Jimmy Johnson "I Want To Score."

So let's start with our owner. Because someone asked before does it trickle-down? Well every business, organization or unit trickles down. Sure some might sustain short-lived success in spite of the top but nothing can sustain long-term success without successful leaders and that always starts at the top.

So let's look at our leader, our own Mr. Jerry Jones. What is he successful at? Some here say that results are all that matter. While that might be true in certain circumstances, sometimes what leads up to those results is just as if not more important. Because without that process you have no results.
So looking at his results he was successful enough to buy the Dallas Cowboys. Successful enough to win three Super Bowl rings. Successful enough to keep his product, his brand the number one brand in not only the NFL but also every other brand in every professional sport in this entire country. Despite being announced to the world daily that he hasn't won one of those rings in nearly 2 decades.

So purely as an owner his success cannot be doubted.
So once you come to terms with that is today's NFL then you can start to look at our beloved Dallas Cowboys.

Ok, I've come to terms with that a long time ago but that still doesn't explain why the Cowboys have been a .500 team now for 18 freaking years. I would attribute it to Jerry Jones and his pathetic managing of the team. To me that is the clear reason of why our team is .500. No offense man but I have read your posts and I think your problem is you think know more than everyone else and your opinion reins supreme or something. This is message board and people talk about the Cowboys, you don't have to be a coach or be in the locker room to have an opinion or even an educated opinion.
Now let's look at Jerry as the GM. A position which is unique to him in so many ways but two of the most important are the fact that he is also the owner which makes him also is own boss.

I know the buck stops with Jerry. You see the businessman in him puts himself front and center not only because he like almost every man on this planet loves that feeling of being rewarded and getting credit, but it also means that he takes all the blame for executive decisions. despite the fact that he himself is merely a puppet to those who he has hired to help create the thought process that goes into making those decisions. I have never thought that Jerry pushes all the buttons but I've always thought that Jerry Hires those who do and or allows those people to do the same. He also allows those same people to do the job that they have been hired to do.

Now here's where a GM and owner being the same person can become your own worst enemy. You Have the owner who wants to win but also has to make money and you have the GM who is supposed to win at all cost but do it by spending only a certain amount of cost.

I simply learned to take the good with the bad because he's not going anywhere and as long as he keeps this team competitive generations of new Cowboys fans will be born every day.
So let's start with our owner. Because someone asked before does it trickle-down? Well every business, organization or unit trickles down. Sure some might sustain short-lived success in spite of the top but nothing can sustain long-term success without successful leaders and that always starts at the top.

So let's look at our leader, our own Mr. Jerry Jones. What is he successful at? Some here say that results are all that matter. While that might be true in certain circumstances, sometimes what leads up to those results is just as if not more important. Because without that process you have no results.
So looking at his results he was successful enough to buy the Dallas Cowboys. Successful enough to win three Super Bowl rings. Successful enough to keep his product, his brand the number one brand in not only the NFL but also every other brand in every professional sport in this entire country. Despite being announced to the world daily that he hasn't won one of those rings in nearly 2 decades.

So purely as an owner his success cannot be doubted.

Ok, so he has been successful at making money off of Americas team. That's nice... he gets richer while we get a .500 product on the field. As a fan, results are all that matters to me. The Cowboys are successful because of their massive loyal fan base. Loyal fans don't disappear when the team does bad. We still buy the tickets, buy the gear, take the tours, and support the team.
Now let's talk about Garrett. Our head coach. He is what he is. A Ivy League grad who has a philosophy imbedded into his DNA that will never ever change.

I strongly believe in his philosophy about competition breeds success and you have to build by believing in a certain process that works for you.

Let's face it that process works for him. It got him to graduate from one of the highest academic institutions in this country. It got him a job as an NFL quarterback. It got him a job as a coordinator in the NFL. It also got him a job as a head coach in the NFL. And make no mistake about it Dalis isn't the only place he could've gotten any of those positions.

I think most here who struggle with Garrett is because they struggle with his results especially his record as a head coach and also having to watch him learn on the job has proven to be painful and down right heart-wrenching at times.

I think most here who believe in Garrett is because they see the type of culture he A. took over and B. has created.

