JJT is a real dirtbag


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InmanRoshi;1332769 said:
I remember JJT on Norm's show right after Parcells was hired, Norm asked him if he was worried that Parcells restricted access to the media was going to hurt his job. JJT arrogantly said something to the effect of "I've dealt with bigger men than Parcells". Three years later he's trolling messageboards looking for information.


gbrittain;1332805 said:
Kind of funny, you ask me. Have any of you met JJT called him names to his face? So basically some of you guys are doing the very thing that you claim JJT did.

I have not read what it was JJT said that has so many of you up in arms therefore I can not make a judgement myself. I just wonder how many of you if you ever meet JJT by hapinstance are going to have the courage to call him an idiot, tool, fool, or insert insult here?

If ever I see JJT and KNOW that it's him, I'll be glad to get in his fat face and let him know what POS I think he is.


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If JJT was laying on the ground on fire I would not stop to piss on him.


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superpunk;1332824 said:
Because we're all professional journalists, and are expected to maintain that professionalism. :rolleyes:

Comparing apples to elephants is fun!
The comparison also fails for another reason. At no time have any of the posters in this thread failed to openly criticize JJT in his presence, only to do so immediately after he'd left.

You can certainly criticize people for criticizing JJT, but claiming their transgressions are the same, or even similar, is simply wrong.


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burmafrd;1332833 said:
If JJT was laying on the ground on fire I would not stop to piss on him.

Hey now... calm down.

I'd piss on him.

Then I'd set him on fire again after he dried the piss off.


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Rack;1332840 said:
Hey now... calm down.

I'd piss on him.

Then I'd set him on fire again after he dried the piss off.

Jokes about setting people on fire. Classy. I think I'll email JJT this thread link. Black men always find metaphorical lynchings to be a laugh riot. Seriously, wouldn't you be more comfortable at The Ranch? They welcome juvenile, Neanderthal behavior. You wouldn't stick out at all.


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bbgun;1332859 said:
Jokes about setting people on fire. Classy. I think I'll email JJT this thread link. Black men always find metaphorical lynchings to be a laugh riot. Seriously, wouldn't you be more comfortable at The Ranch? They welcome juvenile, Neanderthal behavior. You wouldn't stick out at all.

Nice, randomly playing the race card.


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gbrittain;1332847 said:
All I can say is wow. I am outta here.

I don't blame you. This place is becoming more Ranch-like by the hour. <sigh>


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bbgun;1332859 said:
Jokes about setting people on fire. Classy. I think I'll email JJT this thread link. Black men always find metaphorical lynchings to be a laugh riot. Seriously, wouldn't you be more comfortable at The Ranch? They welcome juvenile, Neanderthal behavior. You wouldn't stick out at all.

Yeah Rack, you should have said you'd like to knock out a couple of his teeth.


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Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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I used to get all worked up by these reporters, and to be honest I still do once in a blue moon, but for the most part I learned to read most articles with a grain of salt.

There are a variety of reasons why I take them with a grain of salt.

1. Shock sells these days, sad but that is the way it is. More and more we see writers use an extreme side when writing articles because at the very least they know it will generate interest, whether that be positive or negative. So with that in mind I know right off the bat, they are trying to get reaction so watch for it and take it with a grain of salt.

2. Prior to Big Bill coming in this team was like a fountain of information and the reporters where drinking it up like it was the fountain of youth. Loved Coach Joe but he would probably give away secrets to the communists smack dab in the middle of the cold war...whether he realized he was doing it or not. This also led to troubles with the teams image. It was bad enough the players were out of control, it was worse when people where telling the press and they were eating it up to sell papers. In a small part it led to Jerry changing some things in his approach to drafting players due to character...that could be a good and bad thing.

3. Once Bill got here they were shut out for the most part. They did not have those easy jobs to cozy up to a coach and get all the juicy info. In turn this made their jobs much harder and it made it much more competitive to get a little crumb of info for a story instead of getting a big fat steak like they were used to. Most times competition is good, sometimes it is not because it leads to people with agendas and more speculation being passed off as legit stories.

4. Some of these journalists were not used to being told No or actually being challenged. Even Jerry Jones, no matter how far they would go in attacking him or saying things bad about him, always kept to the high road and was always available (except in a rare case). So when someone comes in and says no, when someone refuses to fall for their tricks, when someone is not putting up with some of their agendas...it makes them mad.

5. They are human. Agenda, ratings, competition...they are also humans with emotions no matter how much they should try to reign in their emotions and stay objective. Another point to ponder is why is the editors of these papers not taking action...but instead seem to encourage such behavior...because interest is interest.

6. Our own personal bias. I am sure many here have read articles by Mick, JJT, Jen, Galloway and any other writer and have agreed with them...I would also be willing to bet that many of the same people that would do that have at times read an article by these people and have not agreed with them.
Point is sometimes our own bias or just opinions sometimes mesh or do not mesh with an article and in those instances we find ourselves thinking the article was either great or trash.
It is not always the style or writing that bugs us...sometimes it is because we just do not agree.

7. Sometimes these writers feel they are above everything and have garnered enough power or leeway that they can get away with anything.

So at the end of the day there are many different factors about these types of things but the best solution IMO is to take it all with a grain of salt.
Just as you have those that are on the extreme on one side, there are others that are on the opposite side. Just look at Galloway vs Mick. Mick tows the company line more often than not, while Galloway tries to do just the opposite.

Take everything with a grain of salt, know there are agendas behind many of them and realize we live in a time where just reporting the facts is no longer the norm, but the exact opposite.

Before reading an article keep the grain of salt idea in your head.

NOW...something on topic but slightly off topic.

I wonder what happens when the next Coach comes in. Will it return back to the days when they had free reign like the campo days...will it be another coach who does like parcells and runs a lock down atmosphere...or will it be somewhere in the middle.

It should be interesting to keep an eye on that situation.

Ok...I have rambled on like an old lady long enough.:D


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A troll is one who goes from thread to thread saying ridiculously dumb things to elicit reaction.

Can you spot the troll?


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan

Guys...Whether you like JJT or not.

There is no call to take things beyond a certain level.

It only makes people look foolish and hypocritical when saying he is a (insert name here) while doing the same thing.

I suggest if you have problems with him to that extent...getting VERY personal in nature...I would ask that you do not post it on here...how about sending him an email...I am sure he would love the attention.

Thanks...and please cool off a tad.



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burmafrd;1332201 said:
Yeah I remember that - it was pretty tepid stuff. More pathetic then anything else. Clearly he was still worried about doing PCs back then.
Still a very small small man.

He's actually quite overweight. Maybe he can be dubbed the new manboobs.


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bbgun;1332869 said:
It was already dealt. You failed to notice it.

No, you just imagined it. This is NOT about race, it's about his journalism. Please don't even bring this aspect into the argument, it's has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand, and it will just rile people up.

With that, if that's all you're going to say, then I'm done with you.


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bbgun;1332859 said:
Jokes about setting people on fire. Classy. I think I'll email JJT this thread link. Black men always find metaphorical lynchings to be a laugh riot. Seriously, wouldn't you be more comfortable at The Ranch? They welcome juvenile, Neanderthal behavior. You wouldn't stick out at all.

Ooooh, tattletale bbgun is gonna email JJT this thread. Oh noes. What are you, his lapdog? A "sheep"?