Jimmy Johnson's half time tantrum.


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If it keeps repeating itself then we got a problem

Everyone on here wans a team with attitude, spark, fire.............everyone complains no emotion .................well here you got it............

coach gotta find a way to channel it in the right direction

8-1 baby..............

even Aikman showing a little Cowboy love..............he said everyone puts the Colts and Pats as the "Big 2"............he thinks its still the Cowboys and Pats..................didnt think G.Bay in the same level............

hopefully he keeps his job.................:p:


Wide Right
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I don't know if it was an article I read or something on TV, they all start to run together after a game like this, but it sounded like Burnett took some heat from teamates. If that is true, I believe that is alot more effective than getting chewed out by a coach.


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Dave_in-NC;1760242 said:
Can you read or is comprehension the problem? I said he can't let it get out of control. Did NOT say it was.
That's right, when all else fails, go for the personal attack.

Very classy.

Your concern is duly noted.


The Proletariat
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I have to admit, I was thinking the same thing as Jimmy and I liked the fire he showed in getting riled like that.:D

With that said, I'm glad Wade is a level headed guy; Burnett came up with some good plays second half.


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I was furious when Burnett got that stupid penalty that cost us 3 points and gave them back momentum. He was fortunate that it was nearly halftime and we were able to come out in the 3rd and take it back again.

To Burnett's defense, Brandon Jacobs is a total punk and should have had a hurtin put on him by someone as he caused 2 major penalties on us by starting stuff but of course the refs only see the retaliation and not the initiation. Both penalties led to scores by the Giants. Maybe he is a hero to his teammates for doing it but to me he is just a major jerk.

His late hit early in the game resulted in Brady James saying something to him but when James patted him on the helmet, Jacobs fell down and that's all the ref saw and threw a flag on James. I hope the NFL will review the game and levy a fine on Jacobs along with a warning that he will be watched from now on. The guy is a punk.

Jacobs reminds me a lot of Bill Laimbeer (of the 80s & 90s Detroit Pistons) who used to get guys angry by little taunts and cheap shots (arm in the face, elbow to the ribs, stepping on toes, knees to whatever was available, etc.) then when they wanted to fight he would suddenly play like the innocent and back away from them. Man, I hated that guy! It was effective in getting other players out of their game but it is a cheap way of doing it. Jacobs is doing the same things.

The good thing is that we still won (take THAT Jacobs!) and it will serve as a lesson to all of our players not to allow guys to get into their heads like that. The best way to shut a guy up is to beat his team on the field. Of course if you want to be waiting for him outside the lockerroom after the game, that is completely understandable. :D


Mick Green 58
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I thought steam was about to come out of Jimmy's head and it was going start spinning.

It was obvious who he was pulling for in that game.

- Mike G.


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HowAboutThemCowboys;1760260 said:
I don't know if it was an article I read or something on TV, they all start to run together after a game like this, but it sounded like Burnett took some heat from teamates. If that is true, I believe that is alot more effective than getting chewed out by a coach.

I agree the players should handle situations like that but the coach has to talk to them as well, I think its best handled one on one after the heat of the moment.

This brings to mind the sideline camera video back in the 90s (I can't remember which game) but the Cowboys had just made some stupid play on the field and Irvin was up in the players faces telling them to keep their heads in the game.

Something is indeed brewing again in Dallas.


Rising Star
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I dont really care what Jimmy says. After what he did for the Boys in the 90s he has a free pass with me to say whatever he wants. Seriously though, its pretty cool seeing him get fired up about the Boys success. Love him or hate Jimmy's style worked well for him.


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I agree the penalties need to be lower than it was in the game and in the second half Dallas did ease up on the flags. As for Phillips style he has this team playing excellent football and playing together as a team. His staff makes great adjustment throughout the game and has this team at 8-1 any major complaints about Phillips are uncalled for.


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That was a boneheaded, stupid crap by Burnett and I agree with Jimmy. The players need to understand what is at stake, see the bigger picture, not just personal issues with a player.

Burnett's stupid, childish action could have cost this game and if he doesn't change, he could cause us to lose a bigger game in the picture.


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I think everyone here is missing the point....

Jimmy Johnson was asked "If you were the head coach what would you be saying to your team right now.

Jimmy then started Role Playing and broke out into his tirade.

I thought it was great.


Mick Green 58
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hassell;1760364 said:
I think everyone here is missing the point....

Jimmy Johnson was asked "If you were the head coach what would you be saying to your team right now.

Jimmy then started Role Playing and broke out into his tirade.

I thought it was great.

Me too.

I didn't read any of the comments in the thread, I just posted based on the topic, so I had no idea people were criticizing Jimmy Johnson.

Jimmy Johnson was rooting for the Cowboys, it was painfully obvious. He thought that penalty was going to bite us in the butt and his emotions got the better of him.

Be honest, everyone on this forum wanted to say the same thing and say the exact way Jimmy did.

- Mike G.


