Joe Theisman is sad

Tass said:
How is calling someone a monkey racist? I've heard guys called a 'big dumb ox' before. I've heard people called 'little weasels'. Is that racist? Just because you call a human being an animal doesn't mean you're racist. (For the record, I absolutely LOATHE Theisman. I won't throw him under the bus for something he doesn't deserve, though)
Well, "monkey" was a word used by the KKK and other hate groups to describe black people way back in the 50's and 60's.

So I think that is what heavyhitta believes Theisman meant went he called LT a "monkey."

Personally, I don't think that is what Theisman meant. I hope so. He's a jerk and a tool. But I haven't heard anything from his lips that suggest he is full of hate. He's just a guy who speaks before thinking.
Didn't Howard Cosell get into some sort of trouble for making a statement like that when he was an announcer on MNF?

He said something about a reciever when the reciever caught the ball and started running....something like...."look at the little monkey run..."!

Anyone else remember that?

Tass said:
How is calling someone a monkey racist? I've heard guys called a 'big dumb ox' before. I've heard people called 'little weasels'. Is that racist? Just because you call a human being an animal doesn't mean you're racist. (For the record, I absolutely LOATHE Theisman. I won't throw him under the bus for something he doesn't deserve, though)

"Monkey" is tradionally a deragaroty term for black people, implying they are less than human.
5Stars said:
Didn't Howard Cosell get into some sort of trouble for making a statement like that when he was an announcer on MNF?

He said something about a reciever when the reciever caught the ball and started running....something like...."look at the little monkey run..."!

Anyone else remember that?


Yes, there was an incident I seem to remember. These things are highly sensative issues that get overly sensitized too often IMO. Not saying it is acceptable to just say anything you want but it is my opinion that the more you give attention to ingonrance, the bigger play it becomes. Ignore the Troll, if you will.

I think back to Jimmy "The Greek" and how his Broadcast career ended and I have to shake my head. This guy, I feel sorry for. He was asked a simple question and he answered in a way that the general public was not ready to accept. It was not wrong and I don't even beleive it to be racially charged but still and all, the answer was not accepted by the public of the time. It was a true answer with facts to substantiate it but it was not acceptable. Sometimes, the best thing any person can do is say nothing.

An art I am still trying to master oft times.
Yes, there was an incident I seem to remember. These things are highly sensative issues that get overly sensitized too often IMO. Not saying it is acceptable to just say anything you want but it is my opinion that the more you give attention to ingonrance, the bigger play it becomes. Ignore the Troll, if you will.

I think back to Jimmy "The Greek" and how his Broadcast career ended and I have to shake my head. This guy, I feel sorry for. He was asked a simple question and he answered in a way that the general public was not ready to accept. It was not wrong and I don't even beleive it to be racially charged but still and all, the answer was not accepted by the public of the time. It was a true answer with facts to substantiate it but it was not acceptable. Sometimes, the best thing any person can do is say nothing.

An art I am still trying to master oft times.

That was the biggest crop of crap ever. I will never understand how stating black players are better athletes because of their history and gentics is racist in the least, or could be considered that way. It's a simple fact.
Yes, there was an incident I seem to remember. These things are highly sensative issues that get overly sensitized too often IMO. Not saying it is acceptable to just say anything you want but it is my opinion that the more you give attention to ingonrance, the bigger play it becomes. Ignore the Troll, if you will.

I think back to Jimmy "The Greek" and how his Broadcast career ended and I have to shake my head. This guy, I feel sorry for. He was asked a simple question and he answered in a way that the general public was not ready to accept. It was not wrong and I don't even beleive it to be racially charged but still and all, the answer was not accepted by the public of the time. It was a true answer with facts to substantiate it but it was not acceptable. Sometimes, the best thing any person can do is say nothing.

An art I am still trying to master oft times.

ABQ, are you talking about Jimmy commenting on the issue of swimming?
5Stars said:
ABQ, are you talking about Jimmy commenting on the issue of swimming?

