Jaylon Smith's nerve not firing

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First, you have heard of google haven't you? If you want to read an article about something written by a doctor, I suggest you start there.

No, I'm asking you. You say it's common sense. So if it's so common sense, I'm asking you to provide the information. The fact that you won't illustrates my point. I'm not interested in Internet doctors or their opinions. I'd like to read or hear the opinion of a real one. Thank you.

Second, is this the first Jaylon Smith thread you have entered and read? All of this has been discussed and explained at length right here on this board for over a year now including numerous medical articles explaining every issue pertaining to damaged nerves and drop foot. I've simply paid attention, read, and learned about the topic from the numerous resources posted. So if you don't want to believe that regenerate and refire are not the same thing, good for you, but you would be wrong.

Newsflash: I don't read every post in a thread, nor do I follow every stream of discussion.
But now that I'm focused on this issue and I asked the question, I'm asking you to provide the information.
If you can't, then don't bother responding to my question. I'd rather hear from a real doctor anyway.
Enough with you Holiday Inn guests. :laugh:
You don't need to be an expert in the field to have a valid opinion or knowledge.

Else pretty much no one would be talking about football.

Tyke is just intent on discounting takes and opinions.
You would go for the cheap blanket dismissal. You acting obtuse about the intent of question by generalizing it when what we have been arguing about is his foot drop is typical from you but nonsense nonetheless.

You said he is not able to lift his foot which means no progress.

Stopped reading your incoherent blathering after the bolded crap claim.

Your "argument" is so devoid of actual substance you've now resorted to just making it up. But hey, that's par for the course for you.

I've detailed my belief of Jaylon's progress and current status which is trending upward positively. If you think Jaylon lifting his foot is the only possible indicator of progress, then I can't help your limited thought processes; you're saddled with what you were born with.

What I won't do is make up and believe baseless claims that can't be substantiated like Jaylon supposedly lifting his foot without the aid of a brace.

I let the facts speak for itself rather than try to speak "truth" into existence like you do.
here is a question, if he plays in game one, will the other team try to attack him, like by him having to cover a TE or slot guy?

Bottom line is we should see him in ps games, so will know more then, but he could be a liability if he isnt 100% and is in a real game.
In fact, I said the exact opposite in one of the recent Jaylon related mega-threads when we discussed the very same issue and still photos.
You tried claiming he was still wearing the bulky AFO and proudly posted a photo from back in August 2016 before the season had even started. I believe his injury rehab/healing has progressed and that he's wearing a much more streamlined AFO (which you didn't even know existed until you got called-out for posting that old photo). His nerve pathway is regenerating down the leg and hopefully will restore full function of his foot. That said, there is no evidence that he can lift his foot.

If he has gone to a more streamlined AFO it is evidence that he can lift his foot. At least better than he could when he was wearing the more bulky brace that locks you foot in a 90° angle to you leg. The more streamlined AFO is for people who need less lift on their foot.
Stopped reading your incoherent blathering after the bolded crap claim.

Your "argument" is so devoid of actual substance you've now resorted to just making it up. But hey, that's par for the course for you.

I've detailed my belief of Jaylon's progress and current status which is trending upward positively. If you think Jaylon lifting his foot is the only possible indicator of progress, then I can't help your limited thought processes; you're saddled with what you were born with.

What I won't do is make up and believe baseless claims that can't be substantiated like Jaylon supposedly lifting his foot without the aid of a brace.

I let the facts speak for itself rather than try to speak "truth" into existence like you do.

Of course you did because you lack the capacity to address specifics but instead go for the lazy blanket dismissal once again.

You claim to not make things up and let the facts speak for themselves but there is no evidence of any other brace being worn than the one that has been shown yet you insist that he is wearing a lighter less supportive brace. Then with that same brain you conclude that his dropfoot has made no progress.

Everything that I have said has been based on observable phenomenon. You once again have no response to the fluidity argument.

I asked you for specifics of what other progress that could explain his increased performance and you have none. Instead you tell me that I lack the intellect to be able to do so. Typically when such claims are made a demonstration that you have thought of something. What do you have? Nothing.

