Twitter: Jerry Jones message to disgruntled fans: "I'm giving it all I got"

I KNEW you wouldn't disappoint. :bow:

(Although I would have preferred a clip from the original)
I thought about posting one (if I could find it) of either James Doohan or Simon Pegg saying the classic line but came across Doohan's Loaded Weapon clip first. I stopped searching as soon as I saw it. :laugh:
Clarence Hill Jr

Jerry Jones has a message for Cowboys fans: "I know that I have had a lot of mistakes in these years. But the same guys making this decision that has the Cowboys and really got there by the skin of my teeth. And it was a miracle that I was able to pull it off. A miracle. But the same imagination, the same risk-taking, the same taking risks but being pragmatic, being inconsistent, sometime looking like you're a Mississippi riverboat gambler and sometime looking like you're trying to guard the national mall. Those inconstancies are how we got here. Now that is what your'e seeing going on right now. And I don't know for sure if it's going to work. But I am giving it everything I've got." He’s all in

1:27 PM · Jul 25, 2024

All you got is not enough.

In fact all you got is not even noteworthy.

And spare us with " i made a lot of mistakes". Dont try to put it like you have the talent to do it but made mistakes. Now you learned from them and be able to do things the right way.

No JJ, reality is much easier: You dont have it. Just leave it that way.
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That second video is telling...

"Sometimes being all in means you remove the months in the future, and you narrow it down to the next playoff season, and that's it for everybody"
"Dak's got his year contract, let's focus"

I don't think it could be anymore clear that this year is filled with playoff success or we are about to see a rebuild.
A true risk taker would have risked hiring an outside qualified football executive--via a lengthy interviewing process of as many candidates as possible--for a minimum of one year. Or a minimum of one month. Or a minimum of one week. Or even a day. Not once in 35 years has he taken THAT risk. Jerry Jones is a risk taker, who can borrow up to his gills and above over $100 million dollars in order to purchase a National Football League franchise but has not, will not and like never shall take the easiest risk imaginable.

Risk taker my <expletive>. Dude is a narcissist.
JJ a risk taker? Haha. Dug for water in the sea and found some. Great salesman! What a douchebag!

Another myth debunked.

Thank you for your post!

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