JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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There were plenty of people with a motive but the ironic thing is, the one who did it did not really have one other than a narcissistic need to be someone.

He defected to Russia thinking he would be a big deal and when he wasn't he attempted suicide and came back. He was shocked he was not received back as a big deal. He attempted to make a name over Cuba, did not happen. His marriage was failing so he attempted to kill General Walker. When that failed he became more abusive so Marina left him. Killing Kennedy was a crime of opportunity and not so much a political assassination, when he learned that the motorcade was passing the TSBD.
Man,you &everyone else knows that the ganglia-like ever spreading tendrils of the world wide communist cancer had to be confronted , thwarted and beaten back/ contained, lest America herself was forced to confront it at it's own front door,,,was Vietnam worth it? NO!
Was it a necessary proactive page outta' the national survival play book?
It's a crying shame the wealth of technological innovations birthed thru war are continually reinvested in the betterment of that activity's progress.

* I think after WW11 the U.S.A. ended up sitting on like 85% of all the known gold that's ever been mined & coveted in the worldo_O
We stole it from the Germans who stole it from everybody else. We were smarter, wait until the get it and take it from them, You can go steal the cabbage, turnips, carrots and cauliflower or wait until the framer harvests them and take them all at once.

The one thing that's always pissed me off is this America is holier than thou thinking, the good guys in white hats BS. We were just not as bad as the other aholes but we've done some real dirty stuff in the name of "protecting our way of life". Our way of life is all about the greenbacks and always has been. I have no problem with the truth, they guy with the bigger gun usually wins.
It's not the military, it's the weathy investors of defense companies who make out like bandits with war.That is what Eisenhower was warning about "The Military Industral Complex" when leaving office.Getting us into war for profit. Bay of Pigs several entities lost out .
None lost out like the mob did, that was to be Las Vegas with a beach. They could have actually gone legit and made more than they did racketeering.
None lost out like the mob did, that was to be Las Vegas with a beach. They could have actually gone legit and made more than they did racketeering.

Come on, looking at who lost out more is a waste of time. Clearly every person (particularly "rich people" and politicians), governmental agency, corporation, criminal organization, think tank, anti war group, pro war group or any other person or group who had a disagreement with Kennedy for whatever reason was involved in the conspiracy.

Trying to narrow it down to the most likely candidates is a waste of time because almost everyone was involved. It would be a faster process to narrow down who didn't have a beef with Kennedy and determine they were the only ones not in on the conspiracy.
Just a Coincidence that this building in New Orleans had Guy Bannister,David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald's locations inside and also Jim Braden's po box who was caught in the Dal-Tex building in Dallas.That building does not look that big for these people not to know each other rather well.

544 Camp Street and 531 Lafayette Street.
Could there have been others trying to get close to Oswald while at Dallas Police Headquarters besides Ruby? Could this be Frank Sturgis?

Frank Sturgis
LOL, Those are not faked. There are countless links to conclusive tests that show they are authentic. So now you have Marina in on the conspiracy.
There were plenty of people with a motive but the ironic thing is, the one who did it did not really have one other than a narcissistic need to be someone.

He defected to Russia thinking he would be a big deal and when he wasn't he attempted suicide and came back. He was shocked he was not received back as a big deal. He attempted to make a name over Cuba, did not happen. His marriage was failing so he attempted to kill General Walker. When that failed he became more abusive so Marina left him. Killing Kennedy was a crime of opportunity and not so much a political assassination, when he learned that the motorcade was passing the TSBD.
I think he was let to kill Kennedy, possibly goaded into it. Oswald being killed definitely points toward something he knew that they didn't want getting out.
I think he was let to kill Kennedy, possibly goaded into it. Oswald being killed definitely points toward something he knew that they didn't want getting out.
Ruby was in police headquarters on Friday and Saturday but did not shoot him until Sunday, and even then, had Oswald not gotten cold and wanted a sweater, Ruby would not have been able to shoot him because he was at Western Union at the time he was supposed to be transferred. Oswald was in police custody for almost 48 hours and had plenty of time to talk. If you want him dead it doesn't make much sense to let him get out of the TSBD, away from his boarding house, out of the Texas Theater and then have almost 48 hours in front of police and news reporters to say whatever he wanted, and then use a guy with mob ties to kill him...it is ridiculous.
Ruby was in police headquarters on Friday and Saturday but did not shoot him until Sunday, and even then, had Oswald not gotten cold and wanted a sweater, Ruby would not have been able to shoot him because he was at Western Union at the time he was supposed to be transferred. Oswald was in police custody for almost 48 hours and had plenty of time to talk. If you want him dead it doesn't make much sense to let him get out of the TSBD, away from his boarding house, out of the Texas Theater and then have almost 48 hours in front of police and news reporters to say whatever he wanted, and then use a guy with mob ties to kill him...it is ridiculous.
Ah, but there is simply no other reason for Ruby to even kill him. That's what really doesn't make sense.
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