Are you able to read Jimmy's mind and know this to be true? I think he quit on Jerry. There's a big difference.
He did quit on jerry, he didnt want to win another SB for Jerry.
But in doing that he also quit on the players that were there. He admitted he didnt even consider them at the time, because he was
so mad at jerry over the 500 coaches comment.
Jerry apologized to jimmy on that and said he was just drunk and other wise would not have said that.
Jimmy didnt accept the apology, and told jerry he wasnt coming back.
I think jimmy was tired and burnt out after a intense 5 years of building the team and getting the team to SB's and winning.
He said by the time he won the second SB, it was no longer fun for him.
Jerry is the one who made it not fun, for jimmy, so he is responsible for that.
Jerry wanted more credit in the public eye, and asked jimmy to allow that even if it was fake.
Jerry wanted to look better in the war room during drafts, but jimmy refused to allow that, he wanted all the credit and
for it to look like he was in charge, and he made the decisions. And he was in charge but he could have catered to jerrys ego but didnt
because of his own ego !! lol.
Before the 500 coach comment by jerry, jimmy had said in front of some media people that his GF ronda knew more about football
than jerry did ! lol . In 93 they both started making negative comments about each other , which made for a negative situation
where 2 guys with big egos acted like spoiled kids until it blew up and jimmy just got in his corvette , drove home, and told jerry
he wasnt coming back. (this action was what a spoiled kid would do) And Jimmy has a bad temper. That led to him leaving
and not coming back.
He was so mad that when jerry was paying him off, he told jimmy he was giving him 2 million over the amount he owed him,
and jimmy told him that wasnt necessary, but jerry did it anyway. So his out of control temper made him turn down 2 million dollars !! lol
That is how mad he was!
He said much later on that he didnt realize or even think about that he screwed his players doing what he did and felt bad about that.
Jimmy was an intense person with bad temper. and Jerry was intense about wanting credit, being more involved, and showing off to other
people , so it was going to blow up at some point.
Had they been able to get along better and not act like the spoiled kids they were, they would have had a dynasty like the patriots.
Or like KC has now.
I think they were both at fault.