Jerry down and out


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I just watched the after-game interviews last night. I don't think I ever saw a more down and out Jerry than after this loss. Kept saying he was sick about it, over and over. Then he and the kid canceled their radio shows, not like Jerry to not run his mouth at every opportunity. Even though I've taken many shots at him over the years, I actually feel bad for the old guy. He did get us 3 Superbowls, albeit a gazillion years ago.

Jerry was looking pretty bad too, think he knows something about his health that we don't, like maybe his time is not short, but very short?


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I just watched the after-game interviews last night. I don't think I ever saw a more down and out Jerry than after this loss. Kept saying he was sick about it, over and over. Then he and the kid canceled their radio shows, not like Jerry to not run his mouth at every opportunity. Even though I've taken many shots at him over the years, I actually feel bad for the old guy. He did get us 3 Superbowls, albeit a gazillion years ago.

Jerry was looking pretty bad too, think he knows something about his health that we don't, like maybe his time is not short, but very short?
Ya he had the mystery illness over the summer. He isn't looking good either.


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I just watched the after-game interviews last night. I don't think I ever saw a more down and out Jerry than after this loss. Kept saying he was sick about it, over and over. Then he and the kid canceled their radio shows, not like Jerry to not run his mouth at every opportunity. Even though I've taken many shots at him over the years, I actually feel bad for the old guy. He did get us 3 Superbowls, albeit a gazillion years ago.

Jerry was looking pretty bad too, think he knows something about his health that we don't, like maybe his time is not short, but very short?
Don’t feel bad for him he’s the main reason for it


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When someone keeps up the same behavior that leads to the same disappointment over and over, it's hard to feel sorry for them. If he kept trying different things and kept failing, that's different. He's the architect of this failure though.

No pity for him.


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Jerry isn't upset, he was just playing for the cameras.

He only gets upset when he loses money on something.


Well-Known Member
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I just watched the after-game interviews last night. I don't think I ever saw a more down and out Jerry than after this loss. Kept saying he was sick about it, over and over. Then he and the kid canceled their radio shows, not like Jerry to not run his mouth at every opportunity. Even though I've taken many shots at him over the years, I actually feel bad for the old guy. He did get us 3 Superbowls, albeit a gazillion years ago.

Jerry was looking pretty bad too, think he knows something about his health that we don't, like maybe his time is not short, but very short?
good....we've been down and out for 28 years

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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OK, I don't recall that. At any rate, Jerry looked really sad in this years after-game interview, I mean like really, really sad. Just sayin'.
If you are really upset about the loss
Take responsibility and hire a gm.
Jerry is the man reason for the 28 years
Of futility.
Have some self awareness about your limitations.