Twitter: Jerry: Garrett has evolved into a top coach. Would be very sought after on open market


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Why would you have any hope of that happening with all the Puppets we’ve had with Jerry’s agenda and dysfunctional organization ?

And while I’m not an advocate of his coaching ability I am of his positive influence on Jerry.

We’ve had enough moderate success I believe with a little more talent in key areas it could be enough to take next step. That’s my greatest hope anyway.

I hear you my friend, I get your point...……..Jerry will not hire a real head coach, so Garrett is the best we are going to get. I think that is what you are saying.

My hope is that maybe Jerry will hire a new head coach that he thinks is a puppet, but actually turns out to be good. Like how sometimes a President picks a Supreme Court judge that he thinks will be totally in the tank for him, but the judge actually votes the opposite way once they get the job.

Probably all just wishful thinking on my part.


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Wanting a greater HC is every Cowboys fans dream. But it’s just not a realistic solution within the parameters Jerry will allow.

And why we have to come up with Plan B. Which IMO is greater talent at key positions and asst coaches which Jerry isn’t as intimated with.

Many thought Moore might be one of those.? I’m not sure why we’ve already given up on that notion. I guess we get too sidetracked with a few tough losses?

Once fans come to grips that Plan A isn’t a realistic option only then can they begin to look for Plan B solutions.


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Why don't you be realistic here for a second man. Jerry said the same stuff about Wade Phillips and look what happened to him once he lost the team. The bottom line is this, if the players can't get their act together and win some games Jerry's tune is going change really click, so to sit here and say "Jason isn't going anywhere..Mark my words? is ludicrous.... If Jason can't get this fixed, he will be as good as gone, MARK MY WORDS.

This, old jerrah is not stupid he may other things but he sees the handwriting on the wall with this team.


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Apparently some think you'll get better results if you baby him. Pretend everything's OK. The team will play inspired football that way. LOL

Jerry has given him a warm blanket and a baby pacifier to suck on and makes sure his warm and comfortable as a coach. Therefore there is no reason for him to innovate and make changes. Garrett is the epitome of "status quo." Thus the reason why his output is mediocre.


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Oh god look out you mentioned Dak in a non elite light, the super Dak love guys will take you to the shed for that, expect names, insults, family insults are sure to come from the crazy rabid Dakies.

I'll be ok.


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Not really something new with Jerry Jones. Aikman once said that Jones was far too optimistic about drafted players...saying that Jones would pump up each and every one of them as future HOFers. Jones is an eternal optimist and he has always had to be dragged kicking and screaming to that cold, black, empty room marked REALITY.

His quip that 500 coaches could have won the Superbowls that Johnson won was just ate-up at the time.