Just caught the Skins on NFL network

I think there's too much talent on the Skins roster (at least the first string) for them to be a bad team.

So, I don't think we'll be laughing too much.

As for them playing Minnesota....

Certainly Minny can beat them. Minnesota is a good team. I'm very excited about us playing them Thursday.
Bizwah said:
I think there's too much talent on the Skins roster (at least the first string) for them to be a bad team.

So, I don't think we'll be laughing too much.

As for them playing Minnesota....

Certainly Minny can beat them. Minnesota is a good team. I'm very excited about us playing them Thursday.

Anyone know if this is a National game on TV?

WoodysGirl said:
Not sure who it was, but didn't one of them actually guarantee the W over the Cowboys. I might have mis-heard, but I know that comment stood out. Cuz the guy asked him if he was guaranteeing a win, and the other guy said "yeah he was"

You misheard...Patrick guaranteed a win over the Texans.
Did anyone else catch the Niners' broadcaster?

Charles Haley is being interviewed by them. They asked him what it was like coming from a "model organization and winning two Super Bowls....to coming here to Dallas...."

I guess we're not a model organization.
Secondary2None3141 said:
Since a few people are bashing Extremeskins, I thought I'd join in.

I watched last nights game, and as much as I hate ES, I wanted to go over there and read all the sky is fallign threads.

What I found instead was so much funnier.

First, if a Commanders fan starts a thread criticizing the team, the mods/admin will then merge that thread with all the other ones criticizing the team, and edit the thread title to insult the posters, or talk down on them. One thread title that I remember was something like "Please hold me, I'm scured. At least Spurrier won in the preseason."

Next....there were several threads pointing out how Al Saunders had a losing preseason the past few years (yeah, ignore him not being the head coach), and then the routine "Well everytime Gibbs won the SB we were 0-4 in the preseason" mantra.

And finally...there was two of the most delusional topics I have ever seen:

(1) Gibbs is doing this on purpose to trick the league


(2) Al Saunders isn't "showing us" anything.

Honestly . . . it is good stuff.

I mean . . . any football fan with an ounce of common sense, let alone objectivity, would just laugh at what is said there.

But the masses are either too stupid, or they are so blinded by their homeristic views that it is sad.

Anyway . . . I'm going to enjoy going to Extremeskins this season and laughing at them.

They have it set in their heads that they are virtually guaranteed a Super Bowl trophy this year.

Reality check should have started already . . . but I'm sure it will in two weeks.

I would not be suprised if they lose to Minnesota in the season opener.

It is pretty funny isn't it? I went over this morning for the first time a quite a while and noticed a "stop the acuses" thread, and a few minutes later it was gone. Your not allowed to post negative things about that team there. It's the saddest site on the net. Castro would be proud of those commys.
Big Dakota said:
It is pretty funny isn't it? I went over this morning for the first time a quite a while and noticed a "stop the acuses" thread, and a few minutes later it was gone. Your not allowed to post negative things about that team there. It's the saddest site on the net. Castro would be proud of those commys.

not only that, you're not allowed to reason w/ them
summerisfunner said:
not only that, you're not allowed to reason w/ them

As if you could...! :rolleyes:

There is no reasoning with people that are so brainwashed by the stinkhole that they cannot see that there just might be something wrong?

5Stars said:
As if you could...! :rolleyes:

There is no reasoning with people that are so brainwashed by the stinkhole that they cannot see that there just might be something wrong?


I'm just saying, even if they were receptive to reason, the mods will have none of it
WoodysGirl said:
Ok cool. I wasn't sure who that guarantee was against.

And yeah that was a tacky statement. I just don't think the Texans are going to be as bad as last year. Their D let them down alot in the final mins of games last year. I predict they can be a somewhat decent .500 team...stealing some games along the way.

Being stuck in H-town, I would agree. They seem to have the right offensive system in place for Carr and he and the back up have played very well.

I think the Texans might actually make teams have to show up on Sundays.
Bizwah said:
It's typical. If you go over to ES, they have no respect for our team at all. Most think we'll wind up last in the NFCEast.
No. Give me a thread of predictions in which Philly does not come out last by a majority of respondents and I'll agree with you. We give you guys respect for the most part and nobody with a functioning brain is predicting blowouts during our upcoming games against each other this season.
summerisfunner said:
I'm just saying, even if they were receptive to reason, the mods will have none of it

Exactely! That is why they are brainwashed...

There are posters on this board that dog our players, dog the coaches, dog Rowdy...yet, the mods here at least have the courtesy to let someone complain...AND, they even let the RedStinks or other football fans question the Cowboys, if done in a mannerly fashion.

Over at that stinkhole...you say ONE BAD THING about that team?

See ya...

That is brainwashing at it's finest!

SkinRamon said:
No. Give me a thread of predictions in which Philly does not come out last by a majority of respondents and I'll agree with you. We give you guys respect for the most part and nobody with a functioning brain is predicting blowouts during our upcoming games against each other this season.

Philly...as much as I despise that team, is gonna whip your team like a bad dog! And my dog, Gibbs, is going to be watching!

:dissskin: Good dog...here is a puppy treat!
5Stars said:
Exactely! That is why they are brainwashed...

There are posters on this board that dog our players, dog the coaches, dog Rowdy...yet, the mods here at least have the courtesy to let someone complain...AND, they even let the RedStinks or other football fans question the Cowboys, if done in a mannerly fashion.

Over at that stinkhole...you say ONE BAD THING about that team?

See ya...

That is brainwashing at it's finest!


I used to read the posts at ES, but I don't bother anymore . . . . There is no real debate permitted. You either see things through their rose colored glasses, or you get a temporary/permanent ban as a poster.
summerisfunner said:
I like to call it censorship ;)

I call it unsportsmanship...

Listen, if my kids do something wrong, they will damn sure hear about it...I'm not going to mask the real world from them....

That's what they do at ExtremeThinStinks...they "mask" all the bad things about that rotten team...and by doing that to their fans?

Everything is rosey in RedStink land.

Then the hammer drops....

Woods said:
I used to read the posts at ES, but I don't bother anymore . . . . There is no real debate permitted. You either see things through their rose colored glasses, or you get a temporary/permanent ban as a poster.

Very true...!

I could call out every player on the Cowboys team, and why I don't like them. I could ridicule them, I could downplay them, I could basically say I despise some Cowboy players...however, I doubt the mods would tell me...

"See ya...nice playing with you..." or "It's been fun, have a nice life"...

and "POOF"...you are gone! But, it all comes from little Art...the sheephearder...

5Stars said:
Very true...!

I could call out every player on the Cowboys team, and why I don't like them. I could ridicule them, I could downplay them, I could basically say I despise some Cowboy players...however, I doubt the mods would tell me...

"See ya...nice playing with you..." or "It's been fun, have a nice life"...

and "POOF"...you are gone! But, it all comes from little Art...the sheephearder...


I think Art may have some serious hangups. :laugh2:

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