Your post can be broken down to:

Appeal to ridicule.
Claims of victory.
Ad hominem.
Ad hominem.

It always devolves into this with you.
Drunk driver hit me and my son 17 months ago.


Dam, your leg is totally jacked up but you are very lucky all things considered.

Thank God you and your son didn't get killed, I sure hope they locked up the drunk driver or at least took his license away.

Sorry to hear about this, good luck with your recovery.
Dam, your leg is totally jacked up but you are very lucky all things considered.

Thank God you and your son didn't get killed, I sure hope they locked up the drunk driver or at least took his license away.

Sorry to hear about this, good luck with your recovery.
how about locking up drunks before they hit somebody ??
how about locking up drunks before they hit somebody ??

No argument from me bro..............when me and the guys go out for drinks, we take turns being the designated driver. When its your turn, you can only drink water or soda but no alcohol at all.
No argument from me bro..............when me and the guys go out for drinks, we take turns being the designated driver. When its your turn, you can only drink water or soda but no alcohol at all.
Well I hear this all the time about people hit by a drunk driver, and all the laws and police, etc seem to not stop it, so
something else needs to be done, like having undercover cops in bars looking for people who are really too drunk to drive leaving the place.
I wonder do these people all come from bars or do they get drunk elsewhere then decide to get out and drive?

Also usually the drunk person has little or no injury, but others they hit are killed.
If they would take some people working illegal drug scene and focus them on drunk drivers, they might save some lives.
and by drunk I mean really drunk.
There is a difference between just being over the limit, and really drunk and they should focus on those that get that drunk,
not the others.

designated driver is good though kudos for that.
Dam, your leg is totally jacked up but you are very lucky all things considered.

Thank God you and your son didn't get killed, I sure hope they locked up the drunk driver or at least took his license away.

Sorry to hear about this, good luck with your recovery.
He got 8 years but he'll be out in July which will be about 21 months. I'm good with that. My son came out fine. Just a sprain knee and sore ribs. Thats all that really matter to me.

It was my leg, shattered wrist, shattered hip and 2 torn ligaments in my neck. Had to fuse my head bone to my vertebrae. Lost about 30% of my side to side motion but was suppose to lose 50%. Was suppose to lose 90% of my up and down motion but only lost about 10%. Eont ever be able to run again. Which my fat *** didn't run much anyways lol. But in the end we're alive and I can't beat that.
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No, I'm asking you. You say it's common sense. So if it's so common sense, I'm asking you to provide the information. The fact that you won't illustrates my point. I'm not interested in Internet doctors or their opinions. I'd like to read or hear the opinion of a real one. Thank you.

Newsflash: I don't read every post in a thread, nor do I follow every stream of discussion.
But now that I'm focused on this issue and I asked the question, I'm asking you to provide the information.
If you can't, then don't bother responding to my question. I'd rather hear from a real doctor anyway.
Enough with you Holiday Inn guests. :laugh:

Sorry but I don't feel the need or have the desire to be your personal research monkey. If you can't grasp the concept that a damaged/dead nerve must first regenerate to provide a new path for the impulses and then it must refire which means accept and carry the impulses, then that's your issue. You figure it out when you decide it's time to understand and accept the truth.
Of course you did because you lack the capacity to address specifics but instead go for the lazy blanket dismissal once again.

You claim to not make things up and let the facts speak for themselves but there is no evidence of any other brace being worn than the one that has been shown yet you insist that he is wearing a lighter less supportive brace. Then with that same brain you conclude that his dropfoot has made no progress.

Everything that I have said has been based on observable phenomenon. You once again have no response to the fluidity argument.

I asked you for specifics of what other progress that could explain his increased performance and you have none. Instead you tell me that I lack the intellect to be able to do so. Typically when such claims are made a demonstration that you have thought of something. What do you have? Nothing.

Your post can be broken down to:

Appeal to ridicule.
Claims of victory.
Ad hominem.
Ad hominem.

It always devolves into this with you.

