Jerry Jones: Luke McCown a better fit for third QB than Colin Kaepernick

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I am going to be honest and I don't care what anyone thinks.

I believe those series of questions from that reporter were just idiotic and intended to probe for a headline.

I get it that every bleeding heart social justice warrior with a cause wants to pretend that poor Colin Kaepernick is being oppressed, but seriously?

If he is a man, then he gets signed as a man.

Not on the coattails of some ridiculous mindset that has adopted the idea he is a victim.

It is far more complex than that.

Where have you been? This is the state of sports "journalism these days.

To be fair, Kaepernick is a much better player than Luke. It's not even really that close. Kaep played pretty well on a terrible 49ers team last year. Anyone pretending that Keep wasn't signed because of his baggage is just being willfully naive.


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The NFL is more entertainment industry than pure sport; everything is about money and what the fans want. Kaepernick could be one of the best QBs in the NFL and it wouldn't matter. No owner will agree to signing him if it's clear that most of the team's fans hate Kaep's politics and not standing for the anthem. An owner won't risk financial reprisals from the fan base, not even if it means winning more games.
Bold isn't true at all and truth is this isn't a polarizing issue for no reason. Some will like it some won't and others are just like whatever. There isn't no most of any teams fans don't like him out there no matter what team it is. How he is looked at is dependent largely on who you ask. If he was still 2012 Kaep you are crazy on this issue if you don't think nobody would sign him no matter who didn't like him. Oh by the way your second bold is also not true. Mike Vick with the Eagles says hello. Talent matters period unless you do some Hernandez type stuff where you can't be brought back

Chuck 54

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If you think an owner would sign a player that he knows his fan base opposes, especially for a polarizing thing like not standing for the Anthem, and especially in Texas, you might be naive. Several owners have even reported that their fan base has affected them with mass mailings against signing Kaepernick. This has nothing to do with ability.

He has no team because of the fans. Even Baltimore, who has the most reason to sign him, floated the idea that they would even consider it just to gage the fan reaction. Kaepernick should be a no brained signing over Moore as our backup, but it will never happen. Jerry doesn't want to face the boos every Sunday.


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the nfl is a business when you become bad for business then they the owners do things to shut you out kap is being shut out no team will sign him he is bad for business


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Just as much negative attention you'll get positive attention. If you and others want to stop watching the. Boys over that be my guest. Wouldn't stop me one bit just like when other people were brought in that some didn't like. A regular job and sports aren't the same in this instance so I don't know why you use that logic regarding social media. You can't do that but an athlete esp a good/great one can do almost what they won't not the same situation IMO. The thing is Kaep isn't saw by all as that good and that's where social media and the like can come into play.

You probably didn't watch him or pay him any mind so why are you acting like you did because I know I didn't and I don't have a problem with what he did. You probably saw him and turned the tv when that segment came up so how did it really affect you? I know when I see things I don't want to deal with on tv I just turn and come back to it later. During the season he talked about it once when it first happened so why make it like this was a weekly thing? I don't think speaking out on one thing equals bagging on the country. People have complaints all the time doesn't mean they don't like living here. I'm pretty sure you've had them too about something and I'm sure you love living here. I love my best friend and he smokes. I don't love his smoking but it doesn't mean I don't love him. I think this is similar.

All that being said I don't think its worth it for the third QB anyway. Maybe a backup if it was that serious but for a third QB I don't think its worth it.

Way to inject your own ideas and act like they are facts. For every one of you there are a hundred fans turned off and repulsed by the way he protested. We may have signed bad guys here before, but never anyone who has spit on the American flag as a means of protest. If you doubt the gravity of his actions just look at the path his career taken since the season had ended. You can't argue with reality.


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There's no comparison between dog fighting and the national anthem. I live in the south, and everywhere I went last year, even people who don't watch football at all were angry.
I have to agree that people where angry. I went to the gun range here in the DFW area and they had kap silhouettes for sale ($5) for target practice.

Peeps are angry around here. It may be different in other parts of the country, but the anger is intense here


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If you think an owner would sign a player that he knows his fan base opposes, especially for a polarizing thing like not standing for the Anthem, and especially in Texas, you might be naive. Several owners have even reported that their fan base has affected them with mass mailings against signing Kaepernick. This has nothing to do with ability.

He has no team because of the fans. Even Baltimore, who has the most reason to sign him, floated the idea that they would even consider it just to gage the fan reaction. Kaepernick should be a no brained signing over Moore as our backup, but it will never happen. Jerry doesn't want to face the boos every Sunday.
His fan base doesn't oppose as a whole that's the problem. You're speaking for yourself and maybe who you hang around while I can bring just as many people who disagree with you. Therefore it isn't no his fanbase opposes. Its like I said some on both sides and the rest in the middle. Nothing naive about that and spare me Texas part. The same thing would happen everywhere. Also it was one owner from what I've saw not several and even then I bet money them stadiums wouldn't be empty or anything approaching noticeable so I pay that no mind at all. People nowadays love to be upset at anything like they don't have better things to do. Always has to do with ability you just want to say otherwise even though history says you're as wrong as two left shoes.

