Just one question for everyone


The Duke
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tyke1doe;2488271 said:
With regards to your first point, I don't think ESPN said it doesn't accept "unnamed sources." I think its policy is that it doesn't accept ANOTHER NETWORK'S unnamed sources. Big difference.
Moreover, I think FOX's unnamed source was a single source. And based on my understanding of journalism and anonymous sourcing, even anonymous sourcing has to be verified by at least two or three other sources.

Second, of course stories are timed. I remember when George W. first ran for president and the New York Times sat on the story about his DUI in Maine (I think) until about a few days before the election.

Was the timing questionable? Yes.
Was the story true? Yes, because apparently The New York Times had a police report (I'm going by recollections here).

I never said people can't be suspicious about stories. But being suspicious and denying any validity to those stories are too separate issues.

Third, I'm sorry I gave you the impression that I was engaging in woe is me drama. I was just addressing a general observation. The attacks don't bother me because I'm not thin-skinned, and I give as good as I take. If I have been attacked, and I respond accordingly. If a person is being civil and interested in true discussion, then that's what they'll get from me.
But I will agree with you that those on my side of the issue can be flame-throwers too.
I know you're not thin skinned. That is why I addressed that. I do that with both sides quite frequently. Both sides get rude at times. I object to it being portrayed as one sided.

It is never one sided.

I understand you protecting the journalists. I do that too as you well know. I'm not going to protect Werder in this story because I think it is entirely manufactured and the every player seems to be backing me up.

Now suddenly Wade is such a good leader that he can call a 30 minute meeting and everyone plays good soldier? It doesn't work both ways.

53 guys with issues solved in 30 minutes? You and I couldn't do that it we had doves flying around our heads and olive branches in our hands. 53 guys plus a coaching staff, and in 30 minutes all is well?

This is amazing me.


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Hostile;2488277 said:
Every writer and talking head in America has been called hack on this forum at one time or another.

It isn't at all curious who you backed in this drama.

It isn't? After all, I'm no stranger to media bashing when it's merited. I've kicked Bayless in the teeth many times. I was the first to trash Dan Daly for insinuating that the Cowboys were a dirty team after the Philly game. Werder will get the same treatment if he's exposed as a fraud, but I don't see it yet.


The Duke
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BraveHeartFan;2488285 said:
*Looks around*

Lets see...monitor...keyboard...mouse...internet...yes, yes I do believe this is still a forum, online, meant for discussion.

Sorry I bothered to discuss something though. I didn't realise if we had a differing opinion that it meant people were crucifying you for simply stating their side on it, or a different thought on it.

I'll make sure not to do that again.

Jesus, people get so anal on here. Like I give a crap if you, or anyone else, changes their mind on something. I didn't know that was a requirement for discussion.
Dude, you don't see that you are agreeing with me on every turn, yet asked me as if my point was incredulous?



The Duke
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bbgun;2488293 said:
It isn't? After all, I'm no stranger to media bashing when it's merited. I've kicked Bayless in the teeth many times. I was the first to trash Dan Daly for insinuating that the Cowboys were a dirty team after the Philly game. Werder will get the same treatment if he's exposed as a fraud, but I don't see it yet.
I admit it. That will shock me. You've enjoyed this week.


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Hostile;2488294 said:
Dude, you don't see that you are agreeing with me on every turn, yet asked me as if my point was incredulous?


I'm just asking about it from different thoughts. Different points of view because you've taken the stance that apparently there is absolutely no way that this was bad and that there is 100% no chance, at all, that most of this stuff even took place.

Which is fine. I'm just discussing it from the point of view of the questions I'd ask in any situation if someone, who just like me wasn't there when any of this stuff did, or didn't happened, put that stance toward it.

Just because it's discussed, or I agree with you, but ask another question revolving around it doesn't mean I'm attacking your opinion, or that I think you're incredulous.

It's simply a discussion.

But I promise. That's it from me on this topic. From now on my responses in something like this will be "I agree" or "I disagree" so to not have anyone think I'm doing more than having a discussion.


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Hostile;2488298 said:
I admit it. That will shock me. You've enjoyed this week.

You a mind-reader now? "Shocked" is a more appropriate term, but maybe I shouldn't be. Save for scorn for the guy who wants us to lose tomorrow. Also, I'm not the only one here who's susceptible to charges of "predictability."


The Duke
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BraveHeartFan;2488304 said:
I'm just asking about it from different thoughts. Different points of view because you've taken the stance that apparently there is absolutely no way that this was bad and that there is 100% no chance, at all, that most of this stuff even took place.

