Jerry said hiring Schotty is as big a risk as you can take

We thought this past season was bad, next season is going to be even more Schotty............. :thumbdown:
They’re trying to hard to sell this hire and 85% of the fans aren’t buying it.
No one said it wasn't risky hiring a head coach without a proven track of success. However, some people would call it foolish
Shot took all the risks. Booger didn't. Anything goes haywire it's on Shot cuz we all know the genius owner doesn't make mistakes.

now as far as his being a risk taker look at the bus driver QB. If Booger was a risk taker he'd have let that contract run out and RISK losing his alter ego.

Bus driver QB
Comfort hires
Doing the same thing year after year

Does that sound like a risk taker to anyone not named Booger?
Well that's gotta make BS feel confidant
The risk that Schotty takes with Jerry, Stephen & Family is as big a risk as he can take, also. It really works both ways!:thumbup:
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Jerry Jones has lost his marbles. If you were all in to win in 2025, and you filled teh roster with quality players and draft picks, then hiring Schottenheimer would be a risk. But if you don't do those things, then there is no risk because you had no chance for him to be successful in the first place.

Jerry is struggling to defend 30 years of failure.
Jerry seems obsessed with telling everyone how much of a risk taker he is. No dude we want you to make sound football decisions.

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