Jean-Jacques Taylor: Henson Project Could Be Sacked

summerisfunner said:
I'm actually in agreement w/ both you and Alexander, if coaches couldn't tell by the performance of their QBs, by charting them in practice, they would give up the process, but on the otherhand, practice will only tell you so much, as the pace is MUCh slower than a real live game, and you don't know what the opposition is going to throw at you by practicing against your own D

I don't understand, if you're saying Parcells doesn't know about his QBs, from watching them in practice, then he must not know about the rest of the players at different positions then, that they're up in the air too, I certainly hope you're not saying that

Come on Summer, don't be equating QB position to rest of the positions. You should know that by now. You can be all world in TC and even pre-season and stink it up in regular season. Remember Leaf out played Peyton initially in pre-season? Heck Stoerner used to be pretty good in pre-season and heck played pretty well in few games, till his stinker in Meadowland.

I clearly said, obviously BP has better idea than any of us yahoos on the internet. Having said that, I am pretty sure, he is not 100% certain either, if he was, he wouldn't be saying, hum and haw about where his backup QBs are in their development.

Heck BP says about every position the same thing. He doesn't know till they are in real game situations how they will develop.
RCowboyFan said:
Come on Summer, don't be equating QB position to rest of the positions. You should know that by now. You can be all world in TC and even pre-season and stink it up in regular season. Remember Leaf out played Peyton initially in pre-season? Heck Stoerner used to be pretty good in pre-season and heck played pretty well in few games, till his stinker in Meadowland.

I clearly said, obviously BP has better idea than any of us yahoos on the internet. Having said that, I am pretty sure, he is not 100% certain either, if he was, he wouldn't be saying, hum and haw about where his backup QBs are in their development.

Heck BP says about every position the same thing. He doesn't know till they are in real game situations how they will develop.

does bill really say this? 'cause that's what i've been saying for quite some time and i've been plastered lately 'cause bill must know w/o having to see them in a real game - why am i so bullheaded..."

now THAT would be ironic. : )
iceberg said:
does bill really say this? 'cause that's what i've been saying for quite some time and i've been plastered lately 'cause bill must know w/o having to see them in a real game - why am i so bullheaded..."

now THAT would be ironic. : )

No, you're getting plastered because along with this Bill never, ever puts a player on the field in a position to fail - even for "evaluation purposes."

And he never puts a player before the team, or before winning a game.

If you're going to use Bill's philosophies to bolster you're argument, at least be consistent and use all of them - don't cherry pick the one's that suit your purpose.
wileedog said:
No, you're getting plastered because along with this Bill never, ever puts a player on the field in a position to fail - even for "evaluation purposes."

And he never puts a player before the team, or before winning a game.

If you're going to use Bill's philosophies to bolster you're argument, at least be consistent and use all of them - don't cherry pick the one's that suit your purpose.

now did i oir did i NOT *ASK* if this is what bill said?

why did i ask? CAUSE I DIDN'T KNOW!!!!

jeez people - then you come in here and act as if i'm quoting bill when i'm only FREAKING ASKING ABOUT IT!

and *i'm* picking fights.
CowboyManDan said:
I'm waiting until we see how training camp and preseason goes before I give up on Henson. I, and I know I'm not the only one, think he had a good NFLE season. It'll be interesting to see what the people who are against him do if Henson wins the 2nd string job.

But it's been clear to me ever since Parcells yanked him from the thanksgiving game that Parcells either doesn't see it in him...or that he's playing severe mind games with him (which Parcells likes to do to some players). But I don't think Parcells is a good judge of QBs. RBs, heck yes.

What do ya know? Old old-one look Willie never did impress Parcells too much. You've gotta be disappointed that the hype never panned out. And Lord there was a LOT of hype.

What a wasted pick. Oh well though, maybe he'll be worth some enterntainment; perhaps he can honk his nose for everyone on his way out.

Good riddance.
ConcordCowboy said:
Jean-Jacques Taylor: Henson project could be sacked

Drew Henson's days in Dallas are numbered. That might be a good thing.

During last week's minicamp, coach Bill Parcells said he wasn't that impressed with Henson's performance in NFL Europe. Tony Romo has clearly passed Henson on the depth chart, and as long as Parcells is the head coach – of course that might only be for one more season – then Henson isn't going to move on the depth chart.

