Jerry, please stop insulting our intelligence


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Half the fans think Dallas has salary cap issues so...
gaslighting at its finest. Spreads like a cancer. Its sad to hear some media outlets and many fans repeat the lie over and over about our cap so called issue. MANY willing and unwilling Jones Family enablers out there.


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More and more fans are realizing not only how bad JJ is as a GM, but more importantly how little he really cares for the team or its fans.

What I mean about not caring about this team is this: If Jerry Jones really cared about the great history and reputation of this franchise he would step down. He cares more about himself and his pathetic ego than our beloved Cowboys. There is no question about that.
The team facility is a museum of natural history these days. Tours while the fans are finally waking up, there is a large swath of new Dallas fans that only follow the team now to go on the tours or to buy merch and grab an autograph so they can turn around and flip it. Its a clown show around here. Frontier of Texas is a place near me where you can take a tour and visit the old west museum. You get the idea, so THIS is what Jerry has turned the team into...a parody of itself in real time. With the Old west we know it existed, and we see remnants of it to this day, SOME historical sites and records preserved. Same is happening to our beloved Cowboys. Every year that passes, our greatness is diminishing because the current version of the team isn't winning. The future is kinda dim until major change has been done at the top.


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Additionally, I just read his explanation of the Amari Cooper trade. That's also an example of him insulting our intelligence. Trading him was fine, but we could've gotten much more for him. The problem is that Jerry, again, is no where near the GM he thinks he is, and it's why the last 29 years are what they are.
Mike Fisher tries many times over to rationalize that trade and its SICKENING if you have heard his piss poor explanation of it. Getting a low end pick was TERRIBLE. Fisher has been good as of late, calling out the Jones family but his Amari take is full of bull crap it sounds like Jerry Jones wrote the script for him.


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Mike Fisher tries many times over to rationalize that trade and its SICKENING if you have heard his piss poor explanation of it. Getting a low end pick was TERRIBLE. Fisher has been good as of late, calling out the Jones family but his Amari take is full of bull crap it sounds like Jerry Jones wrote the script for him.

I don't really tune into Fisher. He's a bit of a, shall we say, lack of credibility media person?