Jones' Clear but Sneaky Objective


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I think MM is going to retire or move on himself after this season. No evidence, just a hunch based on that he has no ties to Dallas and I always got the feeling he always wanted to do 5 years and get out.


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Is it just me, or is it not obvious that Jerry & co are basically setting McCarthy up to fail this year?

We might be treading on to conspiracy theory levels here, but I am really starting to believe that Jerry signed no one at all outside of “cornerstones” almost SO the team would fail.

With a complete failure, it would leave out any possible argument/decision to retain McCarthy past this season.

If this is the case, I’m honestly not against it. Would I have preferred just canning the guy after the GB loss? Of course, but our ownership is cheap.
I don't believe the decision to keep McCarthy was financial at all. It just would have been hard to save face firing a coach who got you to the playoffs again and you fired him for it.
However, you are correct. They set him up to fail, and he will fail, and be out of here in the next few weeks.


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I don't think Jerry is setting up anything. The Cowboys are a family controlled franchise and what's on display is their limited level of football team management and development competence and their distraction being involved in other business ventures.


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Is it just me, or is it not obvious that Jerry & co are basically setting McCarthy up to fail this year?

We might be treading on to conspiracy theory levels here, but I am really starting to believe that Jerry signed no one at all outside of “cornerstones” almost SO the team would fail.

With a complete failure, it would leave out any possible argument/decision to retain McCarthy past this season.

If this is the case, I’m honestly not against it. Would I have preferred just canning the guy after the GB loss? Of course, but our ownership is cheap.
Dude how can people keep saying this why would you pay all your players that they paid like CD lamb and Prescott if they wanted to take this year if they wanted to be bad they would have just fired him last year nobody owns a business that spends $250 million a year to operate their roster and then makes big moves like that to absolutely take no this is organic they thought they could put a team together top heavy on salary and talent and then fill in the roster and so far it doesn't look good but that doesn't mean the season's over but it would be the dumbest thing in the world to sign your top players and to have a salary cap hit like they do to tank your head coach why would your owner take your head coach he could have just simply fired him it would have cost him less everybody says he doesn't wanna pay for a year that they coach isn't there so just let him ride out his lame duck year for money no he accustomed more money to pay a roster like he does and lose on purpose it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard why do people keep saying these things it doesn't even make common sense and maybe some of you need more of that...

What say it again no owner of any sports franchise will do what the Cowboys did & some of their best players to record contracts owing to lose all you had to do was fire Mike McCarthy last year and start over if he didn't want him around that's what he would have done he believed he could get it done and right now we're 2:00 and 2:00 and we have a couple of games to prove we might be headed in the right direction versus the wrong...

I don't understand why you think this is something an owner would do pay a coach 'cause he didn't wanna pay his salary just a tank a year you know how much work goes in to putting the roster together and having to play a season you don't play with your food when you're a billionaire he would have simply fired him he believes Mike McCarthy and by the way he didn't fire Dan Quinn either he wanted the same roster of coaches back for one more run and Dan Quinn at the last minute got the last job opening or he would be here right now as well there was no tank job Jerry wanted one last run with this roster and this coaching staff and that's a fact there is no conspiracy there is no organically tanking there is no throwing Mike McCarthy under a bus this is just how the ownership operates..

I mean there are other coaches that are in similar positions right with The Jets you think they did that on purpose I mean this Cleveland been losing on purpose they haven't won a division since 1986 I mean look at the Jaguars right now and Peterson's in a similar position that they take him I mean that's just nonsense I get sick of hearing nonsense in here and then you're gonna get one of my famous coffee rants why do people even allowed to post this because it's not even close to the truth there is no factual evidence or anything you can actually read into this they went into this season thinking they can win and they still do but they did it with budget free agents like they always have Mike McCarthy's won 36 games in the same environment two division titles with the same all season efforts have been to the playoffs three straight years with the same front office..