Does he have the brassy balls that A Sean Payton or Jimmy Johnson has? No. It's not in his DNA. But he also never would have allowed what Jimmy allowed while he was with the hurricanes nor what while he was with the Cowboys and regardless of what Sean Payton says he wouldn't of allowed what Sean Payton allowed in New Orleans either.

Now the other side of that is do I believe he has the confidence that a Tom Landry had. ABSOLUTELY. You see the same thing that a lot of people disliked about Tom Landry is what I think would have made him a great coach in today's NFL. He unlike Jimmy and Jerry never allowed himself to fall in love with a player to the point where it affected his system. He believed that the system is what works and the players are only interchangeable parts.

And now nearly 3 decades later Tom Landry is up in heaven still being looked at by the other coaches, players and commentators as the smartest coach in the room or shall I say clouds. Because that exact same philosophy the constant churning and the system is going to win championships & the players are the interchangeable parts of that system, is what today's NFL is truly become.

Oh and that one other small thing, It REALLY helps to have a good quarterback and never forget defense wins championships ;-)
Ok, I've come to terms with that a long time ago but that still doesn't explain why the Cowboys have been a .500 team now for 18 freaking years. I would attribute it to Jerry Jones and his pathetic managing of the team. To me that is the clear reason of why our team is .500. No offense man but I have read your posts and I think your problem is you think know more than everyone else and your opinion reins supreme or something. This is message board and people talk about the Cowboys, you don't have to be a coach or be in the locker room to have an opinion or even an educated opinion.

But you do have to have a valid opinion if you want to truly be respected not only here but from your peers.

You see it's not that I think I know more than anyone else it's that I know there's so much more that we don't know that goes into the result and so many more variables that we as fans aren't privy to or in some cases just flat-out don't get.

What I do know is that we aren't going to dominate the NFL like we did for so many years. Unless the NFL changes the rules of how they allow franchises to conduct business, it is what it is. Parity reigns supreme.

You know someone who is an analyst on ESPN that is very very insightful and really really gets it? Trent Dilfer.

Not only has he been in the locker room been on the field, won Super Bowl but he also has a TON of common sense.

Look we all know everybody has an opinion and by all means I'll be the first to tell you that all of us have had great opinions and Some that we probably should've kept to ourselves. My opinions are just that opinions but I believe in them very very strongly and when I come across as sounding like I know more than everyone else, it's only because I'm very very confident in those opinions.
Ok, so he has been successful at making money off of Americas team. That's nice... he gets richer while we get a .500 product on the field. As a fan, results are all that matters to me. The Cowboys are successful because of their massive loyal fan base. Loyal fans don't disappear when the team does bad. We still buy the tickets, buy the gear, take the tours, and support the team.

You I think there is more that matters to you then just results. Because if results were all that mattered, you would have switched to a different team or stopped Watching football altogether along time ago.
What I do know is that we aren't going to dominate the NFL like we did for so many years. Unless the NFL changes the rules of how they allow franchises to conduct business, it is what it is. Parity reigns supreme.

Duh... who said anything about dominating? I think we would all settle for a better than .500 team and a little post season success.

You know someone who is an analyst on ESPN that is very very insightful and really really gets it? Trent Dilfer..

I don't fully agree with that. Some things he says I agree with and other things he says I don't agree with. He has an opinion just like any other past playing analyst. Have you ever noticed others in his same position (Past player, past super bowl winner) have completely opposite opinions from him?

He also has a TON of common sense

We have plenty of fans that have common sense and a bunch who don't. Saying Jerry is the major problem here in Dallas would indicate common sense to me.

Look we all know everybody has an opinion and by all means I'll be the first to tell you that all of us have had great opinions and Some that we probably should've kept to ourselves. My opinions are just that opinions but I believe in them very very strongly and when I come across as sounding like I know more than everyone else, it's only because I'm very very confident in those opinions.

That is fine, I'm cool with people having strong opinions, but making comments about "Dumb fans" when replying to others messages here is basically acting like your opinion is a fact and the rest of us are just "dumb fans" that don't have any clue.
You I think there is more that matters to you then just results. Because if results were all that mattered, you would have switched to a different team or stopped Watching football altogether along time ago.

You are confusing results and loyalty. I'm a loyal fan (meaning I'm not going anywhere) but I will complain when I don't see results. As fans, we want results.. but a true fan doesn't desert his team.
Always fun to blame the fanbase for two decades of mediocrity.

