Jerry Jones Does Not Rule Out Not Extending Dak


Star Power
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That's all I need to know.
If you read that statement it doesn’t even make any sense (at least to me). What does it mean to be “confident in saying”?

That just means you look like you’re confident when you say something. It doesn’t mean you’re actually confident that the situation you’re talking about will happen.


Safety third
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I read that as Jerry sending the message that negotiations are open, but the team is under no
pressure to get something done, and are willing to roll under the current contract if they can't come to an agreement.

He gives McCarthy much credit for Dak's success this past season, which is another message sent trying to temper expectations from the Dak camp.

He has to answer the question about Dak's longer term future the way he did. Any other answer would create a firestorm in the media. Everything else points to that not being quite so solid as he seems to be saying here.

I actually take the tiniest sliver of hope from this, that this will be Dak's last season. Wishful thinking? Maybe, but I'll take my hope wherever I can find it.


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Jerry is trying to act like he has options and is not afraid to choose them. reality, he does have options, but is very afraid NOT to extend Dak. He painted himself into that same corner he did with Romo. It will take a lot of guts to not extend Dak, of which Jerry has none. Shock us, Jerry. :eek:


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All we can do is wait for Jerry ti retire and THAN hope for a change. Until then, ther is NOTHING to get truly excited about


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When you don't care about winning titles it makes sense.
5th in jersey sales (thanks a lot stans)
Team #1 in attendance
Team #1 valued franchise

That's all Jerrah cares about no matter what he says
Any QB for the Cowboys that isn't a bridge type will be top 10ish in jersey sales.

The other two have nothing to with Dak. In fact, whatever the Cowboys are 1st in could be by a wider margin if they had a competent QB.


Well-Known Member
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I read that as Jerry sending the message that negotiations are open, but the team is under no
pressure to get something done, and are willing to roll under the current contract if they can't come to an agreement.

He gives McCarthy much credit for Dak's success this past season, which is another message sent trying to temper expectations from the Dak camp.

He has to answer the question about Dak's longer term future the way he did. Any other answer would create a firestorm in the media. Everything else points to that not being quite so solid as he seems to be saying here.

I actually take the tiniest sliver of hope from this, that this will be Dak's last season. Wishful thinking? Maybe, but I'll take my hope wherever I can find it.
Well said


Well-Known Member
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
When you don't care about winning titles it makes sense.
5th in jersey sales (thanks a lot stans)
Team #1 in attendance
Team #1 valued franchise

That's all Jerrah cares about no matter what he says
So I guess we dont don't care about winning championships either. After all, we're still here and we've all contributed to the popularity of the Cowboys.
Anyone that thinks Jerry doesn't want to win another SB is wearing blinders. LOL! Funny guys....


Well-Known Member
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So I guess we dont don't care about winning championships either. After all, we're still here and we've all contributed to the popularity of the Cowboys.
Anyone that thinks Jerry doesn't want to win another SB is wearing blinders. LOL! Funny guys....
It amazes me how many people think that Jerry doesn’t care about winning.

He does more than anything, but not enough to let someone else pull that off while he has to sit and watch.

He let Parcells take them from awful to contenders, but he will not allow anyone to take us from contenders to champions. Has to be all him or no point.

That’s the sad and frustrating part. I signed up as a kid because of Coach and his class, and I’m left with a Jones family soap opera for a football team.


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That's all I need to know.
When I read all of his comments about Dak I didn’t come away thinking that sounds like a ringing endorsement. It sounded like Jerruh setting himself up to go either way. I think if that contract doesn’t get done and they roll with it as is that speaks volumes about how they feel. It’s that whole saying it’s not what they “say” but what they “do”.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Someone needs to do a little research on how the revenue from jersey sales is distributed.
They used to be distributed evenly between all teams. So if Dallas merchandise was 40% of the sales of all teams. All teams got an even share of those sales.
Jerry fought that that, and won. For each team to keep most of their sales and do their own marketing. And did not have to participate in the revenue sharing.

I am not sure how many teams broke away from that other than Dallas. I think Kraft did it with the Patriots, or at least backed Jerry on it.

Teams like the Bengals at that time did not, as they profited from the sales of Dallas merchandise.


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Honestly, I am surprised this is just being posted and not a 10+ page thread.
He also seems confident they will be fine if Dak isn't extended. I'm sure posters/fans are noticing how much he has changed tune about Dak. As I often notice .........sometimes it is best to pay attention to not what someone is saying but what they are not saying. There was a time when Dak walked clouds through Jerry's eyes but you do not hear that tone anymore.

I'm going on a limb a bit hear and predict if they don't reach an extension agreement BEFORE the start of free agency, things can get dicey.


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1: He is trying to play hard ball
2. Having Trey signed for next year is playing hardball with Dak and putting him on notice
3. We has woken up finally and will hope Dak kills it, and brings us home next year by forcing him to earn his next contract
4. This is Dak's swan song in big D
5. Jerry is on a bender and won't remember anything he said 24 hrs from now (the most likely scenario)


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Until I actually see it happen, I won't buy into that at all.

Given Jerry's longtime and outgoing love affair with Dak.
I see what you are saying but it's def not what it used to be. All you have to do is pay attention to tone/comments about Dak over the last couple of years. You don't become as good a businessman as Jerry w/o getting an excellent return on your investment. He has invested nearly $150M in Dak and has nothing to show. My point is ........I'm not surprised by his tone, Dak as a rookie and/or a $40M QB is a whole lot different than $60M. Even Jerry has his boundaries..........

BTW.......Just me, talk we are hearing from about wanting Dak to be a Cowboys for a long a certain price.


Well-Known Member
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I read that as Jerry sending the message that negotiations are open, but the team is under no
pressure to get something done, and are willing to roll under the current contract if they can't come to an agreement.

He gives McCarthy much credit for Dak's success this past season, which is another message sent trying to temper expectations from the Dak camp.

He has to answer the question about Dak's longer term future the way he did. Any other answer would create a firestorm in the media. Everything else points to that not being quite so solid as he seems to be saying here.

I actually take the tiniest sliver of hope from this, that this will be Dak's last season. Wishful thinking? Maybe, but I'll take my hope wherever I can find it.
That’s the kicker…

"He had one of the best years as you all know," Jones said. "But the thing that I would point out is we all think that had a lot to do with the fact that Mike McCarthy is right there involved in Dak's play, more directly involved in the offense, that we think that there's a lot more to come."

And we all know McCarthy has ONE YEAR left on his contract. This can be taken as Dak is really on a short leash. Of it could be a negotiating angle, but I do think Jerry actually believes what he says.