If this is true and I don't see why anyone would see otherwise...This is why he's such a Nozzle!

Henson could be the Second coming of Aikman...But we'll never know because Parcells has already made up his mind and we all know he's never wrong.
Watch Henson play. THE GUY CANNOT READ THE FIELD!!! He stares down one reciever the whole time and then tries to throw it with mediocre strength and accuracy.

He's a horrible QB that just doesn't have it upstairs; a circus clown. Parcells knows this.
RCowboyFan said:
Maybe you ought to watch the game again, because I doubt Henson fumbled on his first snap because they were on loose coverage.

They were blitzing pretty well. But I think Chicago had game film on Henson and were prepared to play him, rather than Baltimore, who were really prepared to play only Vinny.

As far as second statement, I am sure Saints saw plenty of Jake Delhomme in practice and even in couple games, yet they, in their all their wisdom thought, Aaron Brooks was the better QB. So much for knowing by watching practices.

Both the guys you mention, are first rounders, with lot of money invested and they are usually pushed to play, much like J.P. Losman even if they suck in or not the best in Practice or Akili Smith etc.. In fact, there were many reports that Palmer wasn't the best player in practice and Kitna was when they decided to start him. Same with every year we keep hearing how Byron Leftwitch is outperformed in Practice by his backup, yet Leftwitch is the guy starting and might also add, indeed is the better QB.

So your argument is not really valid about practices always proving that a player can play. Heck, we all know Ben wasn't so hot in Pittsburgh when he started with obvious statements from players.

Not that I am totally disagreeing with you, but examples you gave are not good ones though.

Not really, to compare Henson and Romo to first round calibre qb's is a whole nother story. Parcells said that the reason he took Henson out of the Bear game was that he was missing some simple stuff, that told him that Henson was way in over his head, plus he really didn't want to play Henson anyway.
iceberg said:
what would you like for me to do, jack? i've tried to understand, tried to be reasonable, tried to get what you were saying - yet any time i say anything at all it only sets you up to "attack" and i'm just tired of it. if thinking i'm that bad a person is that important to you i can't stop you. but i do find it ironic as hell that when you talked to me about being open to other alternatives, you've spent the last few days beating the hell out of me for mine. since this is a "no win" no sense in playing anymore.

and that makes me a bad person.

got it, moving on now.

Yes, the history of the Ice, don't agree with him and you're attacking. This is so predictable. You try this, you try that, and it's nothing of the sort. Another predictable thing is your insertion of words that someone doesn't say, claim it as fact, and expect that person to defend it. Ahhh yes, Senior smart*** also expects sarcasm only to be given on his end, but never aimed at him. That's a big no no, he shall let you know when you may be sarcastic.

And we never spoke of alternative thinking. It was your brow beating absent of the truth is what we talked about. And THAT is what hasn't changed one bit, as evident from this thread.
wileedog said:
Kinda shot your own argument in the foot there, no?

Not really, Brooks was a proven commodity in real games, while Delhomme was not. Brooks,despite the hate he's given has had a very productive career, it's not his fault that he doesn't have better receivers or that his rb has been banged up the last couple of years or Hurricane Katrina or his bad defense. It wouldn't surpise me if Brooks does very well in Oakland with that supporting cast..
jackrussell said:
Yes, the history of the Ice, don't agree with him and you're attacking. This is so predictable. You try this, you try that, and it's nothing of the sort. Another predictable thing is your insertion of words that someone doesn't say, claim it as fact, and expect that person to defend it. Ahhh yes, Senior smart*** also expects sarcasm only to be given on his end, but never aimed at him. That's a big no no, he shall let you know when you may be sarcastic.

And we never spoke of alternative thinking. It was your brow beating absent of the truth is what we talked about. And THAT is what hasn't changed one bit, as evident from this thread.

um, ok.
Alexander said:
What I don't quite understand is that we do have a proven winning head coach. This isn't a coach who fell off the turnip truck yesterday nor is he some underqualified Jerry Jones puppet. He has a track record, yet some are prepared to state that his method here is just wrong.

He has made some grave mistakes in Dallas. But not playing Henson or Romo just so the fans can have a taste of what they can do isn't as high on the list as we make it out to be.

