Just Moved to Texas from DC!!!

Gill said:
I just moved from sterling,va to plano 3 weeks ago

Good deal your home man, right in the thick of Cowboy country!!!
Joe Rod said:
Good Morning Cowboys Fans! Long-time reader, but rare poster. I just moved to Corpus Christi from DC and wanted to see if there were any of you from the area.

I am particularily concerned about Direct TV, what channel I can get the games on and if the games will be blacked out on the Sunday ticket.


I moved away from Corpus a few years back. djdoug who is a member of this board lives there. If you ever want to go clubbing go downtown to stingers and dead eyed *****, best clubs around IMO. You will get all Cowboys games I never seen one blacked out
stiletto said:
Hey Joe, i am still stuck up here in Arlington. Did you move for a job down there? Are you a techie?

I'm an Analyst for a technical Consultant Firm based in Alexandria. I am still employed, just working remotely out of the house. House Prices are much nicer down here!
dal0789 said:
What part of DC u used to live in?

I lived in Fairfax, VA, just off of 50 and 66. Great area. loved having everything at my fingertips. My Dad is having health issues so I wanted to move closer to him.
Joe Rod said:
I lived in Fairfax, VA, just off of 50 and 66. Great area. loved having everything at my fingertips. My Dad is having health issues so I wanted to move closer to him.

Where in Faifax? Thats where I live now. Hopefully the prices of everything is better than here. Especially the housing.
Hey Joe, Welcome to Texas.

Congrats on getting out of enemy territory alive. Corpus is a great town; laid back and has a lot of stuff going on most of the time. If you can stand the wind (average daily wind speed is higher than Chicago, the Windy City), the heat and the humidity you got it made. I've lived there twice; once for 4 years back in the '70's and for 12 years in the '90's and '00's. It is a stanch Cowboys town so you are in friendly territory and San Antonio (home of future training camps) is only about 120 up the interstate. It is interstate and freeway all the way to the Alamo Dome so you should be able to make it up there (I did when I they were there before).
Joe Rod said:
Good Morning Cowboys Fans! Long-time reader, but rare poster. I just moved to Corpus Christi from DC and wanted to see if there were any of you from the area.

I am particularily concerned about Direct TV, what channel I can get the games on and if the games will be blacked out on the Sunday ticket.


:welcome: :welcome:

Welcome to the board and to Corpus Christi!

RCowboyFan said:
Corpus Christi is a Cowboys town dude. So don't worry you get all the games on Local channels first of all.

There are couple of posters here from Corpus ( I lived and worked in Corpus for about 2-3 years, but that was 10 years ago). DJDOUG is one guy who lives in Corpus, probably good guy to talk to about local scene etc. And there is also DA'FAN I think who is from Corpus Christi.

Corpus is certainly nice town to live in, just used to hate the summers a bit, due to humidity. I used to have Apartment right in front of the ocean too. It has changed a bit, as I visited that city after 10 years few weeks ago.

Yep, I'm from Corpus. Right now, I wish I lived in Oxnard! :)
CactusCowboy said:
You must love humidity! I lasted 6 months in Corpus years ago.

And even with all that humidity, I still can't drop the weight!!!!

:laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1:

:beer2: :beer2: this has something to do with it! Or at least that's what the wife says! :eek:
djdoug said:
:welcome: to Corpus!I've lived in Corpus my whole life and it has its good and bad points.Bad points=threats of hurricanes.Good points=this town is really starting to grow!
As far as the games here,the Cowboys ARE NEVER BLACKED OUT!!!!Our local Fox station will drop the game that is currently airing to show the Cowboys!!If you still want DirecTV,you shouldnt have any problems.

Now if we could only get them to broadcast in HD. :mad:
DBoys said:
Thats one reason I will never pay for NFL Sunday Ticket or Superfan again. Blocking Cowboys games is absurd if I am paying for the service I should get every game regardless of location.

DBoys said:
Lets hope cause 300 bucks is a lot of money to be restricted in any way shape or form.

Truer words... :worthy2:
dreamshatterer said:
Where in Faifax? Thats where I live now. Hopefully the prices of everything is better than here. Especially the housing.

1500 for a 2bedroom apartment
This is too funny... I just moved from Arlington VA down to Plano for my job as well... today was my first day with computer access back up and your post was the first one I saw.
MShelton said:
This is too funny... I just moved from Arlington VA down to Plano for my job as well... today was my first day with computer access back up and your post was the first one I saw.

I've got to tell you, working from home is pretty strange, but it is growing on me fast!
PakiPride said:
i live in herndon, va about 10 minutes from skins HQ


Have you gone to the Old Dominion Brewery out in Ashburn? The owner gives tours every weekend and gives away two free beers. Plus, there are quite a few beers out there that they don't seel out the stores! If you go, try the bourbon stout!

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