Twitter: Jerry on his negotiation theory


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Lights = Money.
Lights off = Not foolishly burning money.
Ankle injury = Concern about Dak
Depreciating talent = Overall team talent.

He's not wrong.
Where was this with Zeke and Jaylon?


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Let’s summarize what happened here:

Dallas wasted a SB roster catering to a mediocre QB that needed all-pro talent at every position to win. That roster has been deteriorating at a ridiculous pace this season, where it’s strongest asset, the OL lost every single all-pro talent, is now facing massive injuries.

Now the fans of this mediocrity think this joke of a QB, who couldn’t even beat Wentz for the playoffs last year, while not being able to score for five straight quarters during that stretch and couldn’t and still can’t find his WRs on the road on grass (notice how Amari is actually showing up on the road now with Dalton), even with Smith, Martin and Collins in the line-up was carrying this battered team this year, with nothing but garbage time stats, all the whole consistently turning the ball over when the game actually mattered and this guy was “leading us” to one win against a team that choked fourth quarters regularly and couldn’t sit on an onside kick properly.

And these Dak-fans then blame Jerry who said that this team isn’t going to throw money at this QB and not full the surrounding pieces. What’s also comical is this whole forum, particularly Dak fans, acting like Jerry is stupid for saying he thought this team was in contending position this year, when all we heard this off-season and the beginning of the season is how Super Bowl ready we were because of all this talent.

The reality is, this is all because they benched Romo to cater to Dak, the guy who couldn’t even score double digits against any winning team when Zeke went down and they lost won guy in Smith on the OL and all these Dak-supporters were saying Dak wasn’t to blame but were such opportunists in seeking validation for their QB when DeNucci was playing with nobody on OL and Moore was having WRs throw passes, and we still almost won if Moore continued to run the ball behind Martin.
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Has he officially reached Al Davis territory?
Nope and he never will.

Al at least had coaching and scouting on his resume, and also put together a team that competed for a Super Bowl this century.

Jerry has been merely playing high level fantasy football with his moron son. It baffles me that a man with his ego continues to allow failure for the sake of being in charge.


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Where was this with Zeke and Jaylon?
Jaylon was the classic case of Jerry looking for something to show he was smarter than everyone else and it of course backfired as everyone other than the Jones boys expected. But in typical Jerry fashion he'll keep doubling down and throwing good money after bad in the hopes it turns around. It won't.


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Let’s summarize what happened here:

Dallas wasted a SB roster catering to a mediocre QB that needed all-pro talent at every position to win. That roster has been deteriorating at a ridiculous pace this season, where it’s strongest asset, the OL lost every single all-pro talent, is now facing massive injuries.

Now the fans of this mediocrity think this joke of a QB, who couldn’t even beat Wentz for the playoffs last year, while not being able to score for five straight quarters during that stretch and couldn’t and still can’t find his WRs on the road on grass (notice how Amari is actually showing up on the road now with Dalton), was carrying this battered team this year, despite consistently turning the ball over and winning only one game against a team that choked fourth quarters regularly and couldn’t sit on an onside kick properly.

And they blame Jerry who said that this team isn’t going to throw money at this QB and not full the surrounding pieces.

What’s also comical is this whole forum, particularly Dak fans, acting like Jerry is stupid for saying he thought this team was in contending position this year, when all we heard this off-season and the beginning of the season is how Super Bowl ready we were on this forum.

The reality is, this is all because they benched Romo to cater to Dak, the guy who couldn’t even score double digits against any winning team when Zeke went down and they lost won dude in Smith on the OL. But the Dak delusion continues..
Congrats. It's hard to get that much wrong in one post


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Lights = Money.
Lights off = Not foolishly burning money.
Ankle injury = Concern about Dak
Depreciating talent = Overall team talent.

He's not wrong.
Maybe not but why the need to tell everyone??

This guy hurts way more than he helps and truly needs to get off the radio.

This is as bad of a problem for this team than anything you can find on the field.


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The great thing about the Internet is we can all go back and see how many people on this forum thought Dallas was loaded and was ready for a SB run. Now they are acting like Jerry is to blame, because he somehow didn’t pay 40 million to the QB who broke his ankle.

I mean if we were dealing realistically, this season proves Jerry was right all along. But let the Dak delusion continue.


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The future is bright people. Just hang in there our luck is gonna turn.


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I get why they have to ask him questions but why to they have to listen to the answers?

When it comes to negotiating with his name players, the light is on but nobody is home. He's the last GM that should be trying to explain his method of negotiation. Booger is like the Chief of the tribe in the negotiations for Manhattan. Looky tribe, me get 24 dollars of Americana wampum, them just get island.


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EASY MONEY......that's what the Ravens were yelling when they played the Cowboys. Think about that, that's what their peers think about the guys who play on this team. It's so bad that not one player was named to the 2020 NFL Pro Bowl team so when JJ rolls up to the negation table next year the first thing out of his mouth better be, " We're cutting salaries this year and do you have a problem with this and if you do then SEE YA, WOULDN'T WANT TO BE YA!".


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Oh ok everyone thinks this is about Dak. I was thinking he was talking about hanging onto declining players with poorly negotiated contracts like Zeke,Jaylon, etc.

This is probably about this Grand Slam breakfast at Denny's but posters will turn this into a 20 page thread that ends with "Dak has secretly signed with the Giants".