The more I think about this situation the more I'm not sure that any of us know what's really going on with this. Here's another theory:
Jerry has little chance of winning a lawsuit against the other owners after already voting to give this committee the authority he is now supposedly seeking to strip. The vote on whether or not to extend Goodell has already taken place (in May) and the owners unanimously approved a resolution giving this committee the authority to negotiate the extension. There is no chance that changes without near unanimous support from the other owners, which isn't coming. Instead, master showman Jerry is going to create a circus where he can be in the center ring.
I don't think this is about Zeke as much as it is about the issue that shan't be discussed here. Jerry has repeatedly been on one side of that issue and he's seeing the ramifications of the issue bear fruit. This lawsuit is basically Jerry loudly and publicly aligning opposite of the league. He's told his team how he expects them to handle the situation. Now he's pandering to his base - to take a political term - with this lawsuit, distancing himself from the issue that is driving away viewers and unnerving advertisers. With his players he gains credibility because he's "fighting the man" and with the fans and advertisers he can say that it's us (the Cowboys) vs. the league on the "other" issue.
Jerry Jones, master marketer, strikes again.