He has no team because he isn't looked at as as good as he was a few years ago period. Baltimore doesn't have the most reason to sign him. Do you just parrot narratives off sports shows? Joe only going to be out for a week. Just like I said about the Cowboys if you know there isn't a realistic chance of him making the team why sign him up? Moore is good for our backup esp when you consider the OC is a big fan of his. Again just because some will boo doesn't mean all will boo but some really don't seem to get that.


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There's no comparison between dog fighting and the national anthem. I live in the south, and everywhere I went last year, even people who don't watch football at all were angry.
I agree. Dallas is also uber conservative. Those Plano, Frisco, and prosper peeps ( all the suburbs around the star) don't want kap here


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Way to inject your own ideas and act like they are facts. For every one of you there are a hundred fans turned off and repulsed by the way he protested. We may have signed bad guys here before, but never anyone who has spit on the American flag as a means of protest. If you doubt the gravity of his actions just look at the path his career taken since the season had ended. You can't argue with reality.
Emotional much? Seems so because what is that rant in the beginning? You can't show me any way I tried to push anything as facts outside of how I feel and said as much so leave that ranting alone and let's post about facts.

The reality is he isn't saw as good as he once was and if he was he'd be signed period. These teams don't care about our feelings if the player is good enough. That is reality.


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Why is this such a big deal?

Kap = Expensive + Baggage

Luke = Cheap + No Baggage

Jerry is exactly right. For what they are looking for which is a 3rd QB/camp arm, McNown is a much better fit.


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I have to agree that people where angry. I went to the gun range here in the DFW area and they had kap silhouettes for sale ($5) for target practice.

Peeps are angry around here. It may be different in other parts of the country, but the anger is intense here

Lol but who cares? Kaep is still a much better player. If we're going to cater our personnel to the opinion of some rednecks, then we might as well bring in Joe Dirt as GM.

Point being, as soon as you can start to sentimentalize your business, you can say goodbye to profits (or in this case, NFL wins)
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There's no comparison between dog fighting and the national anthem. I live in the south, and everywhere I went last year, even people who don't watch football at all were angry.
Its all individual. I don't think its no comparison between what Kaep was speaking on and crapping on the US but others do so its all individual. You hung around certain people in the south because I'm from there also and have just as many people who weren't mad. Maybe that speaks about who we both are around mainly.


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Its all individual. I don't think its no comparison between what Kaep was speaking on and crapping on the US but others do so its all individual. You hung around certain people in the south because I'm from there also and have just as many people who weren't mad. Maybe that speaks about who we both are around mainly.

It boils down to intelligence. Most unintelligent people wave their arms, claim some superiority about their patriotism, then probably use the n word behind closed doors (I'm from east Texas, raised by farmers, and taught myself software engineering when I realized the Oil & Gas industry was too cyclical for my tastes.)

Most intelligent people think he could have found a better way to go about it, but can't really blame him. Most people realize there are plenty of things that need correcting, and most of us just bottle our opinions up for civility, there's not really anything wrong with being frustrated.


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Lol but who cares? Kaep is still a much better player. If we're going to cater our personnel to the opinion of some rednecks, then we might as well bring in Joe Dirt as GM.

Point being, as soon as you can start to sentimentalize your business, you can say goodbye to profits (or in this case, NFL wins) is what it is. The culture here doesn't support kap, the front office doesn't want him.
if he re-invents himself he might get a job somewhere but obviously a lot of GMs and owners don't want him


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Well you can't be America's team and have someone do what he has done.

If I remember right Jerry even told the team he will have none of that.


Don't anyone have any principles or stand up for anything they believe in.

We can't have that at all.


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4,997 is what it is. The culture here doesn't support kap, the front office doesn't want him.
if he re-invents himself he might get a job somewhere but obviously a lot of GMs and owners don't want him
In fairness I think its moreso the culture you hang around with. I think we all need to stop acting like who we hang around with or are around mainly is a reflection of everybody else. Now the GM's and owners part I can agree with.

It boils down to intelligence. Most unintelligent people wave their arms, claim some superiority about their patriotism, then probably use the n word behind closed doors (I'm from east Texas, raised by farmers, and taught myself software engineering when I realized the Oil & Gas industry was too cyclical for my tastes.)

Most intelligent people think he could have found a better way to go about it, but can't really blame him. Most people realize there are plenty of things that need correcting, and most of us just bottle our opinions up for civility, there's not really anything wrong with being frustrated.
I agree that it wouldn't kill people to hear the other side out but on things like this its hard for that to happen. I won't even say unintelligent people as I think its moreso they truly think they are right in their view of the situation. When someone thinks they're right it is going to be hard to convince them otherwise. I also don't think it helps that on both sides everyone is mainly around folks that co sign their views whatever they maybe. I bet on here is where most get the most disagreement on this subject compared to how it plays out offline.

I do agree that people bottle up their opinions for civility sake which isn't always a bad idea. World knows I've saw the opposite and the storm that brings lol.
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Chuck 54

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Kaepernick on his worst day as QB is still better than most of the bums who are backup QBs in the NFL, plus he has super bowl game experience. There is no football reason why he doesn't have a team as a backup, none.

The only reason he isn't signed and in some team's camp for a look see is the kneeling for the anthem. I don't think that's fair, but I don't understand how anyone can look at the bums on NFL rosters and not admit that Kaepernick is better than most of the backups, along with 3rd and 4th QBs in camps.
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