Jerry said hiring Schotty is as big a risk as you can take

Hiring me would also have been a risk, doesn't mean he should do it.
We already knew that but the fact that he knows it and still went through with it is pathetic.
Oh LORD. Does that mean we have another Head Coach in TRAINING, under the guidance of our part time, inept, unqualified, GM???
No, Jerry.

Deion is a risk.

Hiring someone that probably walked in and said "I'll do whatever you want. I'll let you pick the staff and players." is not a risk.
I can hear Jerry now after another 2 years without the playoff. Hey we swung for the fences with BS, but I steered away from what I thought was right and we need to go back to being more conservative.
I dunno, when Crier said he wasn't an X's and Os guy I got a distinc deja vu back to Jason Garrett and his "Just beat your man" coaching philosophy.
And then Romo later commenting about Garrett's lack of creativity at Xs and Os.
Jerry also scoffed at the criticism of only interviewing 4 coaches.

Truth is, 2 of those were sham interviews to satisfy the Rooney Rule. In actuality, Jerry only conducted 2 legit interviews, Kellen and Schottenheimer, the current and previous Cowboys OC's who Jerry is comfortable with. Brian got the nod because that is who Dak wanted.
So jerral admits this experiment could go terribly wrong? Will he take the blame if it does?

LOL, of course he won't.
The Jones Bus wants to take a Musk shuttle ro Mars. Imagine the NFL on the moons of Jupiter. Talk about shooting for our Star. Pretty sure Jerruh is an alien anyway. A dumbo weirdo from Mercury at thst.
Stephen Jones be like "Drought? What Drought"?

Stephen " Jones. He only did one quotation air head quote because he is clueless.
Jerry saying to check his score sheet.
Then he states he’s taken more risks in the last 5 years than at any other time of his life…….what????? What are all these risks you’ve been taking Jerry? Is that where the “glory holes” statement comes into play?

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