Jay Ratliff on KTBB at 4:34 pm today, & he is really ticked off!... recap Post #34

Double Trouble;2673573 said:
Nice cherrypicking on TO's blocking. Most of the time he was less forceful than the average basketball player setting a screen when it came to blocking.

im talking about his overall game. if u call that cherry picking then thats fine. whatever makes u feel good.
SultanOfSix;2673607 said:
The burden of proof is on the one who makes the claim.
Hang on to your dreams Sultan

There could be a myriad of reasons, but I'll stick to the primary one that I've been saying for a while: Garrett didn't want him around.

Wha? The same coach Jerry let interview for 3 jobs (and some rumored Jerry hoped he would get) talked the "One Voice" into cutting his toy, basically making a huge public admission he was wrong, which is a HUGE thing for Jerry, and eating $9M while he is hurting building a new stadium? Because "he wants him gone.."

You honestly think Garret has that kind of power? Parcells couldn't have gotten Jerry to do that, are you kidding?

Keep that head in the sand.
Just makes you wonder...

This is the chance for the players to come out and say what they want, but it's not exactly what we all thought they would say.

The difference is that they are in the locker room and we aren't. True, Ellis and Ratliff are defensive players and aren't in every meeting with the offense (obviously) so they wouldn't know what went on over on that side of the team.

Just makes you wonder...

I think this move does take a lot of pressure off Tony, though.
There's a way to easily settle the debate as to whether this is all a media fabricated reputation, or if it's just Tony and Garrett holding a silly grudge on poor innocent TO or if TO really is in fact a monstrous headcase.

Let's make a list of current NFL head coaches who have been on coaching staffs for teams TO has played for...

Off the top of my head I have Jim Mora Jr., Brad Childress, Andy Reid, Tony Sparano, Steve Spagnuolo, Todd Haley .. there's 6 current head coaches (not even counting assistant coaches), about 1/5 th of the league ... a pretty decent sample, who should know what the "real TO" is all about and whether his supposed team wrecking ways are simply a media invention or not. Most of them also have huge, gaping holes at WR.

Let's wait and see if they line up to bring TO in.
wileedog;2673644 said:
Hang on to your dreams Sultan

No. It's called procedure. It happens in debates. It happens in criminal proceedings. I could call you a murderer. How would you feel if I said "disprove it"?

Wha? The same coach Jerry let interview for 3 jobs (and some rumored Jerry hoped he would get)

Jerry has to let a coach interview for a higher ranking job. It's NFL policy.

talked the "One Voice" into cutting his toy, basically making a huge public admission he was wrong, which is a HUGE thing for Jerry,

Why was he wrong? Was TO distracting the team to a 13-3 season last year? Or was he just the fault this year because the team went 9-7?

and eating $9M while he is hurting building a new stadium? Because "he wants him gone.."

A billionare is hurting by losing $9 million dollars and what is considered a guaranteed investment in the NFL? Keep living in that fantasy.

You honestly think Garret has that kind of power?

Why not? If he's the head coach in waiting, then it's quite possible.

Parcells couldn't have gotten Jerry to do that, are you kidding?

Perhaps Parcells agreed with having TO here. In fact, I remember him saying it was a team decision. But, keep believing the fantasy created by the media that JJ overruled Parcells (someone he was supposedly afraid of - remember the walking on eggshells comment?) and TO drove one of the greatest coaches in the game away. You like believing "anonymous" sources too. I'm sure you'd like believing them too if they had your name in the paper and an anonymous source stated you were an adulterer and a thief.

Keep that head in the sand.

Why would I want to join you there?
Aikmaniac;2673677 said:
Just makes you wonder...

This is the chance for the players to come out and say what they want, but it's not exactly what we all thought they would say.

The difference is that they are in the locker room and we aren't. True, Ellis and Ratliff are defensive players and aren't in every meeting with the offense (obviously) so they wouldn't know what went on over on that side of the team.

Just makes you wonder...