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hassell;1760364 said:
I think everyone here is missing the point....

Jimmy Johnson was asked "If you were the head coach what would you be saying to your team right now.

Jimmy then started Role Playing and broke out into his tirade.

I thought it was great.

I understand that and that is Jimmy style. Wade is not going to rip in guys like Jimmy would but if Wade can get the same message across to that player then that is what counts


Mick Green 58
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Doomsday101;1760385 said:
I understand that and that is Jimmy style. Wade is not going to rip in guys like Jimmy would but if Wade can get the same message across to that player then that is what counts

Not trying to be argumenative, but how do you know Wade doesn't employ this type of style at times?

I wouldn't be surprised if Wade is very animated when cameras are not watching and things like this happen.

- Mike G.


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mickgreen58;1760395 said:
Not trying to be argumenative, but how do you know Wade doesn't employ this type of style at times?

I wouldn't be surprised if Wade is very animated when cameras are not watching and things like this happen.

- Mike G.

Because Wade just is not the type of guy to fly off the handle as Jimmy Johnson is. I'm not saying Jimmy style is wrong or bad it is just Jimmy. Wade will say things to players but nothing like Johnson.


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Doomsday101 said:
Because Wade just is not the type of guy to fly off the handle as Jimmy Johnson is. I'm not saying Jimmy style is wrong or bad it is just Jimmy. Wade will say things to players but nothing like Johnson.

Apparently Wade did ream some guys openly and publicly in training camp. So while he may not do it on a regular basis, he will rip a guy.

On a side note from the DMN blog:

Jimmy blasts Burnett

This comes from SportsDay staffer Brad Townsend:

Halftime had to be the most animated I’ve seen Jimmy Johnson since he became a studio analyst. Brought back memories of the Asthma Field and Put It In Three-Inch Headlines.

While ranting about bonehead penalties by Bradie James and Kevin Burnett, Studio JJ morphed into Coach Johnson, giving what amounted to a tongue-lashing aimed at Burnett in particular.

"Because you’re an idiot and you can’t keep your mouth shut, now it’s tied," Johnson bellowed, veins popping in his forehead. "And now they’ve got the momentum. They feel good. We have to play disciplined football if we’re going to win this game. We can’t go out there and lose our cool."

Moments later, Johnson wondered: "What would Bill Parcells think in that same situation?" Then, in an obvious reference to the difference between the Parcells Era-Cowboys and the Wade Phillips Era: "Relaxed-type atmosphere. You can’t have a relaxed-type atmosphere."

Posted by Tim MacMahon at 9:34 PM (E-mail this entry) Permalink | Comments (36)


Mick Green 58
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Doomsday101;1760397 said:
Because Wade just is not the type of guy to fly off the handle as Jimmy Johnson is. I'm not saying Jimmy style is wrong or bad it is just Jimmy. Wade will say things to players but nothing like Johnson.

I agree, he doesn't employ that style with the frequency that Jimmy did but the question is, how do you know he doesn't do it every now and then?

Wade is great, I love how he coaches, but I think it would be foolish to say Wade doesn't get animated every now in then. You may not see it happening but I wouldn't be surprised if it did.

- Mike G.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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InmanRoshi;1760237 said:
I loved it. I thought it was great. I hate the wussified, laid back, Key West, no shoes wearing, Jimmy Buffet loving, bohemian Jimmy. We got a glimpse the the old, carnal, neck vein popping, red faced, hand over-gesturing Jimmy. I wish in the fit of rage he would have told Curt Menefee that he was a two bit James Brown, and he needs to leave the studio immediately and he can take the bus back home.


But re: Galloway's article, I'm one of the few who likes Galloway, but even in the postgame, that was him repeatedly trying to get Wade to say that his team was undisciplined. Amazingly, he still doesn't like Wade and keeps trying to pick at things on an 8-1 coach. How could the Norv Love still be this strong?

I mean, saying that Jimmy would have cut Bradie or Burnett is absurd. That's about like saying he'd have cut Ken Norton and Kenny Gant. Everyone knows Jimmy only made examples of the scrubs like Curvin Richards and John Roper.

And I still say that Wade was just refusing to throw his player under the bus to the media, which he's shown he's not going to do, when he said he didn't harp on it at halftime. If you watch the Brian Stewart interview, he says they definitely let Burnett know how stupid he was.

Besides, didn't I see that the Giants ended up with more penalties at the end of the game? You'd think that couldn't be possible even with the newfangled kinder, gentler Kommandant Koughlin.


Mick Green 58
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WoodysGirl;1760410 said:
Apparently Wade did ream some guys openly and publicly in training camp. So while he may not do it on a regular basis, he will rip a guy.


Wasn't it the same players that he cut for team infractions?


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Troy Aikman once said that Jimmy told the team that the team that wins is not the team that makes the most big plays but the one that makes the least amount of big mistakes.

We gave up 10 points due to mistakes. Those 10 points are crucial in a game like yesterday's.