CFZ Jerry is right about the weather

dak didn't overthrow Cooks. Cooks is just too slow and probably ran the wrong route. :D
We have to face it we are a dome team and dome teams don’t play well in inclement weather conditions. Wind, rain and cold temperatures don’t lend well to passing teams and that’s what we are. I went back to the NFL teams that played in domes who has made the super bowl and charted their playoff performance and it proved to be interesting. The domed teams played 20 total playoff games, of those games 16 were played at home, 2 were played away in domes (1999 Atl @ Vikings, 2018 rams @ N.O.) and 2 were played away outside (2006 colts @ ravens, 2022 rams @ TB).

The Cowboys offense is what sets the table for the defense (which is pretty much what all the successful dome teams before them have done). The Cowboys want to get a lead and make the other teams offense become a one dimensional pass offense and that’s where the sacks, ints and fumbles come from.

Due to the wind and the rain the offense was never able to get untracked so the Bills were able to stick with the punishing run game that we are not built to stop.

This is why it is imperative that we get the number 2 seed to have 2 games at home and then play SF in the NFCCG in SF where the weather won’t be much of a factor.

Then maybe he should open the roof more often at home to get the team ready. I suggest opening it during the Lions game.
Please....Jerry wasn't old in the late 90's and early 2000's....He needs to step down. He's killed this team for nearly 30 years. FACT!!!! But it's your opinion. Hope you're right.
He has them in a pretty good spot right now.
Please....Jerry wasn't old in the late 90's and early 2000's....He needs to step down. He's killed this team for nearly 30 years. FACT!!!! But it's your opinion. Hope you're right.
I don't think Jerry killed this team but he and Stephen have kept it mediocre after the 90s. The 90s actually have been the Cowboys Super Bowl glory years. We won 3 Super Bowls in that decade. The Cowboys have been one of the top winning teams for decades but that's based on regular season games. Most certainly we should have had greater success getting into and advancing in post seasons. Justifiably frustrating for all Cowboys fans for sure! Believe me I am not confidently predicting we are going deep in the post season and even getting to play in the Super Bowl. Trying to stay positive one game at a time as we draw nearer to the post season. Beating the Dolphins would be a great turnaround victory.

From many accounts Jerry has been a figurehead GM over a handful of years. Yes he likes to talk a lot in the media as if he solely steers the ship but that's ownership talking. About 10 years ago I started having enough of Jerry and Stephen "over their head" coach and player acquisitions and hoped they would have had the wisdom and unselfishness to replace themselves as team executive managers for the sake of the franchise and universe of fans. One game in and out of post-season year after year truly sucks.
If there is no accountability all you have left are excuses. The Dallas Cowboys have not had real accountability since super Jimmy.

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