Just Moved to Texas from DC!!!

DA FAN said:
:welcome: :welcome:

Welcome to the board and to Corpus Christi!

Yep, I'm from Corpus. Right now, I wish I lived in Oxnard! :)

DA FAN, do you normally hit the sports bars to watch the games? If so, which ones are the best?
Joe Rod said:
DA FAN, do you normally hit the sports bars to watch the games? If so, which ones are the best?

Not really. I enjoy watching the games from the comfort of my home.

DJDoug might help you out with that though.
DA FAN said:
Not really. I enjoy watching the games from the comfort of my home.

DJDoug might help you out with that though.

dude im jelouse of your room...you know the one im talkin about....
czmtzc said:
There is like a 100 mile radius for the sunday ticket black out, no need to worry.

I live in Florida, and when the Cowboys are on the FOX or CBS channel, Directv does not carry the game.

Welcome to Corpus Christi!

I was born and raised in C.C. and have lived here most of my life. I lived in Austin for 7 years, but decided to move back in 2003. Corpus has been called the "Sparkling City by the Sea" before, but I think they meant it to be only at night. :)

If you like good seafood, fishing or watersports in general you've come to the right place. My favorite sports bar is Theo's Billiard Saloon on Weber, but to each his own. Enjoy your stay and make sure your AC is in good condition, because if you think it's hot now....
I still live in DC. I got to hear the noise here when the Cowboys "LET" the Commanders beat them.:starspin

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