I think this move does take a lot of pressure off Tony, though.

i think the pressure mounts. alot of romos success came lin 2007 and most of that was to owens. he's gonna have to show up this yr. whats his turnover streak on now? 31 games straight?
SultanOfSix;2673682 said:
No. It's called procedure. It happens in debates. It happens in criminal proceedings. I could call you a murderer. How would you feel if I said "disprove it"?

Jerry has to let a coach interview for a job. It's NFL policy.

Why was he wrong? Was TO distracting the team to a 13-3 season last year? Or was he just the fault this year because the team went 9-7?

A billionare is hurting by losing $9 million dollars? Keep living in that fantasy.

Why not? If he's the head coach in waiting, then it's quite possible.

Perhaps Parcells agreed with having TO here. In fact, I remember him saying it was a team decision. But, keep believing the fantasy created by the media that JJ overruled Parcells (someone he was supposedly afraid of - remember the walking on eggshells comment?) and TO drove one of the greatest coaches in the game away. You like believing "anonymous" sources too. I'm sure you'd like believing them too if they had your name in the paper and an anonymous source stated you were an adulterer and a thief.

Why would I want to join you there?

I stand by my original statement - you are delusional if you think Jerry cut Owens because Garret said so, or that there wasn't significant rift between Owens and other parts of the team. Even Jerry doesn't eat $9M and cut a talented player for no reason, and if you think the media coverage (which Jerry loves good or bad) had any influence in this you are even nuttier.
djtavo;2672570 said:
I just spoke with Cowboys nose tackle Jay Ratliff, and here’s what he said about the release of Terrell Owens.
I also recorded our interview and that will air today at 4:34pm on KTBB.

Meanwhile, here are some quotes from our conversation that I thought you’d be interested in reading.

Smoaky: What is your reaction to T.O.’s release?
Ratliff: “Wow, I’m shocked, wow…I’m just sitting here and I just don’t know, I just don’t know.”

Smoaky: When did you learn about this, last night, this morning?
Ratliff: “He sent me a text last night telling me he was no longer a Dallas Cowboys, and I thought he just wanted to talk and was joking, but we talked and he was very shocked, so am I, and we’re just surprised by it, this was like in boxing—a rabbit punch from out of nowhere.” Ratliff continued, “He will be fine, he’s a competitor, no one wants to win like he does, and the only thing you can blame him for is wanting to win, and so I guess you can blame me for that too.”

Smoaky: What do you think was the overall reason behind this decision?
Ratliff: “I don’t know, I never understood all the hype and controversy about him being a distraction, because he’s been a great teammate, at least from my experience.” Ratliff continued, “I guess he’s the fall guy, I just don’t understand it, and I don’t know what else to say.”

Smoaky: If he was a great teammate to you or even others, could this create more divisiveness in the locker room?
Ratliff: “I sure hope not, we all—those of us left most move forward regardless of what we think of this decision, and figure out a way to come together and be a team,” Ratliff continued, “no matter how talented we are, if there’s no chemistry or trust within that locker room, it affects us on the field, we must be one, as I told you earlier this week, we must find a way to all become one.”

David Smoak

Someone must have changed the meaning of pissed off and didn't let everyone know about it.

He sounds shocked here but hardly pissed.
i just put in the post what smoaky told me that to him, ratliff sounded pi.....

was just relaying the message;

i did hear if you listened deep, ratliff was upset, ticked off somewhat, just like he was ticked off the way the season ended in phily

thats why ratliff said he has been working hard in conditioning

thats the problem if you listen to what ratliff, witten, romo say, they want to be treated like professionals, but they dont want to become leaders,

really if you look deep, most of the playerss on the cowboys dont want to be leaders, they just want to play like professionals

till the players step up and realize they have to be accountable to themselves and each other, then this team isnt going anywhere

and leaders step up on this team
wileedog;2673726 said:
I stand by my original statement - you are delusional if you think Jerry cut Owens because Garret said so, or that there wasn't significant rift between Owens and other parts of the team. Even Jerry doesn't eat $9M and cut a talented player for no reason, and if you think the media coverage (which Jerry loves good or bad) had any influence in this you are even nuttier.

I never said he cut Owens because Garrett said so. I said I believe he was the primary reason.

