This will be the last of the sniping from all parties concerning Rogah and the Patriots.
People who wish to continually snipe at Rogah ...Stop. harrasing or stalking a member here is not permitted. Also in doing so many times you do yourself a disservice by making mods bench someone because you start with name calling and other areas to break the rules.
I do NOT want to bench anyone for going against Rogah or the cheating arse patriots. Again just in case some miss it...I DO NOT in any way want to defend Rogah's stance on the patriots or the cheating patriots themselves. But if you break the rules by attacking, name calling, harrasing or stalking him...chances are you are going to get in trouble because you are breaking the rules...not because you are fighting against some dude with crazy man love for Tom and the Patriots.
Now with those people out of the way.
There is an old saying...Don't want none, don't start none.
What you do is hide out for a bit and walk away like you should but without question you wade right back into the patriot threads with you Patriot all mighty underwear on while you are up on your soap box talking down to anyone who dare's question the patriots and you are also so sure to belittle anyone who dares question the OPINIONS you push as some sort of facts as to what will happen when almost every stinking time you have been flat wrong which only increases the likelihood that you will have a big old steaming plate of crow to eat because of YOUR ACTIONS here.
This will stop for you as well. I have told you multiple times to knock it off and walk way only for you to come back and start stirring a big stick in a big old pot of steaming crap.
YOU are just as much of a problem as the others.
So let it be known from this point forward.
Those that harras, stalk, call names with rogah are going to get benched and you will get benched for a significant
time for some because you have had multiple warnings over it.
Rogah you start going into threads with your attitude and stirring it up or start making new threads (like this one) stirring it up...YOU are also going to get benched for a significant time because you have been warned multiple times.
THIS IS A DALLAS COWBOYS FAN FORUM....not a fan forum for the New England Patriots. If you want white knight and denfend the patriots while puffing your chest so on another forum.