Jerry still has no interest in tanking

You expect Jerry not to talk?
I always expect Jerry is going to talk.
He always talks.
Jerry Jones would try talking, in the vacuum of space itself, if he were drunk enough.

Or if someone convinced him to take off his helmet for a few seconds in order to promote himself better.
Intentionally losing games to position yourself for a player in the draft that might not develop into a great player? NO THANKS! I get it if you’re trying to position yourself for a potentially great QB, but other than that, no way!
..funny, that statement would not have come up. If Dallas wins last game.

More like playoff hunt.
Intentionally losing games to position yourself for a player in the draft that might not develop into a great player? NO THANKS! I get it if you’re trying to position yourself for a potentially great QB, but other than that, no way!
So you're not interested in super bowls. Got it.

BTW, you don't intentionally lose games. You trade away players who are good now for future draft picks. And last time we did this it culminated in 3 super bowls.
Brady was a once in a lifetime pick that went to a great situation and one of the best and most prepared defensive coaches in history. He doesn't just go anywhere and win championships, never mind 6 of them.
Purdy is another.
While we may want to still win it’s not likely we will.

So, we won’t be able to say we tanked. We just aren’t a good team. The end result is the same.
Under normal circumstances, tanking is a viable option to build a contending team but when your have a delusional narcissist with a rapidly decaying brain in charge there's just no point.
It would kind of be like Jerry skipping over Rush to start Lance because the fans wanted it.
Alot of us did want that....for 2 reasons.

1. We knew the season was lost so putting in Lance was the best path toward the best possible draft spot.

2. We want to see Lance play in an actual regular season games since we gave up a 4th for him.

When we put Rush in last time for Dak, it made sense because the roster was excellent and the only person injured was Dak, so the season had hope if Rush could win 4 out of 5 games....which he promptly did
I swear the media is remedial sometimes! Why would he say or admit that he wanted too lol!!??
A team can lose draft picks by "intentionally losing games." That's why you have to do it correctly, as in the Jimmy Johnson way. Trade away some good players that will make you lose games, that's the legal way to tank.

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