Jaylon Smith's nerve not firing

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You put more effort into offering a rebuttal over a debate you created in your own mind than you do offering a link for a very simple question and something you consider common sense. :laugh:

Whatever you say, Dr. Cowboys 22. :)
Exactly, and the thing i wonder is how many here if they were jaylon would play with a brace or with the foot not working properly ??
If that could cause other injury's like to the knee etc, I dont think he is being smart to play if it risks other injurys .

Everyone has to be prepared for the worst because until he attempts to play "football" we're not going to know whether he can at the level that's required with the brace or without the nerve firing. We may get to camp and find out he can't play effectively with the brace or until the nerve fires and that he may have to continue rehabbing. He may have to wait around another year hoping the nerve will fire. At some point we may all log on to the board and see "BREAKING NEWS: Jaylon Smith announces his retirement." We all have to be prepared that could be the end result with this.

I'm sure he and the Cowboys will give it every chance for him to come back from this injury but I bet if the team had a do over they wouldn't have drafted him with his nerve still not firing after 14 months. Every day he has to continue rehabbing is another day his development as a football player is being stunted. He hasn't played a down of football since Dec, 2015. It sounds to me like the team is saying, the heck with it we're going to try and play him anyway even if his nerve isn't firing and see what happens.
It sounds to me like the team is saying, the heck with it we're going to try and play him anyway even if his nerve isn't firing and see what happens.
exactly, and it is ok for the team, but is it ok for him??

I am going back to ......just wait untill PS to talk about jaylon, it is waste of time to discuss it now.
here is a question, if he plays in game one, will the other team try to attack him, like by him having to cover a TE or slot guy?

Bottom line is we should see him in ps games, so will know more then, but he could be a liability if he isnt 100% and is in a real game.
Yea cause it's not like he doesn't have 6 more months to continue to rehab or anything
exactly, and it is ok for the team, but is it ok for him??

I am going back to ......just wait untill PS to talk about jaylon, it is waste of time to discuss it now.

The team won't play him if it's not okay for him. His doctor will make that call. We'll just have to see how things go between now and this summer. A lot of things could change between now and then.
Jaylon should get a referral from Kobe and Peyton. They know doctors that can cure it all.
Of course you did because you lack the capacity to address specifics but instead go for the lazy blanket dismissal once again.

You claim to not make things up and let the facts speak for themselves but there is no evidence of any other brace being worn than the one that has been shown yet you insist that he is wearing a lighter less supportive brace. Then with that same brain you conclude that his dropfoot has made no progress.

Everything that I have said has been based on observable phenomenon. You once again have no response to the fluidity argument.

I asked you for specifics of what other progress that could explain his increased performance and you have none. Instead you tell me that I lack the intellect to be able to do so. Typically when such claims are made a demonstration that you have thought of something. What do you have? Nothing.

Your post can be broken down to:

Appeal to ridicule.
Claims of victory.
Ad hominem.
Ad hominem.

It always devolves into this with you.


Your posts can be broken down to:
Bogus extrapolations and interpolations.
Unsubstantiated claims.
Blatant intellectual dishonesty.
Cowering (i.e. "I'm putting you on ignore")
Empty threats of leaving the board that are never followed through with.

Apologies, but I tend not to read the blathering screeds of the intellectually dishonest.

Case-in-point #1, you claiming that I don't think Jaylon has made any progress. That's total BS.

Case-in-point #2, you claiming "once again have no response to the fluidity argument." I've walked you through exactly why your analysis of the "trampoline" video is equal parts ridiculous and obscure, both in this thread and in the previous one. You're simply ignoring it and claiming victory. Par for the course.

Case-in-point #3, you said "I asked you for specifics of what other progress that could explain his increased performance and you have none." The problem with this BS is claim is that I've outlined where I think Jaylon's progress is. Ironically, I think we have the same outlook on his rehab/recovery status outside of the fact I won't make claim that he's lifting his foot without any credible evidence. Rappaport came out with his report and you shot the messenger, yet Mike Fisher just stated this past Wednesday that "Jaylon Smith has dropfoot." You've conveniently ignored that; go figure.

