Joe Theismann: Any GM who trades for Tony Romo's 'damaged goods' should lose his job

Which is why I wish Romo would stick around here and be a backup.

If his contract was lower I would trade for him. I would give up a 3rd rounder if his deal was lower.

There is no way i'd risk a ton of money though without seeing him play after seeing him play with a shoulder that's made of glass.
That's pretty silly, no injury he has had has any impact on his ability to play the game...

Very silly indeed.

No what's "very silly" is making the assumption that he'll ever be the player he once was. Or that he'll remain healthy when he does get back on the field. Some fans continue to try to bang that drum, despite all mounting evidence to the contrary, and continue to embarrass themselves.
Theismann's argument would make more sense if he was stating why Romo should retire.

He did.

Theismann said:
"The man's had three back surgeries, he has a collar bone that's been broken twice, he's 36 years old, he plays behind - the last couple years he played behind probably the best offensive line in football [and] hasn't finished a season in the last five.
I think he would help a lot of teams with QB woes, but the numbers and records you posted were pre-two of the injuries that are being referenced, and two years ago.

And those facts will continue to be ignored by fans who can't handle the truth.
Tony will go where he wants to go after June 1st..if he can still play. The NFL FO's know the situation in Dallas and if they are intèrested, and that seems very unlikely, they will simply wait until he is released.

I think he has some measure of value, depending on how much input Jerry Jones allows him to have in any potential trade. I can see the team getting a mid round pick for him if the right team shows interest. But any talk of 'Sam Bradford' and '1st round picks' is nonsense.
"I married football first , my wife and family comes second. that's the way it is and the way it always be." --Joe Thiesman

There's some actual truth to that with how a NFL player has to manage his time, but to come out publically throw your wife under the buss like that tells what a true A-HOLE he is. And of course his marriage failed.

In College, He also pronounced his family name from Theeseman to Thiesman so it would sound more like the Hiesman trophy. He's the single most overrated and biggest morons to ever play in the NFL.

Reminds me of my soccer buddy from Honduras that argued with his wife to go out and play and practice with us. He would yell at her "I KNEW SOCCER BEFORE I KNEW YOU!!!!!!"
No what's "very silly" is making the assumption that he'll ever be the player he once was. Or that he'll remain healthy when he does get back on the field. Some fans continue to try to bang that drum, despite all mounting evidence to the contrary, and continue to embarrass themselves.
Exactly. These are purely emotional responses..and thats OK, heck, after12 years its to be expected. The other FO 's around the league will not see it in that way.
Im more concerned with Tony's quality of life after football, I understand he is wealthy and will have the best comforts life has to give him; but when he reaches the mid 50's to 60's, hes going to be feeling these past injuries.Taking some hits like Dak has done the last few games could re-injure him and its just going to make quality of life later on that much worse. Just look at some spinal x-rays from previous players and you'll start to understand (just google it).
LT actually did him a favor. JT was playing terrible and was soon to be replaced when his leg was broken. LT just saved him the anguish and humility of having to retire as a has been.

We were at the bar that night, we all said the Skins would now come back and win with Jay Schroeder as qb. The skins only got better.
it would be a conditional pick and from a team that needs just a qb. something like a 5th from Az or Denver upgraded to a 2nd if he plays x amount of games and gets them into playoffs makes sense for both sides.
Chicago, Jets doesnt make sense cause they need more than a qb
The Cowboys only need 1 team out of 31 to be interested in Romo. Are you really gonna tell me that not 1 single team in the league will roll the dice on him? Has this guy not been watching football this season? The league is full of mediocre to terrible QB's, Romo will get a shot. Now, I'm not saying the Cowboys will get 7 draft picks for him, but they'll get something.
There will be plenty of teams who want him.
QB play is always weak in the NFL. Others have pointed it out, but there are a lot of teams out there who, if they just had even a mid-grade QB, would be much better and legit contenders.

I'm not sure what they'll get for him, but to say if any GM trades for him that GM should be fired is just stupid. It's hard to find a legit QB in this league. If you can get someone that's proven to be legit (and not that long ago), some teams will want that chance. It's simply naive to think there won't be a market for him.
If we win these next 3 games, odds are we'll get to see Tony on the field of play this year. If he looks sharp and takes a few hits without issue, it could bolster some interest. Right now there are a lot of teams in need of playmaking QB's but do not have the supporting cast for a short term run with TR. It's either the Cards or Broncos and both need to shore up their OLines for any QB to be successful. We'll see soon enough and hopefully get a glimpse in 3 or 4 weeks with What TR can do.
BTW, one of the best lines on "King of the Hill" was when Hank Hill was talking about how important it is to make a good dip for their Super Bowl party: "Boomhauer's dip was so thick, the chips were snapping like Joe Theisman's leg." LOL!!

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