Who's blaming the fan base for "two decades of mediocrity"?

I'm blaming posters for sounding like a commercial for SportsCenter with all the knee-jerk drama filled comments. It's like Jerry Springer took over the Cowboys zone.

When we were 5-11 with Campo as the coach you still had better conversations that actually involved football versus people spouting off one-liners that have nothing to add to the forum and only make this place become more of a joke.

There's a rant zone for a reason, and there's tons of comedy message boards people can go to if they feel the need but this place is turning into A Commander forum.

Talk about a bunch of idiots dressing up as pigs with wigs and wearing dresses. Is that what we want to be?
You are confusing results and loyalty. I'm a loyal fan (meaning I'm not going anywhere) but I will complain when I don't see results. As fans, we want results.. but a true fan doesn't desert his team.
So then your loyalty does matter to you more than results.
Duh... who said anything about dominating? I think we would all settle for a better than .500 team and a little post season success.

I don't fully agree with that. Some things he says I agree with and other things he says I don't agree with. He has an opinion just like any other past playing analyst. Have you ever noticed others in his same position (Past player, past super bowl winner) have completely opposite opinions from him?

We have plenty of fans that have common sense and a bunch who don't. Saying Jerry is the major problem here in Dallas would indicate common sense to me.

That is fine, I'm cool with people having strong opinions, but making comments about "Dumb fans" when replying to others messages here is basically acting like your opinion is a fact and the rest of us are just "dumb fans" that don't have any clue.

Sure his opinions differ from others but his opinions are also very highly regarded in NFL circles. And I say highly regarded I mean up there with some of the best.
You see gets it. he knows that you can have a Tony Siragusa and Ray Lewis and a Michael Irvin and still still go win championships just like you can have a Jerry Jones as an owner and still go Win championships.

I think the problem where you and I really disagree is that you think removing Jerry Jones solves the problem as where I think there is no one answer to fix the problems. People wanted to kill Bill Cowher in Pittsburgh for years before he won a ring. Look what they did in Philly to Andy Reid. So don't give me this garbage about just being above 500 would be better because I'm not buying that crap. You might think that's what you want or you might have made yourself believe that but I don't for one second.
Duh... who said anything about dominating? I think we would all settle for a better than .500 team and a little post season success.

I don't fully agree with that. Some things he says I agree with and other things he says I don't agree with. He has an opinion just like any other past playing analyst. Have you ever noticed others in his same position (Past player, past super bowl winner) have completely opposite opinions from him?

We have plenty of fans that have common sense and a bunch who don't. Saying Jerry is the major problem here in Dallas would indicate common sense to me.

That is fine, I'm cool with people having strong opinions, but making comments about "Dumb fans" when

Duh... who said anything about dominating? I think we would all settle for a better than .500 team and a little post season success.

That is fine, I'm cool with people having strong opinions, but making comments about "Dumb fans" when replying to others messages here is basically acting like your opinion is a fact and the rest of us are just "dumb fans" that don't have any clue.

You see that right there is what I view as a dumb post because this bull about wanting some better than 500 seasons or playoff success is garbage.

You know why? Because we have. We have won division championships we have had playoff success but yet here on this exact message board people point to those seasons as failures time and time and time again.

So don't sit here and complain that all you & most would settle for some above 500 seasons and some playoff success. Because you've had it unless you're 3 years old.

The only time anybody brings up those seasons is when they bring it up in a negative way. To trash the team. To trash Romo. That's a bunch of BS & this board is proven that.
Well then out of respect if I take the time to "man up" as a previous poster stated and take the time to give you all my view then I expect the same in return. I expect posters to man up and read it and then to think about it.

I think the answer is something you may already know. To each his own. Now please hear me out beginning to end regardless of whether it's boring or monotonous or even something you may already know. So here it goes:

The NFL as we know it, since even before our beloved Dallas Cowboys became a franchise, has completely changed.

I created a thread sometime a year or so ago about the 90s Cowboys and how they are not walking through the doors of Valley Ranch anytime soon. So any talk of Aikman, Emmitt, Irvin or even Danny White, Randy White, Roger, Drew Pearson, Landry, Jimmy, Lily or Hayes has no relevance to winning games in todays NFL. While those players could transcend into any era, the fact is the teams that they played on no longer exist in any facet across the NFL.

