Twitter: Jerry Jones on Randy Gregory Suspension


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My point was that it's not always wise to pass just because other teams pass. We've been on both sides of that theory over the years. I'd rather take a chance on a guy in round two than spend it on guys like Carpenter and TEs the way Parcells did....he missed in round two as well. And, yes, I know Carp was towards end of round 1.

Fair enough. However, with Gregory, the backdrop on him was that he failed multiple drug tests at Nebraska and then failed one at the NFL Combine.

That wasn't just a red flag; that was a three-alarm fire.

As much as I liked the pick in the second round, I remember thinking "could we have gotten him even lower?"

Spending a second rounder on him really hurt.


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I think Jerry has some kind fatherly God complex in which he feels his $$, stadium, management and team can heal these guys to straighten their lives to play for him. It apparently enables their issues more than helps them.


Messenger to the football Gods
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Man, putting that way is harsh, but true.

I have always thought that when Romo's contract was up.......if I were him......I'd have punched "The Wildcatter", Mr. "Drive it right over the drink everytime", in the throat and left for the Niners. "Thanks for nothing."

They had a pretty decent team at the time, other than QB.

He very well may of had his well deserved ring, IMO.


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I would be upset with the NFLPA for doing that if I was Gregory and Dallas. With Lawrence out two more games, Dallas could use Gregory in the meantime. Then if his suspension is upheld, we'd at least have Lawrence for the remainder of the season.

I think Gregory's case would be that his suspensions should run concurrently not consecutively.

no, his 4 game suspension was already decided, what was being appealed was the 10 game suspension that does not start until after week 4.


Cowboys Diehard
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It probably means they got their ruling from the NFL and the NFLPA is choosing not to take it Federal Court like Brady has run its course

ps- I loved the pick when we made it......can't complain now

No kidding -- hindsight is always 20-20. I recall having strong reservations about the pick at first, then really getting excited about it later. The specter of what he might become was overwhelming, considering how desperately we needed help at DE. It was like waving a canteen full of water in the face of someone dying of thirst. Yep, he was quite the temptation.
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It is ok to take chances, but they need to use some common sense, and not dream about getting a star for nothing or cheap.
1.gregory- anyone who fails the combine drug test dont draft them no matter what they say, because it is obvious they are not smart,and have no control over it.
2.J.Smith- not a smart pick, in the 2nd round, only 4th or lower. nerve may never be right, and he may never get back to where he was.
Especially since they needed def help fast.
3. lawrence is ok, but not worth the 2 picks, probably could get same value with a guy in 3rd round.
4. gave crawford big money, and he didnt earn it, and probably never does. They chose him over murray in a way.
5. Rolando, they got a ok deal 1st year, and he didnt cost them money, so just a question of not reading where his head was at .
He cant be counted on, and has issues, so better to let NE have him, and just sign him if and when he shows up at TC.


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Yeah but everybody knows Gregory's story and his issues.

"Every player" didn't gave those dropping them far below where their talents had them going.

That is true stash, but Witten was a player that we had a first round grade on that fell all the way to the 3rd round. Murray carried a first round grade as well, and fell to us in the 3rd. Not all of the players that we have graded as a first round talent and have fallen several rounds have been bad selections by us. Granted it looks pretty bleak regarding Gregory, and I am not counting on him for anything, but it isn't 100 percent guaranteed to be a failure yet.


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Different teams have different philosophies when it comes to drafting. Each team has a different tolerance for risk. Some teams, like the Patriots, won't necessarily swing for the fence on every pick, but will draft based more on the player's floor rather than his ceiling. Some teams will opt for a guy who will probably not be a superstar, but have a a very low chance of not being an above average player rather than a boom or bust type of player.

Other teams will swing for the fence on a player like Jaylon Smith who has the potential to be a top 10 type of pick, while his floor is a complete bust. In fairness, even relatively "safe" picks bust out too. The trick is to hit on more of them than you miss on.


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I don't care about (likely) missing on Gregory. Pass rushers are worth taking a chance on, even as early as round 2. The issue is talking himself into taking the other risky 2nd rounders nearly every year, and/or spending it on positions that are not especially hard to fill, or giving the pick away to draft a marginally better prospect in round 1.

I'm amazed Jerry hasn't lost all of his money on gambling.


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Jerry is a turd... With all the connections he has in this league, he lets his team get run over, while guys like Kraft and Mara whine until forever until they get what they want...


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I had zero faith that he would even play for the Cowboys again. The rehab thing means nothing because I just don't think football is important enough to him. So we keep rolling with who we got

'I don't think it is remotely a question of how much football means to Gregory. It is irrelevant to the problem Gregory has. Gregory has problems outside of football that are affecting his ability to play football.

He has issues that he needs to fix. He can't fix the issues on his own or he would already have done so. Most likely he has some form of addiction, mental illness, or mental health issue driving this.

I am not opposed to the NFL punishing players to get them in line, but quite honestly, player like Gregory really need the NFL to help them, or they just slip off into the primordal soup. The only way Gregory gets this turned around is if the Cowboys give him full time supervision which will not allow Gregory to make a bad decision, in the moment. He probably cannot be trusted to turn it around on his own. He will need constant attention to change his habit, and prior solution to his problems, which is running his life off in the ditch.


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Jerry is a turd... With all the connections he has in this league, he lets his team get run over, while guys like Kraft and Mara whine until forever until they get what they want...
I do believe Kraft lost his starting QB for 4 weeks and his 1st round pick


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I do believe Kraft lost his starting QB for 4 weeks and his 1st round pick

He should have been lost last season, before their draft and they should have lost the draft picks last year...

Mara has a kicker that has beat his wife supposedly 20 times and he gets one game and the NFL and media is dead silent..


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
That is true stash, but Witten was a player that we had a first round grade on that fell all the way to the 3rd round. Murray carried a first round grade as well, and fell to us in the 3rd. Not all of the players that we have graded as a first round talent and have fallen several rounds have been bad selections by us. Granted it looks pretty bleak regarding Gregory, and I am not counting on him for anything, but it isn't 100 percent guaranteed to be a failure yet.

Not guaranteed failure to be sure. But based on results, and lack thereof, the draft pick is much closer to a failure than a success. And even if he does eventually come back, you're looking a two years of contributions on a four year deal as well. Not a good return on investment at this point, no matter how you slice it.


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Jerry is a turd... With all the connections he has in this league, he lets his team get run over, while guys like Kraft and Mara whine until forever until they get what they want...
That is because Jerry has other (conflicting)interests like super bowls and drafts in his new digs. Much less a HOF vote coming up.


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Parallel to von miller in any way? Denver was patient and he helped hand them a ring.


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This is the part that bugs me the most. At what point in the interview process with Gregory did the team decide this guy had put his demons behind him? Considering how frequent his violations have been, I find it hard to believe that there weren't any warning signs when interviewing the guy.

Didn't he also test positive at the Combine?