Jerry said hiring Schotty is as big a risk as you can take

... Like I said before one of these days,.. Jerry is going to get a right again
What a load of crap. You have made your intentions known for decades. You don't care about winning except in the Forbes rankings and at the bank. The fans have no expectattions and believe the 30th year in a row of disappointment if not huge failure is headed their way. Oh and I am sure you got him on the cheap. So where is this huge risk? It's not like we haven't figured out you and Stevie frauds.
So let's take a "risk" and hire a guy without even interviewing other candidates that appear to have much more potential. Seems like a comfort zone hire and it's a shame this is the state of this franchise.
It's not even a risk it is like everyone has been talking about, lazy and lack of due diligence with a very lackadaisical attitude for the future of the franchise. He's trying to excuse the shortcomings by explaining to everyone how chance and luck has been the reason they are like this for decades.
The speaker wanted us to think this is about risk v. reward, again.
Not surprised that Jerruh didnt elaborate on the reward thing. After 3 decades, We're tired of hearing it.
Osmosis! Wow how GM of him. The best do it this way
Stephen Jones be like "Drought? What Drought"?


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