This league saw a major change when free agency was created. It then saw another major change when the Salary Cap was implemented. A more recent change is the salary floor Forcing inept owners to spend at least X amount of dollars on players.

So now we have parity at its greatest. A team like Kansas City can win two games one season and then the next, win four times that amount in just eight weeks.

Why might we wonder how this can happen so quickly? There are probably 20 or more factors that led to those results but the fact is without free agency and without the salary cap it would never have happened because guess what, it never has before.

Teams like San Francisco can take a quarterback who has never started in the NFL, plug him in middle of the season of only his second year in the league and make it all away to the Super Bowl and almost win it. And let's not forget the quarterback that he replaced now resides is the starting quarterback of those same Kansas City Chiefs who have the best record in the entire NFL.

This lead is now predicated on keeping players healthy, scouting every possible player who might just be able to come in off the streets and help you win one or two ballgames, building a core and depth through the draft, constantly churning your roster and sometimes even the coaching staff or front office and scouting personnel. Sadly enough it always has and still to this day includes bending the rules and or cheating there's a reason why all these guys get hurt and no running back on the planet can make it through a full season. I'll be it legal or illegal but performance enhancing drugs or substances run more rent it then they ever have before. The science to create these substances is way ahead of the science that polices them. And believe what you want but just as much of that Blame lies at the foot of these leagues because they are all a business and wow they have to protect their brand the first and foremost have to sell the product. And in today's society the jaw-dropping performance product and freakish athlete with freakish results sells not only to the diehards but more importantly to the casual fan. Just like parity keeps the casual fan watching all of these close games all the way through to the fourth quarter so all those commercials get just as many viewers whether it's the first quarter or the last.

So once you come to terms with that is today's NFL then you can start to look at our beloved Dallas Cowboys.

Good responses.

I appreciate it.

I'm going to ruminate on this.
More like the offense only has to play one quarter of ball and then the defense gets the blame because they aren't playing 4 quarters of perfect ball. This notion that the offense 'gave' the defense this huge lead is nonsense. The only two scores that came off of the offense's own doing was two monster YAC touchdowns from Dez and Williams in the fourth quarter, which happened after Dez started screaming and we actually decided to take shots down the field. The other scores came from excellent field position given to the offense from defense and special teams. The cowboys entered the fourth quarter in the lead 13 to 7 with only 88 yards of offense. We ended the game with half the yards as the Lions, but only 1 point less. That's because the offense was getting easy scores off field position given to them by defense and special teams. If the specialteams/defense doesn't score/give us easy field position, there are a couple of more games we lose, like against New York.

That first touchdown was because the offense started at the Lion's 5 yard line. The field goal before half was because the offense started in field goal range. That field goal at the end of the game that the offense 'gave' to the defense was because the defense FOUR and outed the lions and the offense took over in field goal range and yet they almost knocked themselves out of it. The offense three and outed two times in a row. 2 runs and a pass that stops the clock. 3 and out. The lions get the ball back around their twenty. The defense stops them on FOUR plays and gives our offense the ball back on the lions 20 in field goal range. The offense didn't 'give' the defense a 6 point lead, as if they marched down the field, burning the clock up to put us in field goal range. More like the defense's four and outting the lions and giving the offense a gimme field goal, but the offense failing to burn time off the clock because they fail to even try for a first down. In fact, they fail at even burning the clock out because of the 3rd down penalty. Here comes a depleted defense on the field AGAIN.

That's the problem with the Cowboys and Garrett. We get a little lead and we stop playing the game on offense or we don't start playing until the 4th quarter. There's a reason Romo has the highest 4th quarter QB rating in the lead. It's because the offense doesn't start playing until the fourth. There's a reason Rob Ryan isn't having the same 'ahh why can't the defense stop anybody at the end of game' complaints with the Saints that he had here and that Kiffen and Marinelli are getting now. The Saints' offense knows how to burn time off the clock and they know how to get a lead and sustain them. Kiffen and Marinelli aren't the problem. Garrett and this offense are. We talk about how many points this offense is scoring, but how many of these scores are because of excellent field position given by special teams and the defense? Dwayne Harris scoring touchdowns or the defense scoring and giving the offense gimme touchdowns. We can switch defensive coaches again, but we will get the SAME results. No defense can hold up against some of the best qbs and receivers in the league if all of the offense has to do is score a couple of times and 3 and out the rest of the game.

great post!!
October 16, 2011 -
Dallas led New England 16-13. They had the ball with 3:36 to go in the 4th quarter. Dallas has the ball at their own 28. Dallas had scored on the last two possessions by touchdown passes from Romo. Three runs later they punt the ball and give the ball to Tom Brady with 2:31 to go and 3 timeouts.

