the season on the bench due to injury. Yeah I remember him getting crushed because of the lack of an O-line and inadequate receivers but he has the entire package on offense now to get the job done and he still failed. It's not like he faced a top tier defense with Green Bay. The fact is he was in the confines of his own home stadium with two beast wideouts with a O-line that's playing well and he still had issues scoring on Green Bay for a good stretch of the game.

Cutler is overrated hot garbage IMO.
your problem is that there is a lot of top quality people in the NFL that say you are full of it

As if top quality NFL people have never been wrong about anything...

Look, this isn't a matter of fact; it's a matter of opinion. I think both contracts are stupid and it's even more stupid to think that Cutler's deal is ridiculous while Romo's is justified.

That's it. Over.
With the details coming in this is a good contract for the Bears... 3 year deal that takes Cutler into age 34 with no guarantees after since there was no signing bonus...

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