Twitter: Jerry on Randy Gregory: I'm positive


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Goodell is like all of the feckless mayors that we have come to know, USELESS!


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There has to be way more to this Randy Gregory story then the public knows or Dallas is getting a raw deal by the league.
There has to be more because the NFL doesn't tell us jack. One of the great stupidities of the league.

Get the drug testing in the game or out of the game. If it's in the game, tell us what's happening. Failed tests, missed tests, whatever. It's not like their medical history is otherwise a secret. They're *required* to report injuries.


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I'll explain my reasoning, and sorry to have left out a word like "probably," or "likely," which may have satisfied your need for semantic perfection.

Roger Goodell, who took his well deserved share of a public beating for the way he handled player discipline over the years, is just starting to shake that image.

Jerry Jones, who is quite dialed in with the league, is very aware of what went on and did not go on in this case, and has shared it with Stephen (is it ok if I assume that or no?)

Stephen has publicly said that Gregory has been "good but not perfect (or something close to that)" in his attempt to meet reinstatement protocols.

The Jerry quote in the tweet tells me that the team is trying to help him.

Randy Gregory is barely a player in this league and Roger Goodell doesnt care a bit if he plays or not, but he needs to follow the rules to get back in.

Anything other than Gregory having either screwed up the paperwork (yeah, sure), or having failed some required opposed to Goodell concocting some sort of scheme, with very little to gain and a TON to lose in specifically keeping Gregory out of the league for an agenda I cant figure an absurd take.

So if you like, feel free to believe that after agreeing to more lenient rules as far as marijuana use with little to no fight, that Goodell has it out for Gregory and is simply stalling and doing zero.

I'm going to choose to believe that Gregory had some dirty piss along the way and it's on him.

Sorry but it looks to me like a whole lot of assumptions from your end (as opposed to the “leaving out a word” theory you so kindly suggested)