Jay Ratliff on KTBB at 4:34 pm today, & he is really ticked off!... recap Post #34

SultanOfSix;2672845 said:
None of which was proven, and who's credibility for the reports was simply based on "anonymous" sources.

Well, let me just say, this: where there is smoke, there is usually fire. And it is not like BEYOND THE REALM OF POSSIBILITY that TO would divide the locker room.

So you have his history. You have the reports. You have the decision to cut him. You have players coming out to defend him.

Yeah, it's all circumstantial. But it's a strong enough circumstantial case that to dismiss it out of hand is foolish.
what i got from ratliff comments on T O, he didnt cause a rift, more so from here say from media etc, that what i got from the ratliff message
SultanOfSix;2672845 said:
None of which was proven, and who's credibility for the reports was simply based on "anonymous" sources.

Exactly. None of it was proven. It was all pure speculation.
to me, ratliff said T O was just a fall guy and all the distractions and here say is the real culprit
cobra;2672858 said:
Well, let me just say, this: where there is smoke, there is usually fire. And it is not like BEYOND THE REALM OF POSSIBILITY that TO would divide the locker room.

So you have his history. You have the reports. You have the decision to cut him. You have players coming out to defend him.

Yeah, it's all circumstantial. But it's a strong enough circumstantial case that to dismiss it out of hand is foolish.

There is always smoke behind TO anyways. It doesn't have to be legitimate. The image is already there. The media just has to keep spoon feeding it to you using "anonymous" sources. That is the power of the media, and it's lack of ethical standards. The media is the true slime in all of this.
cowboyjoe;2672863 said:
to me, ratliff said T O was just a fall guy and all the distractions and here say is the real culprit

Jimmy had lots of fall guys, it works.
djtavo;2672570 said:
“no matter how talented we are, if there’s no chemistry or trust within that locker room, it affects us on the field, we must be one, as I told you earlier this week, we must find a way to all become one.”

Tell it like it is Rat! Now that the sacrificial lamb is gone let's see how much togetherness they can muster up. Tony still has to become a leader on the offensive side of the ball. I remain critical but hopeful.
SultanOfSix;2672867 said:
There is always smoke behind TO anyways. It doesn't have to be legitimate. The image is already there. The media just has to keep spoon feeding it to you using "anonymous" sources. That is the power of the media, and it's lack of ethical standards.

Well, SOME of it was confirmed. We know the fight occurred. We know the meetings happened. AND we know he was cut today.

While the details may not be reliable, I fail to see how anyone looking at this critically can reach the conclusion that the release of TO is anything but confirmation that he was the source of lockerroom strife.

As has been said, he's a good player. But he was released for a reason. I'm going to assume that Jerry Jones made his decision based on personal knowledge of the inside situation and not based on "anonymous sources" reported at ESPN.

So for me, this release confirms the idea that there was a rift and TO was at the middle of it.
Bleu Star;2672880 said:
Tell it like it is Rat! Now that the sacrificial lamb is gone let's see how much togetherness they can muster up. Tony still has to become a leader on the offensive side of the ball. I remain critical but hopeful.

Time for Anthony Spencer to step up as a leader!!!!!!!!!!

Anthony Spencer.

cobra;2672882 said:
Well, SOME of it was confirmed. We know the fight occurred. We know the meetings happened. AND we know he was cut today.

While the details may not be reliable, I fail to see how anyone looking at this critically can reach the conclusion that the release of TO is anything but confirmation that he was the source of lockerroom strife.

As has been said, he's a good player. But he was released for a reason. I'm going to assume that Jerry Jones made his decision based on personal knowledge of the inside situation and not based on "anonymous sources" reported at ESPN.

So for me, this release confirms the idea that there was a rift and TO was at the middle of it.

Everyone denies the fight ever happened, the meetings didn't happen as they said they did (they each met individually with Garrett, and Garrett was the one who called the meetings), and Jerry Jones apparently reached this decision after a long, arduous process in which he asked all kinds of people from outside the organization to give him their opinion...people with no knowledge of the supposed "internal strife."

The players seem baffled by the move.

