JC Copeland looks amazing


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I dont have twitter and for some reason, I cant watch videos on DC.com. The videos I've seen on him he looks amazing, if he loses some weight I think he translates well into the NFL. (With the right plays) Does ANYONE have anything one this guy.
Seriously, after the draft I youtubed ALL the rookies and JC Copeland stood out to me by far. (I understand its youtube and the highlight are made to favor the players but still.)
It's a bit early but from I've read he is not the favored FB at this time. That, of course, could change come training camp.
No way he can lose enough weight to be effective in a short time. I predict practice squad if he shows any ability, along with a weight he must reach by next year. He must get down to 260; otherwise, he's a one trick pony, and a backup lineman can do what he would do.
No way he can lose enough weight to be effective in a short time. I predict practice squad if he shows any ability, along with a weight he must reach by next year. He must get down to 260; otherwise, he's a one trick pony, and a backup lineman can do what he would do.

He was only at 270. I can lose 30 lbs in 6 months... so wieght shouldnt be a problem.
Unless he drops weight and learns to be more than a situational battering ram, he will not make the team. Carrying a fullback is questionable to begin with, let alone one who has underdeveloped skills as a pass receiver. Even at LSU, he was a bit player that could be used in special situations. On a 53 man roster, he is going to have to be more versatile than he has ever shown, including playing special teams.

I do not get how people can look at this player and not realize he has a long way to go to be considered a lock to make the roster.
No way he can lose enough weight to be effective in a short time. I predict practice squad if he shows any ability, along with a weight he must reach by next year. He must get down to 260; otherwise, he's a one trick pony, and a backup lineman can do what he would do.

You really think 10 lbs will make or break him? I'm sure they'd love for him to drop to 260, but if he can play, he can play. What he really should be focused on, is contributing on special teams.

I do not get how people can look at this player and not realize he has a long way to go to be considered a lock to make the roster.

What undrafted rookie is a lock at this point in the offseason?
What undrafted rookie is a lock at this point in the offseason?
None of them should be.

But that does not stop a lot of people from assuming Copeland is just so "beastly" that he already has a role carved out as the lone fullback on the roster.

He is a novelty at this point, nothing more.
None of them should be.

But that does not stop a lot of people from assuming Copeland is just so "beastly" that he already has a role carved out as the lone fullback on the roster.

He is a novelty at this point, nothing more.

I don't see the issue with fans rooting for a guy, much less a fullback. What's the harm? It's not like they are saying "Cut Player X to make room for Copeland.", they just like the guy.
ahhh, another fan pet cat. I think everyone is fantasizing about Johnston. but lets not forget that that brand of football is no longer practiced in the NFL. the FB position has gone by the way side and we see less and less of them. with emphasis on the passing game, the two TE and spread offenses are what works in today's NFL>

so I am not as high on Copeland. he probably would only get 5-10 snaps a game anyway. outside of the youtube highlight videos of him blowing people up in the hole on running plays, the things I have read about him is his lack of proper technique as his approach is to try and decleat, instead of control and manage (ala Johnston). I am not sure about his pass blocking ability. also not sure how good he is catching out of the back field as everyone forgets how good Johnston was in that aspect of the game.

in short, its good to have pet cats. but I doubt if he makes it and the fantasies of him blowing people up through the whole and murray and dunbar running wild is, well fantasies and far from reality of today's NFL.
This team keeps spots open for one trick ponies; carrying two kickers.;) Beasley(ish) until this season anyway. Linehan is now working him outside in mini camps and would likely use motion to get him out of jams. Teams got weapons but you're right he must show value other than as a lead blocker, especially in a Garret/even Linehan style offense.
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How many true FB's on the roster?

It doesn't look like the Cowboys have emphasized this position as an integral part of their offense. So, this isolated player of that position must truly be a football athlete, and have some versatility. The chances of that happening with Copeland are slim (the only thing slim about him), as he has not yet shown the likelihood for ST ace. Might make the PS.
I'm excited about the rookies too. I just don't see this overweight kid making it. If he was a beast, someone may have drafted him late in round seven. Name the FBs his size that have made it in the NFL.

I want to run the ball with power too, but I'd prefer a 245 LB fullback with a little straight line speed who can catch the ball.
I'm pulling for the guy.
I've watched a lot of LSU football.

But maybe it's me and I'm the I'm he only one here...but I'm NOT overly impressed with his overall game. For his size, I don't see the power that I would expect and I certainly don't see consistency or routine explosiveness. He also misses his assignments when blocking and holes when running.
Again, when he's on, this kid is fun to watch and I am thrilled that we brought him in. I sure don't want to be the downer here (and those that know me know I try to stay upbeat). Just sayin..
I guess we'll see.
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He didn't look special to me. But who knows? He might just be the magic sauce that makes our running game work this year.

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