John Clayton on EE suspension

I have repeated checked for any related article posted this morning related to Clayton's comments but the league has not officially published anything resembling verification on its website. Can this be another case of speculation causing unnecessary greater speculation--with the latest in a long line of initiators being John "I Could Have Played An Alien In Independence Day Without Makeup" Clayton as the culprit this time?
How is that possible? I thought it was either 6 games or nothing?

The max penalty for a first time offense is 4 games. That's why Hardy ended up with 4 games. Goodell was posturing by giving Hardy originally 10 games so he could say 'hey, I gave him 10 games, blame the player's union for reducing his suspension.'

Clayton is another long time Cowboys hater, so it's always hard to take his word with more than a grain of salt. You want to get an accurate 'scoop', wait to hear from either Todd Archer or Jay Glazer. Otherwise, you're just wasting your time and frustration.

that is why we always play them Week 1....... we are down 2-3 players every year

And why he ponders...well some of these young men spend too little time working out at the Star and way too much time in clubs and drinking.
The entitlement and never my fault culture helps promote our losing of players and loads of press stories pave the way.
I could see the league handing down a suspension so they look tough but Zeke wiping it out via litigation.

He will not miss any games. The NFLPA or any court would laugh at the league for this.
So let me get this straight:

1. Zeke was not arrested
2. GF at the time was proven to concoct this whole entire story to get revenge.
3. No charges were ever filed
4. Zero evidence any abuse from Zeke even happened.

And the NFL still will not let this go. But Jerry allows this crap to happen to this team. We bend over and take it from the league on a yearly basis. This goes back to that BS fine we got when they said we manipulated the salary cap years ago. Suh was supposed to be suspended for that playoff game but of course, they allowed him to play. Not to mention the phantom calls in playoff games.

But these owners are in bed with the commish and most likely do not care either way because they are bringing in money hand over fist every year.
I could see the league handing down a suspension so they look tough but Zeke wiping it out via litigation.

He will not miss any games. The NFLPA or any court would laugh at the league for this.

NFLPA is the weakest union in all of sports by far and might be the weakest union in America. They are a joke. Players got screwed on the new CBA back in 2011. The league screws them over every chance they get and they sit back and allow it. Don't bank on them doing anything about this if it happens.
So let me get this straight:

1. Zeke was not arrested
2. GF at the time was proven to concoct this whole entire story to get revenge.
3. No charges were ever filed
4. Zero evidence any abuse from Zeke even happened.

And the NFL still will not let this go. But Jerry allows this crap to happen to this team. We bend over and take it from the league on a yearly basis. This goes back to that BS fine we got when they said we manipulated the salary cap years ago. Suh was supposed to be suspended for that playoff game but of course, they allowed him to play. Not to mention the phantom calls in playoff games.

But these owners are in bed with the commish and most likely do not care either way because they are bringing in money hand over fist every year.
Pure speculation on your part that Jerry is allowing this crap to happen to his team.
The DA didn't just say there was a lack of evidence. He said there was too much conflicting and inconsistent information in the accusations against Zeke. I thought that was a pretty strong statement for a DA to make publicly.

However I haven't seen anything about this on Google or twitter.
This is such a joke if he does get suspended. Mara can't keep goodells junk out of his mouth.
The professor just said he wouldn't be surprised if #21 was suspended for 1-2 games and that we might hear about it today.

This is BS and if it hapoenes, it needs to be taken all the way to the highest court that will look at it. How can you get disciplined by the league for something you weren't found guilty of by the law?

He went on to say this would devistate the Cowboys because we already have lost 8 starters. BTW, I'm happy about 5-6 of those. I don't think it will hurt is much for two games.

Im sorry but it's not BSif it happens. The league does not suspended people for NO reason. Now in sure there are two sides to every story but Elliot right NOW had to grow up and know he is one the best players in the league and has to start acting like it. Like it or not. It's part of the territory. The team should come first now and the reason why we have not been any good is because some of the guys on this team does not put their jobs and their teammates first. Im not saying Elliot is a bad guy and hope he does not get suspended. But he NOW has to stop putting himself in these positions. Team and winning first. That's what makes the great ones great and a winner
Im sorry but it's not BSif it happens. The league does not suspended people for NO reason. Now in sure there are two sides to every story but Elliot right NOW had to grow up and know he is one the best players in the league and has to start acting like it. Like it or not. It's part of the territory. The team should come first now and the reason why we have not been any good is because some of the guys on this team does not put their jobs and their teammates first. Im not saying Elliot is a bad guy and hope he does not get suspended. But he NOW has to stop putting himself in these positions. Team and winning first. That's what makes the great ones great and a winner

What? With the facts we know it would be 100% BS. If you truly feel otherwise then provide legitimate reasons the NFL should suspend Zeke.
how many players does it take to get suspended and the team is fined just wondering I have though all along with how much time it has taken that he would be suspended for a couple games
I think everyone is ignoring the fact that EE could be suspended just for the act of exposing that woman's breasts. Whether or not she was an acquaintance or a friend, it appears that it was a surprise to her and not wanted. That is assault. And their is video proof, so Goodell does not need a witness.
I think everyone is ignoring the fact that EE could be suspended just for the act of exposing that woman's breasts. Whether or not she was an acquaintance or a friend, it appears that it was a surprise to her and not wanted. That is assault. And their is video proof, so Goodell does not need a witness.
Lol if that is the suspension if there is one, I will laugh my you know what off
What? With the facts we know it would be 100% BS. If you truly feel otherwise then provide legitimate reasons the NFL should suspend Zeke.

Again come on. The league does not suspended players for NO reason. And again shame on Zeke for even putting himself in this position. Look I prey he does does not get suspended. But if you want to be great and you want help this team win they yoi need to stay on the field. So that means not putting yourself in any position whatsoever where the league could question you
And Zeke is up for NFL Player of the year! Imagine if he won and gets suspended.

Im not saying I agree with the league. But if you want to be great and if you want to win than you have to be smarter with your actions. I love how peoole just bash the league and say there is a bias against the Cowboys. Stop it. He needs to stop putting himself in that position
I feel that this is just something sensational to get clicks or listeners.

If this policy was the case, wed see Wilson be suspended already since he was charged with a felony but has not been to court. As well as all other players who were arrested.

By all means if they want a policy that warranted a suspension for any arrest including DUI, they need to not make it wishy washy and give automatic suspensions.

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