Here's a question for you: Are you claiming that Jaylon Smith is not wearing a brace during ANY of the training work in the video?


Your posts can be broken down to:
Bogus extrapolations and interpolations.
Unsubstantiated claims.
Blatant intellectual dishonesty.
Cowering (i.e. "I'm putting you on ignore")
Empty threats of leaving the board that are never followed through with.

Apologies, but I tend not to read the blathering screeds of the intellectually dishonest.

Case-in-point #1, you claiming that I don't think Jaylon has made any progress. That's total BS.

Case-in-point #2, you claiming "once again have no response to the fluidity argument." I've walked you through exactly why your analysis of the "trampoline" video is equal parts ridiculous and obscure, both in this thread and in the previous one. You're simply ignoring it and claiming victory. Par for the course.

Case-in-point #3, you said "I asked you for specifics of what other progress that could explain his increased performance and you have none." The problem with this BS is claim is that I've outlined where I think Jaylon's progress is. Ironically, I think we have the same outlook on his rehab/recovery status outside of the fact I won't make claim that he's lifting his foot without any credible evidence. Rappaport came out with his report and you shot the messenger, yet Mike Fisher just stated this past Wednesday that "Jaylon Smith has dropfoot." You've conveniently ignored that; go figure.

Here's a question for you: Are you claiming that Jaylon Smith is not wearing a brace during ANY of the training work in the video?

Point 1: Still waiting for an explanation as to what has improved so that he needs a brace that provides less support if his nerve has not fired. You have nothing.

Point 2: You stated that the video was obscure. I pointed out that you could clearly see his foot orientation even at that resolution. Outside of that you have nothing. You can also see the fluidity and evenness of his motion at that resolution. If you cannot then that is your personal issue because several others have commented on it without my input. You have zero response to the fluidity argument besides a generalized claim to victory and multiple assertions without supporting arguments.

Further, I have never claimed victory. I am simply stating you have no response. All you ever do is go for the generalized dismissal. You can see his movements and orientation on the video. Oh and they are hurdles btw.

Point 3: Where has Jaylon's increased performance been since last year? Be specific. Don't just assert it. I have to say you are one of the more intellectually lazy individual around.

I have not ignored Fisher and Rappoport. I don't find them overly credible and that is not it. I specifically cited a report stating the nerve has fired which you have conceded after a weak rebuttal and that I am convinced by what I see with my own eyes.

If you will note, I am having multiple people like my posts when I discuss this indicate they see it too.

As for Fischer you do realize that having dropfoot and the nerve firing are not mutually exclusive right? You do understand that there are degrees of dropfoot depending on strength and spasticity right? I have talked about how while I can see that he can pick up his foot it appears weak.

As for the last bit. After the hurdles, he has a tape job on his feet. I see no evidence of a brace and certainly not the brace that he wore last year.

Still waiting for an explanation as to why they would go with a less supportive brace than what he had before if there was no improvement with his dropfoot.

And the reason why I put you on ignore is that you resort to personal attacks and spam. It's not about cowering. It's about control.

What do I interpolate? Be specific.

For example your extrapolating a brace different that what he had on before and without any direct evidence. When I say he is picking up his foot its because I can see him lower it and pick it back up. It is not nearly the same thing.

What have I been dishonest about? Be specific.

The list I made was analogous line to paragraph in describing your work. Your list is just your typical insults, appeal to ridicule, mischaracterizations, and blanket dismissals.

And when did I say I was leaving the board?
Point 1: Still waiting for an explanation as to what has improved so that he needs a brace that provides less support if his nerve has not fired. You have nothing.

My gosh you're utterly useless and dishonest.

