Jerry Jones Does Not Rule Out Not Extending Dak


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It amazes me how many people think that Jerry doesn’t care about winning.

He does more than anything, but not enough to let someone else pull that off while he has to sit and watch.

He let Parcells take them from awful to contenders, but he will not allow anyone to take us from contenders to champions. Has to be all him or no point.

That’s the sad and frustrating part. I signed up as a kid because of Coach and his class, and I’m left with a Jones family soap opera for a football team.
That's the point when I and other people say he doesn't care about winning. You guys don't get it of course he would take a Super Bowl win cuz it would continue to build his business but it is not first and foremost to him. What more do you need to see that you haven't seen in the past 30 years to understand that. I've used the analogy before someone who says they want their car fixed but they insist on doing it themselves when they have no mechanical skill instead of getting the right people to do it. So you can say all day he wants to win but he really doesn't because his ego and his wallet are first and foremost.

I know folks are clutching here for something redeeming about Jerry Jones but he's a terrible human being as well as a terrible GM


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That's the point when I and other people say he doesn't care about winning. You guys don't get it of course he would take a Super Bowl win cuz it would continue to build his business but it is not first and foremost to him. What more do you need to see that you haven't seen in the past 30 years to understand that. I've used the analogy before someone who says they want their car fixed but they insist on doing it themselves when they have no mechanical skill instead of getting the right people to do it. So you can say all day he wants to win but he really doesn't because his ego and his wallet are first and foremost.

I know folks are clutching here for something redeeming about Jerry Jones but he's a terrible human being as well as a terrible GM
Yes, but in this scenario he thinks he is the best mechanic around, and anyone who tries to tell him otherwise will have a problem.

I agree with the rest. I can’t admit I’m a fan of this franchise and be proud of it. It’s no longer fun either. It’s become a ridiculous soap opera.

Until recently I thought they may have a shot to get lucky and make a deep playoff run, but that’s not going to happen. They refuse to go the extra mile necessary to compete with the teams that do. They think their plan is better and it clearly is not.


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They used to be distributed evenly between all teams. So if Dallas merchandise was 40% of the sales of all teams. All teams got an even share of those sales.
Jerry fought that that, and won. For each team to keep most of their sales and do their own marketing. And did not have to participate in the revenue sharing.

I am not sure how many teams broke away from that other than Dallas. I think Kraft did it with the Patriots, or at least backed Jerry on it.

Teams like the Bengals at that time did not, as they profited from the sales of Dallas merchandise.
I think it was 2/3 to the NFL and 1/3 to the players union for jersey sales. I'm not sure what the split is now. It was shared evenly among the teams until the NFL entered a contract with Reebok at which point Jerry broke away like you describe. He basically controls his own jersey sales which is why Cowboys jerseys don't get released with the rest of the NFL. I think Jerry owns and distributes all team merchandise at this point. Last time I tried to buy a sideline hat, I think it was a sideline hat, the store owner told me the Cowboys stuff was coming a little later because Jerry didn't ship yet.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You’re welcome!! I am wearing my Dak jamies around the house right now.
When you wear your Dak jamies do you get the urge to run out in front of Car or Trucks headlights? :muttley:
Just curious.


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He has entire coaching staff on one year contract.
Dak and his agent are looking for multi year. Jerrynwants a one year so he can get out, rebuild and generate hope amongst fans.

If dak and his agent are smart, take the one year deal. Become FA. Hit the market. Cousins is rated as #2 FA. QB hungry market.

Then again, Dak is #5 in Jersey sales and that's a huge loss to Jerry. If he could pump up Lance, sell some jerseys, he would make it work.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
He has entire coaching staff on one year contract.
Dak and his agent are looking for multi year. Jerrynwants a one year so he can get out, rebuild and generate hope amongst fans.

If dak and his agent are smart, take the one year deal. Become FA. Hit the market. Cousins is rated as #2 FA. QB hungry market.

Then again, Dak is #5 in Jersey sales and that's a huge loss to Jerry. If he could pump up Lance, sell some jerseys, he would make it work.
LOL..........a guy who's worth over 12 BILLION $ is worried about Jersey sales?
Are you guys for real here or is this another BS Dak excuse to keep him?


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
All we can do is wait for Jerry ti retire and THAN hope for a change. Until then, ther is NOTHING to get truly excited about
Then go away and come back when that happens and spare us all your constant negativity.


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we won't lose but about 6 or 7 guys. No loss really.
That's called addition by subtraction.
Ooh, wouldn't that be great!?!

Unfortunately, we'll probably be here telling them all season long how the regular season record means nothing if you can’t advance in the playoffs... again.

"12-5, 12-5....Dak's gonna be MVP...Dak should've been MVP... 12-5...look at his stats." lol/smh


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That's called addition by subtraction.
Ooh, wouldn't that be great!?!

Unfortunately, we'll probably be here telling them all season long how the regular season record means nothing if you can’t advance in the playoffs... again.

"12-5, 12-5....Dak's gonna be MVP...Dak should've been MVP... 12-5...look at his stats." lol/smh
Kurt Warner will be making new videos too, and even Troll Beasley will be supporting him, so he can hopefully get back on the team and country club.


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If Jerry decides to let it ride this year w/ no extension, Dak's mere 34 million total (Dak's opinion) payout for the season could be a reason to seek a trade.
I would think that France is whispering $ signs into Dak's ear and would rather get him his payday at this present time.
Next year adds age and wear to that future contracts consideration.

correct expression:
"Hit while the iron is hot"

If it falls this way, Jerry could get some draft capital to work with.
Who do you think will blink first? France or Jones? France already knows what Dak is worth. That’s his job. If Jones disagrees with the amount it’s time to move on, immediately …before the $5 million roster bonus, due to Prescott in days. That way there is time to consider alternatives for QB1.


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dak have jerry and stephen in the palm of his hand

jerry will give dak what ever he want

every one knows how this end up

just shut up jerry ya bozo


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All we can do is wait for Jerry ti retire and THAN hope for a change. Until then, ther is NOTHING to get truly excited about
Retire? Stephen is worse than his father. We need Charlotte to take over period!!


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Every time I see someone in a #4 jersey, I call 911 and request paramedics for someone that’s choking.


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LOL..........a guy who's worth over 12 BILLION $ is worried about Jersey sales?
Are you guys for real here or is this another BS Dak excuse to keep him?
It’s also complete bogus. As I said, Micah Parsons sold more jerseys than Dak this year. Romo was top 3 too. Whoever the QB is in DALLAS, as long as they are winning, his jersey will be sold. Dez was and so was Zeke when he was getting suspended for 6 games and had a bad rep.