You guys might enjoy the Gossage Vardebedian Papers. http://maxxwolf.tripod.com/woody.html.
Sorry but I don't feel the need or have the desire to be your personal research monkey. If you can't grasp the concept that a damaged/dead nerve must first regenerate to provide a new path for the impulses and then it must refire which means accept and carry the impulses, then that's your issue. You figure it out when you decide it's time to understand and accept the truth.

Yes sir, Dr. Cowboy22. I think a patient needs your surgery skills in Room 401. :laugh:
Wait, I think I can perform the surgery myself. I mean, medical expertise is nothing more than reading and "common sense."
Now where are my scrubs, scalpel and rubber gloves. :laugh:
He got 8 years but he'll be out in July which will be about 21 months. I'm good with that. My son came out fine. Just a sprain knee and sore ribs. Thats all that really matter to me.

It was my leg, shattered wrist, shattered hip and 2 torn ligaments in my neck. Had to fuse my head bone to my vertebrae. Lost about 30% of my side to side motion but was suppose to lose 50%. Was suppose to lose 90% of my up and down motion but only lost about 10%. Eont ever be able to run again. Which my fat *** didn't run much anyways lol. But in the end we're alive and I can't beat that.

You da man! Here's to you and your continued recovery. :)
Yes sir, Dr. Cowboy22. I think a patient needs your surgery skills in Room 401. :laugh:
Wait, I think I can perform the surgery myself. I mean, medical expertise is nothing more than reading and "common sense."
Now where are my scrubs, scalpel and rubber gloves. :laugh:

Classic response from someone who has lost an arguement. Not one mention of any substance on the topic, just personal insults and mockery.
Classic response from someone who has lost an arguement. Not one mention of any substance on the topic, just personal insults and mockery.

I'm really not interested in winning or losing an argument. I didn't think I was arguing anything anyway. I simply asked a question. You didn't respond. If you want to say you "won," that's okay with me.

My two points in this discussion are:
1. I have no reason to doubt what Jaylon says about his leg regenerating and
2. I'd rather hear/read/consider the opinion of a doctor, i.e., one on this board or an article written by a doctor explaining the difference between a nerve regenerating and a nerve firing.

For some reason it offends you that I don't take your word for it or consider this a matter of "common sense." But that's your problem not mine. I don't care how many articles you've read, if you haven't flown a plane, I'm not getting in one with you as the pilot. I'll trust one who actually has flown a plane.

Silly idea on my part, huh? :rolleyes:
I'm really not interested in winning or losing an argument. I didn't think I was arguing anything anyway. I simply asked a question. You didn't respond. If you want to say you "won," that's okay with me.

My two points in this discussion are:
1. I have no reason to doubt what Jaylon says about his leg regenerating and
2. I'd rather hear/read/consider the opinion of a doctor, i.e., one on this board or an article written by a doctor explaining the difference between a nerve regenerating and a nerve firing.

For some reason it offends you that I don't take your word for it or consider this a matter of "common sense." But that's your problem not mine. I don't care how many articles you've read, if you haven't flown a plane, I'm not getting in one with you as the pilot. I'll trust one who actually has flown a plane.

Silly idea on my part, huh? :rolleyes:

That's a totally ridiculous analogy. A more appropriate one would be your refusal to believe anyone but a pilot if they attempted to tell you how planes are able to achieve lift and fly. One does not need to be a pilot to understand the principles of flight just as one does not need to be a doctor to understand how things in the human body work. Jaylon Smith's injury and recovery has been talked about and covered from all angles at length on this board since he was drafted. When I referred to common sense it was meant to convey that anyone who frequents this board and has been paying attention should know that regenerating and refiring are two totally different processes. Have you seen anyone refute that they are not the same thing? No, because everyone here already knows that and knew it 8-10 months ago when it was a daily topic of conversation. If you missed all that, fine, but it doesn't take a doctor to understand simple recovery aspects of the human body especially after numerous medical articles on the subject have been posted, discussed, and thoroughly explained. If nothing but something from a medical journal will do for you, then go look for it.
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