Edit: As for Sam Hurd, he's T.O.'s best friend, isn't he? He's probably OK with T.O. leaving because he actually has a prayer of earning a roster spot next year now.
cobra;2672882 said:
Well, SOME of it was confirmed. We know the fight occurred. We know the meetings happened. AND we know he was cut today.

While the details may not be reliable, I fail to see how anyone looking at this critically can reach the conclusion that the release of TO is anything but confirmation that he was the source of lockerroom strife.

As has been said, he's a good player. But he was released for a reason. I'm going to assume that Jerry Jones made his decision based on personal knowledge of the inside situation and not based on "anonymous sources" reported at ESPN.

So for me, this release confirms the idea that there was a rift and TO was at the middle of it.

But, that's not the only plausible way of looking at it. TO doesn't have to be the "source" of strife. He could simply be in contention with someone who has higher authority in the eyes of the GM. No one knows the real reasons. Regardless, even if he is the "source", it still doesn't mean that TO is wrong and the other people are right. That is simply what you are assuming - and it's perfectly fine - because of his past history, albeit some of it legitimate with his past behavior, and some of it illegitimate and simply based on "anonymous" sourcing, and even invalid media articles with no evidence whatsoever.
dallasfaniac;2672358 said:
And Hurd who was supposed to be in Owens' pocket doesn't sound hurt at all.....
Who cares what Hurd want he suck and didn't dam thing in the finnal three games.
ms9221;2672920 said:
Who cares what Hurd want he suck and didn't dam thing in the finnal three games.

Kind of hard to do anything the final three games when you are on IR, but what do I know.
Bleu Star;2672880 said:
Tell it like it is Rat! Now that the sacrificial lamb is gone let's see how much togetherness they can muster up. Tony still has to become a leader on the offensive side of the ball. I remain critical but hopeful.
He is'nt and never will be a leader, he is a whinny little "You know what". A real leader would of stood up and put To in his place if he was such a distraction. But no not our QB he's gotta run to JJ and cry like a girl about it and whats Daddy Jones do? Makes the Cowboys more Tomy Romo friendly.

There you have it our pompus ,celebrity, i anit done jack for my team QB is now gonna be known as a whiny little "You know what" no way any one respects him now.

I can see it now if any of you guys as so much as mutter the words i want the ball or i'm open i'll go tell daddy Jones and he'll cut you too. Pathetic.
"What happens if nothing changes? What if we are worse off then because we don't have that Owens production?

Where will you be then?

I giggle when people tell us all how it is and how it will be. Shine that crystal ball up nice now, ya hear"(poster: "Dallas")

What IF your aunt had gonads: she'd be your uncle I guess....time to man up. JJ admitted he was wrong and cut him...FINALLY. Despite the fact it cost him 9 mil against the cap next season he stepped up. All the chicken littles on this board: Khalid, Dallas, bleu star, and most of all 5 count em 5 should do the same: trade in your diapers for a pair of big boy pants and admit you were wrong. It's easy...just say: "I was wrong" there, I did it for you. Peace...
"He is'nt and never will be a leader, he is a whinny little "You know what". A real leader would of stood up and put To in his place ...." Some of you guys MUST be hitting the bottle hard today.....and ME-O WAS a leader of men? Wow.......................................
SultanOfSix;2672918 said:
it still doesn't mean that TO is wrong and the other people are right.

Of course it doesn't mean that. And I do not think I implied that.

I just said there was a rift and TO was at the middle of it. It does not really matter if TO was right. A rift is a rift. It needs to go away. I'm not saying it is fair to TO.

If I walked into a bar full of Cowboys fans with a Commanders jacket and caused fights almost to break out, I'm causing a disturbance. I wouldn't be doing anything wrong; I'd have a right to be there. Clearly the problem would be with the Cowboy fans who get so angry they want to fight over the mere sight of the other fan. But the problem would be solved by getting me out of the bar. That's not fair to me. But that's not the point. The point is to remove the issue of contention.

So it is with TO. It doesn't mean he is a bad person or that he is wrong. It just seems evident that there was a perception internally that he was a cause of strife. So he had to go.

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