Jerry: It's ridiculous to think fan tours impact the players

The problem is in the suite above the field. Not on it.
Stop looking up at Jerry and watch the field...both stink like rotten fish. But two fish caught Jerry's hook.
Another is swimming around...for golden worms.
Theres still out of state bandwagon fans from the 1990's that still pay for this ****. Get that money
Hmm I don’t know about that. Most players aren’t recognized out and about. Sure there are the superstars that have their faces plastered all over but I doubt the majority are recognized walking down the street.

I would think that some players are rather private in their every day life and may not like being looked at like they’re some sort of zoo animal. I can see how it could be distracting.
Da Nooch made the comment at the time. Something along the lines he'd be in the weight room and people would be tapping on the glass like he was supposed to do tricks for them.

Apply it to your work environment and you can see how easily it becomes a distraction. Would you want people wandering through where you work, while you tried to work, tapping on the separating glass, making faces, pointing at you, laughing, generally cutting up trying to communicate with you?

While some say it wouldn't bother them, it would register on a subconscious level and you may not realize how and how much it affects you.
Sometimes it only takes one little thing to ruin your day, or at least disrupt your routine for a bit. Do you want it to be some kid crying and slobbering while you are trying to concentrate?

Pity the poor sucker who starts a tour in a coal mine, construction site, or oil platform in the gulf.
Jerry has done more to hurt his imagine in 2 weeks than he had in the previous 35 years combined.

It’s just bad press after bad press. It’s bad answer after bad answer.

His imagine was bad anyways, but the past two weeks have doubled the badness of it.
Unfortunately, this keeps him and the team in the news… which equals more money
Hmm I don’t know about that. Most players aren’t recognized out and about. Sure there are the superstars that have their faces plastered all over but I doubt the majority are recognized walking down the street.

I would think that some players are rather private in their every day life and may not like being looked at like they’re some sort of zoo animal. I can see how it could be distracting.
This even happens in college. People talk about some of these guys have to do classes online as they will get mobbed if they walk across campus.

5 years down the road he will have erotic dancers there.

And he will tell us the same thing: Nothing that ups my revenue disturbs the players. To think else is ridiculous. If you dare he will threaten you.

He is just a bad human being. Shame on us to have such an owner.
NO, what's ridiculous is you are running fan tours at the Cowboy's Headquarters Facility Site for CHUMP CHANGE and Jones wonders why everyone calls him an ignorant clown.
It’s a little silly. I mean these dudes are NFL players. Every where they go people are looking at them. Dinner, store, etc. That’s the life of being famous.

excuses by players who fail here. doubt fans touring the star impact guyton holding and false starting all the damn time. or makes terence “aluminum foil” be so bad at RT

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