You're really on today, I couldn't agree more. It's not about one player or one position. The rest of the team needs to have the best qb in the starting lineup period. All this 'lets waste a season or two trying to find the next holy grail of qbs is rediculous'.
iceberg said:
now did i oir did i NOT *ASK* if this is what bill said?

why did i ask? CAUSE I DIDN'T KNOW!!!!

jeez people - then you come in here and act as if i'm quoting bill when i'm only FREAKING ASKING ABOUT IT!

and *i'm* picking fights.

Sounded like a sarcastic comment, which is why I went where I did.

Sorry if otherwise, but these things don't always translate well.
I still think it was idiotic of BP to not play either Henson or Romo during the wasted year Intercepteverde was QB'ing, esp at the end of the season when we were out of the playoff race.
I would not have even cared which one it least one of them, or both, would have SOME game experience now....
wileedog said:
Sounded like a sarcastic comment, which is why I went where I did.

Sorry if otherwise, but these things don't always translate well.

of that i can agree - so thank you for the clarification.

just been a "sore argument" that some feel you get no value out of playing a qb in meaningless games and i just feel you get actual game footage to use and game speed to evaluate so it can help. then someone said bp said you can only tell in a game if a player can play and i thought it funny if his own quote would support my view - so i was asking if he really said that cause i would haver thought it ironic, but not really any form of "vindication".

just woulda been funny. : )
Parcells is not infowlable. Nobody is asking for Henson or Romo to be the starters. There wondering why were wasting time on either if neither is talented enough to get time in a meaningless game. Romo has four years, Henson has three. If neither are any good or if only one is no good, why is he still here? That, more then anything is the question IMO.

I think its foolish pride. Indeed, neither one is playing significantly because they (Bill) don't think they're ready yet or we'd seen some signs of progress. I think there's hand wringing going on. Look, the Chargers let Brees go for Rivers, the Skins let Ramsey go for Campbell, the Pats let Bledsoe go for Brady and Niners let Montana go for Young and the Ravens brought McNair in for Boller just like we brought Bledsoe in for Henson and Romo. In summary, when let the more experienced guy go, it shows you have confidence in the youngster, when you bring in a vet to replace a youngster, it shows that you don't believe the youngster is ready now and maybe the forseeable future, or maybe he needs more time than you thought. I believe it's just a matter of time before we bring in the vet backup;if indeed, this is Parcells last year, the vet would insure we would be at least competitive should Bledsoe get injured or faulter.
Brooks maybe one of the most inconsistent QB's to ever play; the guy can make some unreal plays- then throw a reallys stupid pick. You cannot rely on him to be consistent- the saints gave him a lot of chances over several years. He just never could put it all together. Maybe he will do better elsewhere- but to try and blame everyone but him for his mistakes is really out there. ALMOST as out there as claiming that Q has any future in the NFL.
silverbear said:
LOL... c'mon, Alexander, when he says Parcells is not "infowlable", he CLEARLY means he's not chicken...

That was one of the more enjoyable mis-spellings I've seen in a long time...

Of course not, he meant Parcells is intunable.:)
The chargers letting Brees go will probably be their biggest mistake ever; all because their GM wanted HIS guy. By the time Rivers is ready to really lead, the rest of the team will be rebuilding. I think the Chargers blew a real shot at the SB this season by letting Brees go. GIbbs stabbed Ramsay in the back and never really gave him any support; I still think Ramsay could have been good if he had had the backing of his coach.
iceberg said:
and this is what i mean. when i was in theater - i could do fine in rehearsals, but when the lights went on and people were there, it's a different game. you can and will react differently. you can see talent in rehearsal but you'll see a "gift" when it's for real in some.

i'm not saying henson or romo have "the gift" - i'm just saying when you have a chance to get them "real" playing time - it can tell you more than 50 1/3 speed practices when you're not allowed to hit anyone on the field.

most will be the same. some will fall and some will step it up. no way of knowing what you got till you play it.


I believe Parcells has already addressed this when he said 'this aint no practice league', meaning all the games count and that affects his legacy,ie, won-lost record. When and If the youngsters are ready, that's when they'll play, certainly not before they've demonstrated to him, and not us and our idle curiosity, that they're ready.
I think this is true. When Favre was with the Falcons, they said he wasn't very impressive in practice. They traded him and even in Green Bay, they said the same thing early on. Delhomme was the same way. Said he was unimpressive in practice. Sonny Jerguson was the same. It happens.

So Henson has probably shown that he's not good in practice and or real game, that's probably why he's not playing.

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