Which is fine. I'm just discussing it from the point of view of the questions I'd ask in any situation if someone, who just like me wasn't there when any of this stuff did, or didn't happened, put that stance toward it.

Just because it's discussed, or I agree with you, but ask another question revolving around it doesn't mean I'm attacking your opinion, or that I think you're incredulous.

It's simply a discussion.

But I promise. That's it from me on this topic. From now on my responses in something like this will be "I agree" or "I disagree" so to not have anyone think I'm doing more than having a discussion.
It did not come across this way. I apologize if I read you wrong.

Listen to Spears audio on it. Sound like it was much to you? It doesn't to me. I'm not shocked. I think this whole thing is a lot of nonsense.


The Duke
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bbgun;2488308 said:
You a mind-reader now? "Shocked" is a more appropriate term, but maybe I shouldn't be. Save for scorn for the guy who wants us to lose tomorrow. Also, I'm not the only one here who's susceptible to charges of "predictability."
I don't have scorn for you. The guy who wants us to lose better walk on egg shells. I consider that stuff a bunch of bull. I had to avoid that thread. I hope he got raked royally. He deserves it.

I just think you get your jollies when Cowboys fans are upset. I was not at all shocked that you jumped to Werder's defense. That's all I am saying.

If you need it to be more than that go right ahead.


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Hostile;2488291 said:
I know you're not thin skinned. That is why I addressed that. I do that with both sides quite frequently. Both sides get rude at times. I object to it being portrayed as one sided.

It is never one sided.

I understand you protecting the journalists. I do that too as you well know. I'm not going to protect Werder in this story because I think it is entirely manufactured and the every player seems to be backing me up.

Now suddenly Wade is such a good leader that he can call a 30 minute meeting and everyone plays good soldier? It doesn't work both ways.

53 guys with issues solved in 30 minutes? You and I couldn't do that it we had doves flying around our heads and olive branches in our hands. 53 guys plus a coaching staff, and in 30 minutes all is well?

This is amazing me.

I disagree on the manufactured part. It appears that Werder was telling the truth based on some of the things being said by the players.

But we'll have to agree to disagree on that part. I'm glad the game will be played tomorrow because I'm kind of getting tired talking about this.

I'm hoping for a win because it will be absolutely crazy in this forum, on ESPN and everywhere where they talk about the Cowboys if we don't beat the Giants.


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Hostile;2488310 said:
It did not come across this way. I apologize if I read you wrong.

Listen to Spears audio on it. Sound like it was much to you? It doesn't to me. I'm not shocked. I think this whole thing is a lot of nonsense.

Nah it's all good. I did listen to the Spears audio, which is why I'm inclined to agree here that it's probably nothing. I just like to discuss things and sometimes, not all the times, the topics are more interesting than others so I ask questions from different vantage points just to get a full discussion. Sometimes it's cause I'm not sold on my stance yet and what not.

*Shrugs* I don't know. I just like discussions is all.


The Duke
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tyke1doe;2488325 said:
I disagree on the manufactured part. It appears that Werder was telling the truth based on some of the things being said by the players.

But we'll have to agree to disagree on that part. I'm glad the game will be played tomorrow because I'm kind of getting tired talking about this.

I'm hoping for a win because it will be absolutely crazy in this forum, on ESPN and everywhere where they talk about the Cowboys if we don't beat the Giants.
Based on = manufactured.

Sorry. There is no other way to spin that.

I agree on needing the win. This week sucked.


The Duke
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BraveHeartFan;2488327 said:
Nah it's all good. I did listen to the Spears audio, which is why I'm inclined to agree here that it's probably nothing. I just like to discuss things and sometimes, not all the times, the topics are more interesting than others so I ask questions from different vantage points just to get a full discussion. Sometimes it's cause I'm not sold on my stance yet and what not.

*Shrugs* I don't know. I just like discussions is all.
Fair enough. I didn't take it that way. My bad, not yours.


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Hostile;2488330 said:
Based on = manufactured.

Sorry. There is no other way to spin that.

I agree on needing the win. This week sucked.

That just doesn't make any sense. Things based on a true story are completely untrue and made-up?

Hopefully it will turn out to be just made-up drama rather than the sensationalizing of actual events. (Leading to some uncomfortable questions for Werder).

A win tonight will certainly make the world a little bit brighter.....(crosses fingers).