I see your tactic now. I answer your questions and you simply turn around and claim I haven't answered them. That's go-to tactic of someone that's mentally spent and can't engage in the argument.

I'll suffer you one last time.

The structure of his knee is sound and has been for months. By now the nerve has had time to go through its healing cycle/phases and the growth has likely extended to or is near the muscle pathways it needs to reinnervate, which would be indicated by the new "feelings" and function that's been developing of late which shows progress. That does not mean the nerve is now firing the affected muscle fibers to the point of full function or strength, but it does indicate marked improvement than where he was 7-8 months ago.

Point 2: You stated that the video was obscure. I pointed out that you could clearly see his foot orientation even at that resolution. Outside of that you have nothing. You can also see the fluidity and evenness of his motion at that resolution. If you cannot then that is your personal issue because several others have commented on it without my input. You have zero response to the fluidity argument besides a generalized claim to victory and multiple assertions without supporting arguments.

Further, I have never claimed victory. I am simply stating you have no response. All you ever do is go for the generalized dismissal. You can see his movements and orientation on the video. Oh and they are hurdles btw.

Nope. Never said the video was obscure (though the resolution is).

I said your analysis/conclusion based off the video was obscure. I've given you detailed responses (MULTIPLE TIMES) of the mechanics and motion of jumping and how the foot naturally flexes downward when coming down from a jump.

Your repeated mindless response has been "baaah, you've got nothing...you never answered my question!" That's tantamount to claiming an empty victory.

Point 3: Where has Jaylon's increased performance been since last year? Be specific. Don't just assert it. I have to say you are one of the more intellectually lazy individual around.

I have not ignored Fisher and Rappoport. I don't find them overly credible and that is not it. I specifically cited a report stating the nerve has fired which you have conceded after a weak rebuttal and that I am convinced by what I see with my own eyes.

If you will note, I am having multiple people like my posts when I discuss this indicate they see it too.

See the answer to point #1.

Also, the fact you equate "likes" garnered as an indicator of the validity of an argument is laughable, but another hallmark of low-level thinkers.

As for Fischer you do realize that having dropfoot and the nerve firing are not mutually exclusive right? You do understand that there are degrees of dropfoot depending on strength and spasticity right? I have talked about how while I can see that he can pick up his foot it appears weak.

As for the last bit. After the hurdles, he has a tape job on his feet. I see no evidence of a brace and certainly not the brace that he wore last year.

Yeah, I absolutely understand dropfoot has degrees of healing and funciton, which is directly inline with my response in point #1.

So, based on your repeated logic, your belief is Jaylon should either be wearing the same bulky brace he was 8 months ago or he's not wearing one at all?

Still waiting for an explanation as to why they would go with a less supportive brace than what he had before if there was no improvement with his dropfoot.

Lol, smh. You seriously have no intellectual honest scruples to you. I've gone on record repeatedly talking about Jaylon's improvement in his dropfoot condition. This is just more of you ignoring the actual response and repeating the question as if the answer was never given. Again, a cheap debate tactic.

And the reason why I put you on ignore is that you resort to personal attacks and spam. It's not about cowering. It's about control.

What do I interpolate? Be specific.

For example your extrapolating a brace different that what he had on before and without any direct evidence. When I say he is picking up his foot its because I can see him lower it and pick it back up. It is not nearly the same thing.

What have I been dishonest about? Be specific.

The list I made was analogous line to paragraph in describing your work. Your list is just your typical insults, appeal to ridicule, mischaracterizations, and blanket dismissals.

And when did I say I was leaving the board?

You're extrapolating that he doesn't wear a brace at all because you don't see him wearing the very same brace he wore 8-9 months ago in August. That's simple-minded deduction on your part.

Lool, what have you been dishonest about? Look no further than the comments I've been responding to in this post.

"Your list is just [...] mischaracterizations, blanket dismissals [...]" ooooh, the irony.

