Jean-Jacques Taylor: Henson Project Could Be Sacked

RCowboyFan said:
Strangely BP is only of that view on QBs only. It was clear, in his second year, Bradie James was a liability when he played, but BP still tried to play him, eventually giving it up and playing Dexter more.

actually BP was only trying to get Bradie to beat out Dexter in TC, he couldn't, and Dexter started all 16 games, w/ Bradie coming off the bench
No. Part of evaluation is also adaptation. Can a player adapte to a situation and be effective?

wouldn't it be fairer, and more effective, to wait until they're ready to play, and then see if they can adapt? Romo and Henson are just getting their heads around in the game, now is the time to see if they have anything, not last year, and esp. not 2 years ago
iceberg said:
in his 2nd year, w/vinnie at the helm. we were out of the playoffs w/3 games left in the season still.

golden opportunity we pissed away. now 2 years later we still no nothing of romo and henson only cause he volunteered to go to europe.

we know a little something of Romo, Parcells just saying that he has high hopes for him
Perhaps. To me, he could have shown that in 3 quarters worth of work and been justifiably pulled.

and now 1 quarter of play is going to be a great benefit for either Romo or Henson?
iceberg said:
if it's not, then why fight "against" it so much? : )

I'm not, just trying to understand what the fuss is all about, 2/3 games, I know that won't satisfy me
please, someone, anyone, give me at least 1 example of less than 16 games making an impact on a young QB, just 1

and you also have to remember that what worked for 1 player, isn't going to be the same result for another player, alot of what making a Qb a good qB is that particular QB getting it, that's why you hear about Favre not looking great in practice, but once he hit the field, everything clicked, not every Qb is like that
summerisfunner said:
please, someone, anyone, give me at least 1 example of less than 16 games making an impact on a young QB, just 1

You're asking a question that NO ONE will be able to provide an answer for. (maybe clint Longley?:p: )

Add in where now our victim is claiming that we're saying BP should never be questioned....even though to this point I see where NO ONE has said that either.(kinda getting used to these misrepresentations)

So far as I can tell, we're only saying it's just not that big a deal whether he played in one particular game or not. Like it's the end of the world or something.....

Like someone said, we'd be in the same position today regardless of that one game....even though he HAS indeed played....
The Answer said:
Jean-Jacques Taylor: Henson project could be sacked

Drew Henson's days in Dallas are numbered. That might be a good thing.

:jackpot:He was like throwing money away.
:pray2: One can only pray this is true and that he's finally gone.

:write: Dear Santa, Dear Jerry, you know what I want for Christmas.
:blind::blind::blind: Henson fans truly are like the blind leading the blind.

:grouphug: And when they're not keeping the drool off of their chins, here, they're somewhere else doing "group" things. :blind: There newest inductee asks, "Hey guys, uh, uh, I know someone said some girls were going to be here,...uh, uh, whose hand is that, gulp...

:dance2: It's just a seven-thing, it's just a henson thing, we do it everyday!

:blind: Uh, uh, no guys, I just don't know about that..

:dance: He's our idol, he's our idol, we cover our eyes and pretend he's you!

:blind: Uh, uh, no guys, SERIOUSLY! Seriously, no, stop!

:dance3: You like it, you like it, you like it just like we like him!

:ralph: :ralph::ralph::ralph: What happens at Henson's locker, stays there :ralph::ralph::ralph:

summerisfunner said:
please, someone, anyone, give me at least 1 example of less than 16 games making an impact on a young QB, just 1

and you also have to remember that what worked for 1 player, isn't going to be the same result for another player, alot of what making a Qb a good qB is that particular QB getting it, that's why you hear about Favre not looking great in practice, but once he hit the field, everything clicked, not every Qb is like that

you're right, summer. what works for one may not work for another. where a 3 game stretch may not help 1 player, it may help another. and no, not every player is like favre - not trying to make that implication. only trying to say that from my own POV giving a young qb games to build on is important. we didn't and now when we ask about our backups, we have 1/2 of a nfl game for henson and that *does* get brought up.

would 3 games for henson OR romo get brought up in the same light? yes we'd be talking about it, yes we'd use it to prove our points - either way. then to me, yes bp and the staff would have it to evaluate (maybe it's not much but something is better than nothing isn't it?) and the player would have the experience to build upon.

