Jerry on fans being upset: very low percentage of this that is smiles and glory holes

I have considered that possibility but discount it in my opinion based on reviewing his public comments in videos since he bought the franchise. Age can be a contributing factor in his delivery.

However, his delivery is not stumbling over word usage. On the other hand, expressive aphasia would support that doodle scribbling documented during the last owners' meetings. So, I would not totally dismiss that diagnosis.
I was thinking that after I posted. Progressive but slow decline. Not quite word salad but bordering on it. I wonder if he has manic tendencies. Certainly can be grandiose.
Very affordable, Jerry.
It means he's at the ********** and the fans are the givers....basically saying no matter what he does fans will always come back to the ********** to service him....the only way I can protest is not to buy anything...and everyone should be doing the same....
I don't make excuses, people that hate him, keep wasting their time and energy ripping him and are still here....they, are making excuses. I just know he's here, why waste my time? He's a piece of crap,, why let him get to you? Screw him, enjoy the team, enjoy the game, enjoy the fanhood. To hell with JJ. I stopped listening to him years ago.
You will break over the next 2-3 seasons.
You will break over the next 2-3 seasons.
Probably not...just important enough for me anymore. Too many other things in life to think about.....if I stop enjoying it, I'll probably just stop watching or caring...I'll miss you guys.
How did people from Texas let this clown buy the Cowboys? How? He literally took the biggest representation that Texas has and drove it to the ground.
It’s not the first time Jerry has dipped into his glory bag of tricks. So…what’s going on when the cameras aren’t rolling, Mr. jones???
After such a fantastic all-in prank, I can hardly wait to see the encore that awaits us.

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