I know. It really doesn't matter which. Neither is the right answer. That answer carries every state and all 538 electoral votes if it's on the ballot.
But guess what? It's not. You must choose. Jerry or Stephen? Which would you pick to be the GM of this team for the next decade? Choosing one eliminates the influence of the other.
So if you choose Jerry you're getting Jerry without Stephen's voice in his ear. If you choose Stephen you're getting Stephen without Jerry's input.
Kindly indulge me in this fantasy. And votes will be made public. So this is serious stuff.
You're at a fork in the road. One way takes you to Jerrytown. The other takes you to Stephenville. And you're not allowed to put it in park, run a hose from the exhaust and take a nap.
Which direction are you taking?
Either way, Cowboys! in your face.
PS - First one to say neither is a Rockport and must relocate to Hawaii.