fans, coaches, blah blah blah - maybe i'm hard headed about it cause *i* wanted a glimpse of the possible future as i don't like our "retread city" we're on now. even less w/a 41 year old qb doing us no good at all. so at the time it was vinnie for 3 more games, or let the young guys play since vinnie is NOT our answer. it's got nothing to do with 1 game last year - that one doesn't bug me but the 3 games the year before, does.

this is NOT meant to be a holy war against fans who don't have a problem with our young guys not playing and i've read many valid reaons for it but still hold my own opinion there was more to gain than lose by letting the players play.
iceberg said:
but no one (at least not me) is asking you to "outhink" bp - but offer up how you feel about something. if you'd rather not get into it cause bp has it handled well enough for you - that's fine. i think most respect and understand that. but since you and i are on the "fan plane" then i'd like to know what "alexander" thinks about our situation, not that "bp has it covered". takes the fun out of it. : )

I would hope that since I agree with the head coach that outlines what I think about it.

And as for Romo, my "personal" evaluation isn't much to speak of. I have seen glimpses in preseason and that didn't impress me. Neither is it the case with Henson.

And as for neither of them playing, I will be honest, I am not sure I want to have my gut feelings put on public display. I just have hope that the staff has seen something I haven't. Playing them in a trash game isn't going to change that much.
Alexander said:
I would hope that since I agree with the head coach that outlines what I think about it.

And as for Romo, my "personal" evaluation isn't much to speak of. I have seen glimpses in preseason and that didn't impress me. Neither is it the case with Henson.

And as for neither of them playing, I will be honest, I am not sure I want to have my gut feelings put on public display. I just have hope that the staff has seen something I haven't. Playing them in a trash game isn't going to change that much.

heh - after trying to put "gut feelings" on display lately, i can relate to this one, alexander. : ) some can violently disagree and then i can get caught up in all the explanations. then the posts take on a life of their own and people read one thing and assume it's what the writer meant. i tend to push to clarify, not condem but i don't see too many others do that.

anyway - off to work.
kartr said:
I really don't care what you think of my opinion cause Carter has already had a better NFL career than Henson ever will.

yeah, at least he is no crankase getting cut by a CFL team. :lmao2: :lmao:
In all seriousness.

Do you guys really not get tired of the same recycled, regurgitated arguments about backup QBs and QBs no longer on this team?

Now I know some people just like to argue and have a good time playing devils advocate (I am guilty of this) but how many ways can one argue about Henson, Romo and or QC?

It is all like some bizzare game of let's tell others what we think over and over when we already know they have their mind set and will not even give it a chance to sink in.

Reminds me of a part in an older movie.


Joshua- A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?
BrAinPaiNt said:
Now I know some people just like to argue and have a good time playing devils advocate (I am guilty of this) but how many ways can one argue about Henson, Romo and or QC?

Spoken like a true Hutch-lover.
iceberg said:
would 3 games for henson OR romo get brought up in the same light? yes we'd be talking about it, yes we'd use it to prove our points - either way.

but my question now is, would it then be fair to make assessments on only 2 or 3 games? to me, the answer is a resounding no

iceberg said:
then to me, yes bp and the staff would have it to evaluate (maybe it's not much but something is better than nothing isn't it?) and the player would have the experience to build upon.

and I'm saying that I tend to put faith in the evaluation capabilities of our coach, who has been around QBs for years, even though people may disagree with the success he's had, at least Parcells has been doing it for awhile and has somewhat of an idea by watching them in practice
BrAinPaiNt said:
In all seriousness.

Do you guys really not get tired of the same recycled, regurgitated arguments about backup QBs and QBs no longer on this team?

Now I know some people just like to argue and have a good time playing devils advocate (I am guilty of this) but how many ways can one argue about Henson, Romo and or QC?

It is all like some bizzare game of let's tell others what we think over and over when we already know they have their mind set and will not even give it a chance to sink in.

Reminds me of a part in an older movie.

lol, point taken Brain, but sorry, if I see the same counter-arguments broached about Henson and/or Romo, I'm going to react with my same arguments that counter the counter-argument

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