Jerry or Stephen?

Is the team better off with Jerry or Stephen?

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The man has two radio shows a week, and he doesn't love the attention as much as Jerry?
Yeah that has changed. Stephen has loved giving interviews the last few years. At least Jerry has been grandfathered into saying crazy things. Stephen just does it because.....

LLLOOOLLL, best post of the week. LOL
The Cowboys are better off under Stephen Jones because he doesn't love the attention as much as Jerry and is more likely to sell the team after Jerry is gone.
We don’t want the team sold.

it wreck the team.

see 1984, 1989.
they both are so so so so so bad

but pls let it be stephen please lol i cant do this another 30+ year

i think stephen will be worse tho i feel it
Given the crappy choice, I would choose Stephen. Not sure if he would try to be the owner/GM like Jerry, but I think of the two he would be more likely to hire a GM. Jerry is Jerry and it will take Father Time to deal with him.
My vote for Stephen just tied it up down the middle 50/50.

I chose him because we've seen what Jerry has accomplished so far, which frankly, is absolutely nothing. Stephen strikes me as someone pretending to be interested and just riding his dad's coattails. Once Jerry passes, I could see Stephen’s interest waning. He might prefer enjoying his billions off the coast of Bora Bora, lounging on a yacht while a young bikini-clad companion brings him drinks. This scenario would likely force him to hire someone else to run the front office.
Please, universe, I'm begging of you to make this happen. :laugh:
It's an easy one, Jr. He is nothing but a mouthipiece for the decrepid father of his and will not speak against him for fear of losing his allowance
I picked Jerry. He’s not living another 10 years and still GMing for one.

Stephen is a ruthless shrewd cheap skate. He is terrible at the salary cap, and talks his father out of everything now. I once had hope for him when he would talk Jerry into releasing aging players but that ship has now sailed.
Careful on the 10 year thing. It’s gonna get ugly.

Being sadly honest, Im much more looking forward to him humiliating himself than winning anything other than maybe a WC game. It’s a much more realistic expectation.
We know what we have with Jerry and Stephen. Jerry doesn’t do the work of a GM - neither does his giggling #1 son.

But…I hold out faint hope that Stephen would hire someone that knows what they’re doing. Plus Stephen is lazy. I think he’s at least smart enough to know that getting someone else to make cap and football decisions is what they need. Did I also mention Stevie boy is lazy?
Jerry holding a slight lead.

Years ago he might not have gotten a single vote. Stephen was going to save the franchise.
Classic case of the lesser of two evils still being evil.

C. None of the above
Stephen b/c he doesn't fancy himself a talent evaluator and he's not trying to prove he was responsible for the 90's dynasty. So, he might hire a GM.
For me it simply comes down to the fact that Jerry at least earned his position. He sucks at it but he earned it thru being a good businessman and being smart enough to buy the Cowboys and smart enough to hire Jimmy. Stephen is just a lump of entitled stupidity who’s never done anything but be Jerry’s kid.
Stephen b/c he doesn't fancy himself a talent evaluator and he's not trying to prove he was responsible for the 90's dynasty. So, he might hire a GM.
Stephen doesn't fancy himself a talent evaluator? He is the Director of Player Personnel.
1.i know up front what to expect.
2.he's actually built something...what exactly as stephen done?
3.i think stephen is a bigger moron than his dad.
4.either vote nets the same result...0 super bowls.

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