JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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Malcom "Mac" Wallace 34 Point Fingeprint Match on a box on the 6th floor of the TSBD.

Looks like late night infomercials. Again someone selling a book, who looks shady as hell, and an "expert" who needs to take acting lessons.

Timb2 is like a possessed energizer bunny...he keeps spewing and spewing and spewing.

The key to playing connect the dots is connecting them and all he does is add more dots. Even worse is he does not care what picture the dots come from he just throws them out anyway.:facepalm:

With the JFK assassination, a lot of people believe what they want to believe, not what the evidence shows. The evidence shows that Oswald did it -- shots came exclusively from his rifle. No proof of anyone putting him up to it has ever surfaced. The conspiracy people have also never shown why Oswald killed Police Officer Tippet. For a "patsy," Oswald sure acted guilty, fleeing the scene and then killing a cop and then hiding in a movie theater.
Strip Club Owner Ruby who worked on the House Payroll for Congress for Nixon
Strip Club Owner Ruby who worked on the House Payroll for Congress for Nixon
So I did not even have to put up my Nixon/drone video to get you to add Nixon to your list of 1,000,000,000 conspirators.
With the JFK assassination, a lot of people believe what they want to believe, not what the evidence shows. The evidence shows that Oswald did it -- shots came exclusively from his rifle. No proof of anyone putting him up to it has ever surfaced. The conspiracy people have also never shown why Oswald killed Police Officer Tippet. For a "patsy," Oswald sure acted guilty, fleeing the scene and then killing a cop and then hiding in a movie theater.
They also never bring up his attempt to kill General Walker.
Roscoe White

Roscoe White Edit

Roscoe White joined the United States Marines. In August-September 1957 Roscoe, also a Marine, took the same boat to Japan as Lee Harvey Oswald. He was stationed at Atsugi and worked on the U-2 project. In November of the same year, both White and Oswald ended up in Subic Bay, the Philippines, and, later, off the coast of Indonesia as part of a secret CIA invasion force

White joined the Dallas Police Force in September, 1963. Soon afterwards, his wife Geneva White, claimed that she overheard her husband and Jack Ruby plotting the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

It is thought that Tippit's car was the one that stopped at Oswald's house and beeped, and then picked him up down the street. White asked Tippit to drive Oswald to Redbird Airport but Tippit balked, suspecting they were involved in the assassination and White had to shoot him right then. Oswald ran away.

Quintella Clemons claimed Tippit's shooter was chunky not skinny.

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