This offseason is no different than any others they were late to signing their big contracts they brought in very little free agents they were all budget free agents they redid a few contracts they picked up a few players late right before the season started they thought can help with defensive tackle and now we're having a run of injuries and this is pretty much been par for the course I don't get why you would think something different here is happening nothing's different has no problem firing coaches and eating their contracts we've done it with all our defensive coordinators in the last 10 years outside of Dan Quinn and he would've been here through the end of his contract had he not got the job in Washington...

Those that are saying they only kept him here so they didn't have to eat his contract Mike McCarthy that's really ridiculous they fired Mike no one after one year they had to pay the rest of his salary they done this before with other coaches this is nothing to do with the coaches salary and they didn't want to just throw it away so they have a moment and say you know what we're just gonna have a bad year on purpose 'cause we don't wanna pay that what do you know the salary's 250 million how much do they owe mike mccarthy 8 million? Sorry are willing to spend $250 million on a roster they know it's gonna fail versus just can Mike McCarthy it still makes no sense none of this makes sense why do people always say this no that's not why Mike McCarthy stayed they wanted to bring back the same coaching staff in a virtually the same roster and they wanted to try one more time..


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Jerry will make more money tanking this year, firing MM, and hiring Bill.

Jerry doesn't sell us a winning team, he sells us hope. MM is the easiest choice to move on from to sell hope going into next season.


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Jerry doesn't care what the fans and media say about him. If he wanted to fire McCarthy he wouldn't need to "prove a point" or anything with trying to set up Mike to fail. He would've just fired him.
Exactly I don't know where all this nonsense comes from they say they didn't wanna eat Mike McCarthy's 8 million why would they have signed Prescott and lamb and to record contracts if they wanted to have a bad year I mean literally they just would've gone ahead and tried to make trades for these guys or in 2025 made it apparent that they were moving on from the roster and the coaches but to eat less than 8,000,000 versus build a roster that's costing them over 250 million to just lose on purpose it's never made any sense for anybody to say that out loud people around here need common sense versus conspiracy theory this is how the front office has always operated and they looked at Mike McCarthy and Dan Quinn and they wanted a both back Dan Quinn did not get fired as a matter of fact he almost didn't even get a job he'd still be here at Washington denier it was the last opening and they went with him but jerry was giving him a choice to stay here he was not fired..

If this was a franchise that wanted to lose and tank they would not be signing these players I mean they literally redid Martin's contract and this offseason I think they restructured steel they signed Prescott and lamb the record deals and people around here think they want Mike McCarthy to fail you know put a roster together and spend all that time with the draft to purposely put your head coach in a position to fail this was organic this is something they've always done late signing contracts maybe they weren't sure they wanted to keep Prescott and lamb but they did that tells me they wanted to win this year there is no other explanation there's no truth not even 1% that there's a conspiracy they wanted Mike McCarthy to fail it literally would have fired him and started this whole roster I thought when Dan Quinn took the job in Washington Jerry might still fire Mike McCarthy because then he wouldn't be able to bring back his full staff and why not start fresh he had other coaches like Bill Belichick Rex Ryan and Vrabel interested in this job if he wanted to move on he could have done that and you know what like you said he don't care what the fans think if he did he wouldn't be landing his helicopter near practice he wouldn't be saying the things he says in public and he for sure wouldn't keep treating free agency like he's on a budget he doesn't care he would have fired him if he wanted to he wanted Mike to have one more shot at this with this same roster...

i mean when you look at mike mccarthy he was the best coaching hire in 2020 and jery sees that all the other coaches that were hired already gone had far worse showings, then the playoff three straight years with 2 division titles, and 36 wins...

that's what jerry saw and he wanted to try and get one more shot at getting over the hump.


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Jerry will make more money tanking this year, firing MM, and hiring Bill.