There is evidence for players criticizing Garrett's game planning and play calling.

There has been NO evidence whatsoever from players themselves ever badmouthing TO.

If there was a rift, it was a rift in management, and I'm sticking by that assertion.
I wish they'd get pissed about the Eagles embarassing them in a win or go home game.

I'm fine with the move, it's not like TO lit it up last yr. and it's not like I saw him streaking wide open to no avail play after play, he looked covered alot. Tony looked uncomfortable and took a step back, right or wrong Tony is more important than TO. Tony isn't mad about this move, you think Troy would be ok with Irvin being let go?

He's a popular guy among teamates, but that doesn't mean he's a good teamate. Players can be confused and not realize the difference. I have coworkers I love hanging out with and would miss them big time if they left my company, in the short term the company would miss them but in reality they aren't good employees.
187beatdown;2672362 said:
Of course defensive players are going to support Owens. They don't go to meetings with him. They don't do special practices with him. They aren't even on the field the same time as him.

I hold the opinions of people who have first hand experience far greater than those who just observe and formulate bull****.

they also know without him, we won't score as much so they will have a tougher time
CanadianCowboysFan;2674167 said:
they also know without him, we won't score as much so they will have a tougher time

We could score less but become a ball control offense, allowing the defense to stay fresh instead of wearing out and allowing 70+ TD runs.
McCordsville Cowboy;2672409 said:
Again, this board and the non athlete casual fan cant appreciate the talent of TO..

Any player on the team can see he makes their team better. The biased clowns cant see that. They prefer to be mediocre with their 'guys' on the team.

What a joke.

This team was mediocre with Owens.

This is the second team now that has brought Owens in order get over the hump and the second time that it hasn't happened.

We can't appreciate the talent? Apparently the Jones family, Redball, coaches and teams across the league can't either, huh?

But you can, right? A good portion of personnel in the NFL is unable to but not you.
McCordsville Cowboy;2672409 said:
Again, this board and the non athlete casual fan cant appreciate the talent of TO..

Any player on the team can see he makes their team better. The biased clowns cant see that. They prefer to be mediocre with their 'guys' on the team.

What a joke.

For someone who is actively labeling people, you sure are quite the label yourself.

You seem as if you're one of "those" people who if someone doesn't agree with you - they are automatically inferior to your knowledge of whatever the subject may be.

Grow up; agree to disagree. Talent does not win football games, teams do. That's why Owens has never won a Superbowl in his life. That's the 'Boys went 9-7 last year. That's why the Giants have won a Superbowl in the last 8 years, and it's why the Patriots have won three. It's why the Steelers have won two, and the 'Boys have won none.
pgreptom;2674335 said:
For someone who is actively labeling people, you sure are quite the label yourself.

You seem as if you're one of "those" people who if someone doesn't agree with you - they are automatically inferior to your knowledge of whatever the subject may be.

Grow up; agree to disagree. Talent does not win football games, teams do. That's why Owens has never won a Superbowl in his life. That's the 'Boys went 9-7 last year. That's why the Giants have won a Superbowl in the last 8 years, and it's why the Patriots have won three. It's why the Steelers have won two, and the 'Boys have won none.

They went 9-7 because Wade couldnt control the personalities, JG has no creativity, Romo made too many mistakes in crunch time, and the secondary was roasted too much.

Dont lecture me on 'growing up'. I am not claiming to have 'superior' knowledge but its obvious the homerism blinds us all. Just some more than others.
ukinto8;2673120 said:
this time next year we'll have our answers. I doubt TO was the issue on this team. I'm not going to speculate on who i yhink is the problem. That will do us no good. I would like to know who's going to catch 80 balls for 1200 yards and at LEAST ten td's to replace him though.
I cannot see anyone here with that kind of talent.

I will miss TO's fun-loving personality, but what makes you think only one player can replace TO's production? Roy, Witten, Crayton, Austin and Bennett can be utilized more in the passing game. The running game can be emphasized more and can we throw to our backs more often. There are a number of ways to spread the ball around and replace those 1200 yards and 10 TDs. We may even surpass it.

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