That is an over simplification of the whole interview. I believe that was a part of it but that was not it entirely.
5Stars said:
I'm not sure I believe this at all! :eek:

Why don't you go to ES and make a poll, asking

"Do you like Joe Thiesman(sp) as an NFL commentator?



Then bring back a "link" and prove this statement...because I don't buy it!

I could be wrong, but, so could you...


I'm not going to ES and making a poll. Enough with the war between ES and CBZ, they are two different establishments. There are morons and intellects there, just as there are morons and intellects here.

I am telling you right now that the majority of Commanders fans find Thiesman obnoxious. As a matter of fact, Theisman is particularly obnoxious regarding the Commanders. He acts as if he has to prove he isn't biased towards the Skins. I don't take anything the ****** bag has to say seriously, so it doesn't bother me.

As a matter of fact, I'm sure it will please you to know that most people I've talked to agree that Aikman/Collinsworth/Buck (I believe thats right?) are the best football crew. Even if Aikman has a small mancrush on Arrington. :rolleyes:
BUck tries tii hard to be funny, and Aikman can get a little too chatty, but that was a very good group.

I think Moose is really good too.
It was Cossell that called Alvin Garrett a monkey on MNF in 83 while playing for the Commanders. His comment was "look at that little monkey go".

Cossell got a lot of flack for the comment but he had said the same think about a white player years earlier; Mike Adamle, RB, KC. The whole thing was blown out of proportion.

I have never heard of any racial or bigoted made by Joey T.
Dumb ones... yes, biased ones... sure, but racist ? Nope.
notherbob said:
Ignorant, bigoted homers with type-A personalities like Theisman drain my enthusiasm for football. Whatever happened to people like Bob Lilly, Roger Stauback, Frank Gifford, Rayfield Wright and Herschell Walker? People who were the best and accepted their talent with self dignity and respect for others? They didn't need to create controversy in order to call attention to themselves, their play did that and they respected their competitors. Little brother, Joe, has a lot to learn.

We got one on our team now...Owens!
Kevin said:
Even if Aikman has a small mancrush on Arrington. :rolleyes:


Well, are you sure about that? Or, did Arrington give Aikman a "small mancrush"? :eek:

HeavyHitta31 said:
"Monkey" is tradionally a deragaroty term for black people, implying they are less than human.

Calling someone an ox or a weasel is also implying they are less than human...but whatever. I've called guys big gorillas just because they were big and strong. White guys and black guys.
Tass said:
Calling someone an ox or a weasel is also implying they are less than human...but whatever. I've called guys big gorillas just because they were big and strong. White guys and black guys.

What you are not understanding is that the term was used in the past to degrade black people. If someone said look at the cheetah go, no one would probally take offense, but since monkey has been used as a deogatory term calling a black person a monkey is derogatory:

look up the N word on wiki it gives a good history of it as well as the monkey reference. just FYI.
Going back to football...

So can we all agree Joey T. sucks as a commentator?
WoodysGirl said:
Going back to football...

So can we all agree Joey T. sucks as a commentator?

I still can't believe they're sticking us with him on MNF,,, good grief,,, bring back Dennis Miller, dig up Cossell, ANYTHING, but don't stick us with Freaking Theisman,,,,, I guess the only silver lining is that they didn't stick us with his cohort in stupidity Paul McGuire,,, ay caramba~!
EGG said:
I still can't believe they're sticking us with him on MNF,,, good grief,,, bring back Dennis Miller, dig up Cossell, ANYTHING, but don't stick us with Freaking Theisman,,,,, I guess the only silver lining is that they didn't stick us with his cohort in stupidity Paul McGuire,,, ay caramba~!

Agreed. Those two just flat out wear me out.

I hear people complain about madden and they complain about every other guy calling games. You can never make everyone happy.

But by far I would rather listen to any other guys calling the games now compared to Theezman and McGuire.

Heck I would rather hear Madden and Favre in the booth calling games while madden plants hickeys on favres neck.

Joe and Dan...ARRRGGHHHH!!!!

But as I tell others, that is what the mute button is for on the remote.

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