NE proceeds to get 16-11-5-10-9-2-13-6 yards on 9 plays, with only one incomplete pass. The 10th play, Brady throws to Aaron Hernandez for a 8 yard touchdown. After leading the entire game the Cowboys don't even try to get a first down, but run three punt, and lose 20-16

December 11, 2011 -
Dallas leads the Giants 35-29. They have the ball on their own 20 with 3:14 to go in the game. Dallas had scored on the last two possessions by touchdown passes from Romo. They again had two runs for a total of 5 yards. On third down Romo was rushed and had to throw the ball away. They punted the ball away.

The Giants got the ball at their own 42 with 2:12 on the clock. They scored in 6 plays and got a two point conversion to win the game 37-34.


Now we have Sunday's game where the Cowboys ran three times, punted and lost the game.

That's three losses where the conventional thing to do was to run the ball and punt. They lost all three games and everyone watching knew on all these occasions our defense would give up a touchdown and lose the game.

If the occasions comes up again, I hope the team throws caution to the wind and throws to get a first down, instead of running for the sake of running. Maybe they can follow the lead of another coach in another time?



January 17, 1993 - NFC Championship Game Dallas vs San Francisco

Dallas led 24-13 in the 4th quarter, but Steve Young had gotten his rhythm and just scored, going 93 yards and cut the lead to 24-20. There was 4:22 left on the clock, and Dallas had the ball on their own 20.

Coach JimmyJohnson was asked by OC Norve Turner what he wanted to do. Jimmy didn't hesitate. He said:

"I want to score."
So, on the first play after the ensuing kickoff, Turner called a play the Cowboys had run twice before in the game: 896 F flat, a play with standard personnel that calls for the flanker to run a 10-yard curl and the split end to run a post. Aikman chose to go to the post, where Harper, thanks to the 49er cornerback slipping on his cut, ended up running for a 70-yard gain to the San Francisco 9-yard line.Dallas went on to win the game and two weeks later won their third Super Bowl. All because Jimmy Johnson wanted to "Win the Game" instead of running clock.

Maybe Dez is on to something?
This is what I'm talking about, playing to win instead of playing not to lose. Quit trying to run the clock out and ram the ball down the other teams throat. Jimmy played all out . Remember when the Cowboys played the Bills in those 2 super bowls. They were not close games, the Cowboys went out and kicked butt and took names later. Play to win and kick the living crap out of the other team. If the other team wants to put 9 guys in the box throw a flea flicker, go deep be wild and crazy. Jimmy Johnson knew how to play to win and that's what the current Dallas team has to learn to do right now.
This is what I'm talking about, playing to win instead of playing not to lose. Quit trying to run the clock out and ram the ball down the other teams throat. Jimmy played all out . Remember when the Cowboys played the Bills in those 2 super bowls. They were not close games, the Cowboys went out and kicked butt and took names later. Play to win and kick the living crap out of the other team. If the other team wants to put 9 guys in the box throw a flea flicker, go deep be wild and crazy. Jimmy Johnson knew how to play to win and that's what the current Dallas team has to learn to do right now.

Especially when your sorry defense can't stop anyone.

Just think the team leads by 10 with 11 minutes to go in 4th quarter. The offense would score 10 more points and lose. The Lions put up more yards against this defense, by 40 yards, than any defense in the history of the Cowboys. This defense has already allowed 4/400 yard passing games in 8 games...

and...this head coach wants to give the ball back to Detroit? It's mind bogglingly stupid..
Considering our short passing game wasn't working, our running game was getting stuffed, and our defense was getting torched for yardage of historical significance, any coaching strategy that succeeded in winning the game would have required considerable luck. Garrett's strategy may very well have worked if Tanner doesn't instinctively bounce the run outside, which led to the back-breaking penalty. Even if there was no penalty, I don't think many of us would have been very surprised if the Lions went on to score a touchdown with only 25 or so seconds left on the clock.

