Twitter: Jerry on Jimmy in ROH “Aren’t we proud of him in the Hall of Fame.”


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
It's not the Jerry Jones Ring of Honor. It's the Cowboys Ring of Honor. Whether he likes him or not, he is doing the fanbase a disservice by not putting the organization and franchise legacy over his own personal feelings. After 25 years it's time to let this go.
Well then, as part of the fan base, you should go demand it and see what happens. :laugh:


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They've both tried to save face over the years I think for the sake of their own reputations, but anyone who sincerely believes that these two are fond of each other even 25 years after their fallout is our of their minds.

100% accurate.

I'm not saying this as a defense of Jerry, by any means, and *PLEASE* don't take it that way. But--honest question:

How do we know Jerry hasn't offered, and Jimmy told him to stick it up his rear end?
To me, that is a distinct possibility. Maybe Jimmy wanted to wait until he was in the Pro Football HOF like Jerry is, before even considering the invite, so he could go in "on equal footing" so to speak?

One thing I know, and again not a criticism or defense of either of these guys, but they are both intensely proud men and I think appearances are more important to both of them then either of them would admit. Just my $.02


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Can I just offer a counter point to all of this? Yes, I realize we all hate Jerry and we're supposed to be super biased against him. That being said, Skip Bayless has covered their breakup many times and he's said that Jimmy really left Jerry little choice. He was openly defying him and insulting him in front of others by the end of it...even when it wasn't necessary. Keep in mind that Skip used to cover the Boys fully as a reporter, so there is no reason to think he's taking sides here. Besides, Skip has hardly been a fan of Jerry over the years since he became an ESPN personality. So if you're Jerry, what do you do if an employee you gave a chance (a chance no one else would up to that point) was treating you badly?

I do realize this overall topic is related to Jimmy going into the ROH, not his firing. I just think that we don't really know what has occurred with them since then and if the relationship is still icy and Jimmy won't admit his part in the breakup, then I can see why this situation is the way it is. Whether Jimmy or the fans like it or not, Jerry deserves his due credit for those SB titles. He had the guts to fire an icon who was done at that point and the guts to go get a college guy that was untested. Flame on I guess.

Skip is a dimwit and I really can't stand him but I'm also not going to dismiss the message merely because of the messenger.

Jimmy has all but admitted he wanted out and was probably halfway out the door anyhow.
Not (as you said) defending Jerry. But it's not like Johnson was merely trying to do his job in un assuming fashion and just happened to get fired out of the blue.

Both of those guys hated each other by the time it ended. And that's a shame. Because if BOTH of them could have just put their egos on the shelf, the level of success could have been truly ridiculous in a historical sense. That team was primed to win another couple Super Bowls by the time the 90's ended. The Patriots have had, what, 6 in the past 20 years right?

That Cowboys team easily could have won 5 out of 8 had they found a way to merely co exist. It was a real shame.


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If Johnson were to ever be inducted into the Ring Of Honor, Jerry Jones would induct himself at the same time.

And utter some line that you can’t separate the two when it comes to the Cowboys.


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I don’t even understand his response . Like someone has to explain it to me.


Well-Known Member
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Jerry will wait until the 2021 or 2022 season before he puts Jimmy in the ROH. Or he will wait until he wins a SB before he does it.

If he does it this year, he will be given crap, why didn't he do it years ago.

I don't see why so many are upset about why he isn't in now. But then again many do not like Jerry for anything he does.
I think he should be in it, but I am not getting butt hurt over it. :lmao:

Well he may never get in then.


"We Are Penn State"
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I guess there's a deadline for Ring of Honor inductees too. :lmao:


Active Member
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Jimmy Johnson has to be the only hall of famer not in a ring of fame hahahaha


Cowboys Diehard
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I'm sure it irks Jerry to no end when Jimmy pees on the his and the C'boys image as he sees cause to do so. He won't admit it but it's a lock.:muttley:
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Regular Joe....
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Here is what I will say about this. It has been a long standing practice for the Cowboys to induct potential HOF members into the ROH prior to their induction into the Hall. The idea being that it helps to get them elected into the Hall. Further, reasoning that a Cowboy into the Hall is good for the team. Now, that never happened with Jimmy and there is absolutely a reason for it. But honestly, is anybody really surprised? Tom Landry was not inducted into the ROH until 1993.


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Can I just offer a counter point to all of this? Yes, I realize we all hate Jerry and we're supposed to be super biased against him. That being said, Skip Bayless has covered their breakup many times and he's said that Jimmy really left Jerry little choice. He was openly defying him and insulting him in front of others by the end of it...even when it wasn't necessary. Keep in mind that Skip used to cover the Boys fully as a reporter, so there is no reason to think he's taking sides here. Besides, Skip has hardly been a fan of Jerry over the years since he became an ESPN personality. So if you're Jerry, what do you do if an employee you gave a chance (a chance no one else would up to that point) was treating you badly?

I do realize this overall topic is related to Jimmy going into the ROH, not his firing. I just think that we don't really know what has occurred with them since then and if the relationship is still icy and Jimmy won't admit his part in the breakup, then I can see why this situation is the way it is. Whether Jimmy or the fans like it or not, Jerry deserves his due credit for those SB titles. He had the guts to fire an icon who was done at that point and the guts to go get a college guy that was untested. Flame on I guess.
Sorry but quoting Bayless doesn't help anyone's argument. Skip would sell his own mother for a story.


Well-Known Member
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Here is what I will say about this. It has been a long standing practice for the Cowboys to induct potential HOF members into the ROH prior to their induction into the Hall. The idea being that it helps to get them elected into the Hall. Further, reasoning that a Cowboy into the Hall is good for the team. Now, that never happened with Jimmy and there is absolutely a reason for it. But honestly, is anybody really surprised? Tom Landry was not inducted into the ROH until 1993.

To be fair, Jones offered to induct Landry into the ROH as early as 1989. Landry refused induction until accepting in 1993.