And you use the ignore function the same way an adolescent uses his blanket to hide from the boogie man ("if I hide my face, the boogie man can't see me" = "I don't have to provide answers if I don't actually see them").
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Point 1: Still waiting for an explanation as to what has improved so that he needs a brace that provides less support if his nerve has not fired. You have nothing.

Point 2: You stated that the video was obscure. I pointed out that you could clearly see his foot orientation even at that resolution. Outside of that you have nothing. You can also see the fluidity and evenness of his motion at that resolution. If you cannot then that is your personal issue because several others have commented on it without my input. You have zero response to the fluidity argument besides a generalized claim to victory and multiple assertions without supporting arguments.

Further, I have never claimed victory. I am simply stating you have no response. All you ever do is go for the generalized dismissal. You can see his movements and orientation on the video. Oh and they are hurdles btw.

Point 3: Where has Jaylon's increased performance been since last year? Be specific. Don't just assert it. I have to say you are one of the more intellectually lazy individual around.

I have not ignored Fisher and Rappoport. I don't find them overly credible and that is not it. I specifically cited a report stating the nerve has fired which you have conceded after a weak rebuttal and that I am convinced by what I see with my own eyes.

If you will note, I am having multiple people like my posts when I discuss this indicate they see it too.

As for Fischer you do realize that having dropfoot and the nerve firing are not mutually exclusive right? You do understand that there are degrees of dropfoot depending on strength and spasticity right? I have talked about how while I can see that he can pick up his foot it appears weak.

As for the last bit. After the hurdles, he has a tape job on his feet. I see no evidence of a brace and certainly not the brace that he wore last year.

Still waiting for an explanation as to why they would go with a less supportive brace than what he had before if there was no improvement with his dropfoot.

And the reason why I put you on ignore is that you resort to personal attacks and spam. It's not about cowering. It's about control.

What do I interpolate? Be specific.

For example your extrapolating a brace different that what he had on before and without any direct evidence. When I say he is picking up his foot its because I can see him lower it and pick it back up. It is not nearly the same thing.

What have I been dishonest about? Be specific.

The list I made was analogous line to paragraph in describing your work. Your list is just your typical insults, appeal to ridicule, mischaracterizations, and blanket dismissals.

And when did I say I was leaving the board?

Kudos for trying, dude.
Now, this phrasing peaks my interest. Responding suggests more than just regenerating.

Goes with the thought process that it's firing but his mind/body need to catch up. He probably still has some drop foot but to what degree nobody knows. But one could take that as the drop foot isn't as severe as it was, and that's why they think he could play with a brace right now.
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I won't make claim that he's lifting his foot without any credible evidence. Rappaport came out with his report and you shot the messenger, yet Mike Fisher just stated this past Wednesday that "Jaylon Smith has dropfoot." You've conveniently ignored that; go figure.

Wearing the afo is proof he's lifting his foot more than he was in August. The old brace locked his foot in at 90° angle to his leg. Its for people who needs maximum lift on their foot. The new one is for people who need less of a lift. Does he still have drop foot? Yes, or he wouldn't be wearing a afo at all. But the new afo shows he's able to lift his foot to some extent and more than in August.
Wearing the afo is proof he's lifting his foot more than he was in August. The old brace locked his foot in at 90° angle to his leg. Its for people who needs maximum lift on their foot. The new one is for people who need less of a lift. Does he still have drop foot? Yes, or he wouldn't be wearing a afo at all. But the new afo shows he's able to lift his foot to some extent and more than in August.

It's a shame fuzzy's utter inability to put together a cohesive argument and retelling of the facts has everyone now confused.

My claim is that Jaylon HAS likely advanced to a newer less restrictive and streamlined AFO due to the progress of his recovery. Fuzzy is the guy arguing that Jaylon is still wearing the same bulky AFO from back in August and has concluded that because he hasn't seen any recent photos of him wearing it, that Jaylon doesn't need one at all.
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