Jerry goes off on the hosts of 105.3

We all saw this season coming months ago which led to nothing but doom and gloom the entire offseason. We lost a bunch of players in free agency, some of which are helping Washington and did virtually nothing in free agency to replace them but sign an aging linebacker and bring back a washed up RB who’s been just another wasted roster spot. Not to mention the midget RB who hardly gets any playing time. We didn’t make any moves to improve and ended up getting worse. Everyone thought for sure we would go after Derrick Henry and he ended up destroying us a few weeks ago. The Joneses look like a couple of inept idiots. Jerry can barely talk these days he’s like listening to porky pig. Him and his boneheaded son keep saying they like their personnel and the problems are all technical and can be fixed. :rolleyes: Both of them keep talking about how amazing their coaching staff is. They just keep spinning the same tiring BS over and over. They keep making excuses that we’re losing to good teams that are hot. It’s depressing listening to them.
I know those radio guys were trying to keep the show on the rails but if some client of mine came into my job like that and started threatening me I would give him the what for and worry about my job later
It would have been awesome, and even worth the job to tell Jerry to go to hell for his attitude and threats, and hang up on him. Kick him off the show.
Well, the criticism is good for Jerry and maybe he does things different next offseason.

I would want to ask him, why they felt they had to get the Dak deal done and why not let him prove he's worth the top money by showing how he elevates the team this season?
I am surprised Jerry didn't tell the host to go find another team ...... he sounds just like the usual suspects on here.

Additionally, I'm going to take this further! Now it's going to put the person who asked the question in a tough spot. He may really want to criticise what we can all see needs to be pointed out. Sometimes, you have to highlight where the problems on the team are for them to be fixed. Part of being a fan is knowing where the flaws are so we can understand what needs fixing. In the media, the person asking the questions needs to be able to tell Jerry where we all see the problems are. Now, he had his job questioned for doing what probably every Cowboys fan was wanting to know from Jerry.

This leads him, someone who is probably not making a huge amount of money, to have to choose whether to kiss Jerry's tail or do what needs to be done to do his job. It's further why I am DISGUSTED with Jerry. I hope people now see how slimy Jerry is. For him to do that to a media person who makes a fraction of what he makes who's trying to do his job, PATHETIC AND REVOLTING.

Shannon said that he wouldn't shed a tear if we never make another playoff for the remainder of the time Jerry is the owner as a result of what Jerry did. I always want us to make the playoffs and win. That said, as I stated in one of my threads yesterday, this team probably has at least 2-4 years needed to rebuild (assuming it's done right) to even be close to championship caliber. it may not even be something that Shannon hopes happens. Jerry is 82. His response today reeks of a man who knows the grim reaper is drawing closer and is in a corner. He probably knows he hasn't got long left. And he probably realises that, even if he went into a full rebuild, he may not be alive to see its fulfillment.

So, it begs another question in my mind. Is Jerry trying to make things so bad to the point where Stephen has no chance of rebuilding this team? Look at where the Raiders are now! Look what Al Davis (Jerry's mentor) left Mark with! Is that our future?
It has been our "future" for the past 28 years.
i hope now the media keep going after him even more and he end up saying some thing really bad and he is force to sell the team like donald sterling

that would also get rid of stephen talk about win win x 100000000000
I think he will but they have done this for years Jerry has thrown several fits at them over the last 5 will eventually just be Mickey and Brad on some Jerry paid for platform because thats the only ones who care about Jerry.
Not sure they like or "care" about Jerry but he does pay their salaries so there's that. Many of you old-timers here might remember that Jones fired Dale Hanson who was Brad Sham's radio partner for many years. You do not cross Jerry Jones in this market. Especially, these nobodies at the Fan.
Promoting Deuce to RB1 is the only thing that can fix this mess
Here is what another Dallas media person wrote today about Jerry:

I presented Jimmy Johnson for the NFL Hall of Fame. He sent me his contract, which included a clause stating that he also served as General Manager. He knew Jerry Jones, so he had it put in the contract. He did serve as General Manager, and he won those Super Bowls. Jones was the owner. Those were Jimmy Johnson-built teams. Since that last Super Bowl, Jones has tried to prove he can be the General Manager. It has not worked, and it continues not to work.
We’re going to break him eventually.

Keep the pressure on. He’s feeling it.

Also, what an incoherent word salad. Jerry’s cognitive decline is becoming startlingly obvious. He needs to be removed from his position.
It's an interview like this that can set the wheels in motion for a trade of the Dallas Cowboys to a new owner. I'm sensing that Jerry doesn't think it's fun anymore.
"This is not your job. Your job isn't to let me go over all the reasons that I did something and I'm sorry that I did it. That's not your job. I'll get somebody else to ask these questions. I'm not kidding. You're not going to figure it out what the team is doing right or wrong. If you are, or any five or 10 like you, you need to come to this (NFL) meeting I'm going to today with 32 teams here, you're geniuses.

"You really think you're gonna sit here with a microphone and tell me all of the things that I've done wrong without going over the rights? Listen, we both know we're talking to a lot of great fans, a lot of great listeners. And I'm very sorry for what happened out there Sunday. I'm sick about what happened Sunday. "...

One of the stupidest things I've ever done, that anybody had ever analyzed was buy the Cowboys. It was an idiot that did that. So idiot things can turn into good decisions. Smart things can turn into bad decisions. The facts are when you make one, you don't really know if it's going to be good or not at the time. You want some conversation this morning, you're getting it."

I predicted all the wheels coming off after week 7...well, one just rolled by.
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Wouldn’t it be great if this old, out of touch billionaire got angry at the real problems by looking in the mirror, holding himself and his entitled children accountable and made REAL changes?

He won’t of course because he is the worst kind of leader: A man incapable of admitting mistakes or having the humility to acknowledge that his time is up. There isn’t a team in professional sports that would hire this man as their GM. If he REALLY CARED about the team, he would step down. He cares more about himself.

Apparently he has forgotten…Father Time and Karma are undefeated. And no amount of money can stop that. Unless he changes something, this is going to get worse before it gets better. You know what they say about Karma…
This one needs its own thread.
Well, the criticism is good for Jerry and maybe he does things different next offseason.

I would want to ask him, why they felt they had to get the Dak deal done and why not let him prove he's worth the top money by showing how he elevates the team this season?
The team doesnt have the money to make a big trade or sign huge FAs. They’ll sign more out of necesssity. Because they lose 30 players
He’s been gradually approaching a Woody Hayes moment this year. Personally, I’d like to see (in JJ’s luxury box) Steven be the recipient of the physical choking that signifies the end of Jerry’s hold on the Cowboy Circus.
I’ve been telling you guys that 105.3 radio shows are not homers. I listen to every show every day for the last several years and they are about as well balanced as anyone could expect. This is the type of questioning. Jerry needs to hear they are a direct extension of our voice and he does not like it. His head is in the clouds and somebody’s got to wake him up.

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