Jerry doesn't sell us a winning team, he sells us hope. MM is the easiest choice to move on from to sell hope going into next season.
that's ridiculous......Hes NOT tanking no way no jhow and the OP ie his thread is insanely wrong. As is yours,

no one signs players to record contracts and spends so much time and effort on the drafts and trying to put together a team and then loses on purpose LMAO

you all are equally as insane delusional and clueless. but carry on with your insane comments that nobody believes... yeah figured out now this is what the FO has done, and they continue to do it this is not New


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In the absence of facts, there is conjecture. And I agree without your suggestion. I don't know what Jerry is thinking, but I have to believe this offseason inactivity was planned, with purpose. I can't come up with another explanation, and I am not buying the CAP situation argument. So I have settled on the Nike McCarthy theory as well.

I know there are holes in this theory, like why bother since he can let MM go under any circumstances. But what if Jerry signed a few players and the Cowboys make it to the SB? How does Jerry not re-sign his coach? Jerry is not taking any chances. He undermined MM from the start so there is no media blowback when he let's McCarthy go and hire Belichick.

Just a note on the CAP. It is true for most of the offseason the Cowboys had no CAP room. But they was easily rectified by extending CeeDee and converting his salary to bonus this year. The same was true with Dak. Why did Jerry drag out these negotiations? He wanted the CAP problem to linger until the off-season was over the the regular season began. Look where they are CAP wise now. This could have been done in March.

But Jerry left us with a pathetic RB room. The worst DL in the league, and frankly, a not so great WR group.

I just cannot belive that Jerry and his coaches all think the team improved over last season with all the subtractions and no additions. There has to be a plan, and I think the plan is to ditch McCarthy and his coaches.
wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i don't even need to read your post first line says it all you and the original poster is 100% wrong and so are you... jerry had the reason to fire everyone that GB letdown was an auto blow it up and fans would have cheered PERIOD.. he ws bringing back the entire roster and staff to run it back once more..

your premise as his is ridiculous, you don't go out and sign Dak and CD to lose lmao.. anyone who thinks so hasnt been paying attention's ..this is HOW the FO has always done business in the Offseason..

they make special pills for these types of insane conspiracy theories,.


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that's ridiculous......Hes NOT tanking no way no jhow and the OP ie his thread is insanely wrong. As is yours,

no one signs players to record contracts and spends so much time and effort on the drafts and trying to put together a team and then loses on purpose LMAO

you all are equally as insane delusional and clueless. but carry on with your insane comments that nobody believes... yeah figured out now this is what the FO has done, and they continue to do it this is not New
Never said he was purposefully tanking, I said he'll make more money off us fans if he did, and MM is the easiest choice to move on from to inspire hope, he wasn't gonna be able to with Trey Lance and Jalen Tolbert leading the way.


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Never said he was purposefully tanking, I said he'll make more money off us fans if he did, and MM is the easiest choice to move on from to inspire hope, he wasn't gonna be able to with Trey Lance and Jalen Tolbert leading the way.
but he wouldnt..and not true again

he had every reason to fire Mike McCartney after the Green Bay game he should have fired the whole staff and then hired a big name who wanted to be here that would have easily been easier for him he truly wanted back Quinn and McCarthy but at the last second the last job opening Quinn took the Washington job he almost stayed he was not fired those five games we lost were wholeheartedly mostly due to the defense but also to lose against Green Bay like that you blame the head coach and the offensive coordinator he had the fans attention more if he defied everyone he actually wanted to do this one more time sorry but you're thinking is not making any sense that's why you might wanna study what common sense means he resigned these players and he did the same thing this offseason he's done in all the other offseasons they had a great draft they had an average free agency they signed some big names to big contracts they redid a few contracts like steele.. I know it seems like it but it's not true they did not just try to appease fans by the things they did in the offseason...

Mike Vrabel ,Bill Belichick, or Rex Ryan or whomever would have gotten bigger reviews here and whoever they would have brought in for their staff would've been more fan friendly because Jerry just could've came out and said he's completely unhappy with the Green Bay game and he's tired of losing in the playoffs and I'm making a change... The fans would have reveled in it trust me they were ready to get rid of the staff and not even let them back in the building after that loss in Green Bay but go look at all the other losses during that season alone he had every reason to fire the staff and make fans happy..

So again I disagree wholeheartedly this whole post this whole thread is all nonsense...