Jerry jokes about his personal safety

He's absolutely right. But that doesn't mean that he shouldn't get a lot of heat either. They are both responsible. It's not an either/or proposition
He’s the one that signed Dak when it seemed he knew it wasn’t the right move. This Dak disaster is Jerry’s fault and not Dak’s. Dak can’t help what he is.
Things must really be bad if he’s throwing Dak under the bus. Maybe sponsors aren’t renewing.

What in the hell? It is literally a sports radio hosts job to ask questions, question those who made the decisions that are affecting a team's performance, and represent the fans interest.

For Jerry to get pissy because they are doing their job is priceless. He knows he screwed up. He knows he failed. So screw him.
If you’re right I’ll remain a casual observer for the rest of my life. The Jones nepotism has taken all the fun out of being a fan.
Based on what we have seen from Stephen, there really is no hope. He's cheaper than his dad and a bigger idiot.

Who is next in line after Stephen? One of the grand kids? Hope they have more sense than their grandfather and uncle/father.
I am the great and powerful Wizard of Oz
He’s the one that signed Dak when it seemed he knew it wasn’t the right move. This Dak disaster is Jerry’s fault and not Dak’s. Dak can’t help what he is.
Prescott, along with his agent, negotiated very hard to make him the highest paid player in league history. All the while claiming that "it's not about the money" and talking about "brotherhood". Anybody with basic intelligence was able to see through his meaningless platitudes immediately.

You are right, Dak is who he is. The minute he demanded to be paid like something he isn't, he is culpable as well for the results that follow
Prescott, along with his agent, negotiated very hard to make him the highest paid player in league history. All the while claiming that "it's not about the money" and talking about "brotherhood". Anybody with basic intelligence was able to see through his meaningless platitudes immediately.

You are right, Dak is who he is. The minute he demanded to be paid like something he isn't, he is culpable as well for the results that follow

This is it.

I never criticize players for trying to maximize their earnings. That’s their right. That’s also their agents job.

The issue is… the FO has to make the correct decision on whether they are worth paying or not.

That’s 100% on Jerry. He had the opportunity to move on multiple times and didn’t take it.
What in the hell? It is literally a sports radio hosts job to ask questions, question those who made the decisions that are affecting a team's performance, and represent the fans interest.

For Jerry to get pissy because they are doing their job is priceless. He knows he screwed up. He knows he failed. So screw him.
I agree but to be fair to Jerry, most of these guys have voluntarily been eager errand boys who have done his bidding for decades. They have given him fawning coverage and failed to ask tough questions that needed to be asked for a long time. They have been willing participants and marketing the snake oil that he's been selling. And they have done it because it gave them access and a ticket to the party, so in that sense they are just as guilty as Jerry is

So I can totally understand why Jerry would be shocked and defensive when this finally happened and that is partially their fault. They have been far too negligent for far too long and enabled him

It’s amazing in the dangerous environment we live in today there hasn’t been. He doesn’t normally have the protection or bodyguards more controversial public figures surround themselves with.

If history has taught us nothing else is that no man is totally invincible. Especially in Dallas.
I think being surrounded by players that bent him over in negotiations is a source of his bitterness. Zach, Dak, CeeDee, Zeke, Lawrence and more. Add to that fact that he is surrounded by staff and family that tell him he’s great, continues his decent into “get off my lawn guy”.

Now we have the full immersion experience that Raiders fans had when Al Davis version 1.0 was nearing the end.
Yes! Pressure and criticism. He loves the media. Reveal him as the fraud he is. He owns the house— so he should fix the roof when it leaks and the foundation when it cracks.

The buck stops with him as he always likes to remind us

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