We need to play better D against the Vikings, or even their feeble offense will light us up, IMO. I'm personally afraid of anyone as long as McCray is playing safety.
You see that right there is what I view as a dumb post because this bull about wanting some better than 500 seasons or playoff success is garbage.

You know why? Because we have. We have won division championships we have had playoff success but yet here on this exact message board people point to those seasons as failures time and time and time again.

So don't sit here and complain that all you & most would settle for some above .500 seasons and some playoff success. Because you've had it unless you're 3 years old.

The only time anybody brings up those seasons is when they bring it up in a negative way. To trash the team. To trash Romo. That's a bunch of BS & this board is proven that.

Hey, maybe you haven't noticed.. but our team has AVERAGED .500 for 18 YEARS. I'm tired of that and have a right to complain. I would "settle" for playing above .500 for STARTERS and then IMPROVE. Not have a blip season where we play above .500 and then choke away the playoffs and go right back down to .500 or less. That is not success.

It has nothing to do with me "trashing" the team, it has everything to do with the Cowboys putting a .500 product on the field every year and fans being sick of it.

And lol @ playoff success. Beating a pathetic Eagles team and then getting annihilated against a real team the week after is what you call playoff success in 18 FREAKING YEARS? I'm going to put you on ignore now (meaning I will never see your posts again). No offense man, you and I just don't see eye to eye and I want to save us both a lot of time.
More like the offense only has to play one quarter of ball and then the defense gets the blame because they aren't playing 4 quarters of perfect ball. This notion that the offense 'gave' the defense this huge lead is nonsense. The only two scores that came off of the offense's own doing was two monster YAC touchdowns from Dez and Williams in the fourth quarter, which happened after Dez started screaming and we actually decided to take shots down the field. The other scores came from excellent field position given to the offense from defense and special teams. The cowboys entered the fourth quarter in the lead 13 to 7 with only 88 yards of offense. We ended the game with half the yards as the Lions, but only 1 point less. That's because the offense was getting easy scores off field position given to them by defense and special teams. If the special teams/defense doesn't score/give us easy field position, there are a couple of more games we lose, like against New York.

That first touchdown was because the offense started at the Lion's 5 yard line. The field goal before half was because the offense started in field goal range. That field goal at the end of the game that the offense 'gave' to the defense was because the defense FOUR and outed the lions and the offense took over in field goal range and yet they almost knocked themselves out of it. The offense three and outed two times in a row. 2 runs and a pass that stops the clock. 3 and out. The lions get the ball back around their twenty. The defense stops them on FOUR plays and gives our offense the ball back on the lions 20 in field goal range. The offense didn't 'give' the defense a 6 point lead, as if they marched down the field, burning the clock up to put us in field goal range. More like the defense's four and outting the lions and giving the offense a gimme field goal, but the offense failing to burn time off the clock because they fail to even try for a first down. In fact, they fail at even burning the clock out because of the 3rd down penalty. Here comes a depleted defense on the field AGAIN.

That's the problem with the Cowboys and Garrett. We get a little lead and we stop playing the game on offense or we don't start playing until the 4th quarter. There's a reason Romo has the highest 4th quarter QB rating in the league. It's because the offense doesn't start playing until the fourth. There's a reason Rob Ryan isn't having the same 'ahh why can't the defense stop anybody at the end of game' complaints with the Saints that he had here and that Kiffen and Marinelli are getting now. The Saints' offense knows how to burn time off the clock and they know how to get a lead and sustain them. Kiffen and Marinelli aren't the problem. Garrett and this offense are. We talk about how many points this offense is scoring, but how many of these scores are because of excellent field position given by special teams and the defense? Dwayne Harris scoring touchdowns or the defense scoring and giving the offense gimme touchdowns. We can switch defensive coaches again, but we will get the SAME results. No defense can hold up against some of the best qbs and receivers in the league if all of the offense has to do is score a couple of times and 3 and out the rest of the game.

Everyone needs to read the above post by kevm3, this fan truly "gets it".

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