Here's the thing...
Will we ever (and I mean "we" as in "our culture") ever truly achieve equality if we're artificially granting a leg up to certain people because of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc?
I'm all for equality, but I believe we do a diservice to everyone when we say, for example, that minority (ie, black) candidates get "extra credit" for being black and thus are given preferred treatment over others - as happened at Michigan Law.
I know if I was going up for a promotion and I was getting a leg up because I was (whatever) I would always wonder in the back of my mind if I was as good as the competition. I think guys like Dungy (and guys like Art Shell before him) have proven that black coaches are in no way less competent than white coaches. Some rule requiring owners to interview black HC candidates is not likely to help, IMO. What happens when a coach that is truly qualified interviews and is not hired in favor of a white coach? Will he think he just got the interview because he's black? He might, and that would be a shame.
I say let the best man win. Owners these days don't care what race the HC is - they want the best man for the job.
I will grant you, however, that racism used to be a serious problem. i just don't see it anymore. I really don't. Maybe I'm around enlightened people, but I don't see it.