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Hostile;2488291 said:
I know you're not thin skinned. That is why I addressed that. I do that with both sides quite frequently. Both sides get rude at times. I object to it being portrayed as one sided.

It is never one sided.

I understand you protecting the journalists. I do that too as you well know. I'm not going to protect Werder in this story because I think it is entirely manufactured and the every player seems to be backing me up.

Now suddenly Wade is such a good leader that he can call a 30 minute meeting and everyone plays good soldier? It doesn't work both ways.

53 guys with issues solved in 30 minutes? You and I couldn't do that it we had doves flying around our heads and olive branches in our hands. 53 guys plus a coaching staff, and in 30 minutes all is well?

This is amazing me.

Can I just say this.

That meeting didn't do a damn thing.

TO is telling Witten not to talk to him about pass routes and Spears is on teh radio talking about what's going on behind closed doors not even 24 hours after the meeting ended.

Wade carries no weight with this team. The players don't care what his 'theme' was in that meeting. They left the meeting and went and did whatever the wanted to do.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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dcfanatic;2488447 said:
Wade carries no weight with this team.

I don't need to read anything else. This I agree with. As a head coach, you cannot let things get this out of control. Wade had better find some way to help his QB shake the December forward monkey and get that ball spread around to the numerous targets we have out there on the field or else he is going to be yesterday's news...

I find it funny how Romo seems to have adopted Wade's aw shucks personality. Not good!

Fix this tonight!


The Duke
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dcfanatic;2488447 said:
Can I just say this.

That meeting didn't do a damn thing.

TO is telling Witten not to talk to him about pass routes and Spears is on teh radio talking about what's going on behind closed doors not even 24 hours after the meeting ended.

Wade carries no weight with this team. The players don't care what his 'theme' was in that meeting. They left the meeting and went and did whatever the wanted to do.
Of course you can say that.

I don't remember any reports that Wade had ordered the team not to talk to the press. Jerry neither. Is that what your opinion of a team meeting is? The coach gets up and orders people not to talk and then they dismiss and ignore the coach? If so, then expect Spears to be benched for disobeying a direct order.

I highly doubt any such order ever happened. I think the coach asked what the hell is going on and 4 players got up and assured him and the entire staff and team that nothing at all like what was being reported is going on. So I don't know what Spears going on Sirius has to do with anything.

See, I just don't think this "team meeting" is the peeling of the bells of doom.

Spears didn't talk about anything other than to say the press has it wrong. Oooooooooh, that's going to rip the team apart.

So what if TO told Witten not to talk to him about a pass route. It sure isn't the near UFC altercation that the early reports were. Oh, the same early reports where the two players and the whole team said it was nothing. Probably because it was nothing. Just saying.


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Hostile;2488563 said:
Of course you can say that.

I don't remember any reports that Wade had ordered the team not to talk to the press. Jerry neither. Is that what your opinion of a team meeting is? The coach gets up and orders people not to talk and then they dismiss and ignore the coach? If so, then expect Spears to be benched for disobeying a direct order.

I highly doubt any such order ever happened. I think the coach asked what the hell is going on and 4 players got up and assured him and the entire staff and team that nothing at all like what was being reported is going on. So I don't know what Spears going on Sirius has to do with anything.

See, I just don't think this "team meeting" is the peeling of the bells of doom.

Spears didn't talk about anything other than to say the press has it wrong. Oooooooooh, that's going to rip the team apart.

So what if TO told Witten not to talk to him about a pass route. It sure isn't the near UFC altercation that the early reports were. Oh, the same early reports where the two players and the whole team said it was nothing. Probably because it was nothing. Just saying.

I for one wish they had.


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bbgun;2486058 said:
No, you're quite sane. Maybe because you're not a shill. Let's review: Werder cited three anonymous sources and quoted them at length. Bradie James has public conceded that there's a problem. Terence Newman has publicly conceded that there's a problem. Three receivers not named Jason Witten had closed-door meetings with Garrett. The team as a whole conducted their own closed-door meeting, which only happens when there's trouble or dissension brewing. Front office lackey Mickey Spagnola all but acknowledges that there's a problem. Other unnamed players have leaked similar stories to reporters not named Ed Werder. In light of all of this, Werder can start clearing space on his fireplace mantle for his Pulitzer. That is, if he survived being shouted down by crude, embarrassing, publicity-seeking fans who would rather demonize him than admit that the team has some serious internal issues to overcome. Psychologists call that "displacement."
Well put.