Jerry wants to keep Zeke

I guess we’ll find out soon. I believe his salary is fully guaranteed when the season officially opens in a couple weeks.
His base salary is not fully guaranteed. The last full guarantee was his 2022 base salary that became guaranteed on March 21, 2021.
Zeke is beyond washed up. But it does not matter. Jones has no interest in winning..
Agree with sentiment of most of posters here; Zeke can stay, but clearly only after taking a deep discount; also, it’s a deep draft for running backs and Dallas has Pollard coming back next year…hopefully. I’m content to cut Zeke, keep Pollard and draft a quality RB in the later rounds if one falls to Dallas. Would like to see 1st round pick used on OL or DL, which I think offer better return on investment.
Let’s see if he takes the big pay cut. Than how he plays. We will draft one.
yeah what a shock

a guy stupid to take a rb in the top 5 and give a rb a market setting second contract is not smart enouh to move on

jerry is stupid he just is
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