Just one question for everyone


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If T.O. says he told Jason Garrett in the meeting on Monday that Romo needs to start reading the whole field because other guys are open as well as Witten then isn't some of Ed Werder's story true?

Or am I insane.

Can't we agree that T.O. was in fact 'insert word here that is less than jealous' of Witten getting too many looks from Romo by his own admission?

I guess that was 2 questions, lol.


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dcfanatic;2486013 said:
If T.O. says he told Jason Garrett in the meeting on Monday that Romo needs to start reading the whole field because other guys are open as well as Witten then isn't some of Ed Werder's story true?

Or am I insane.

Can't we agree that T.O. was in fact 'insert word here that is less than jealous' of Witten getting too many looks from Romo by his own admission?

I guess that was 2 questions, lol.

Or maybe Werder got what he said from the Watkins interview earlier(which I believe was published online earlier), and put them in his column, only to act like it was WERDER's sources?


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Boysboy;2486018 said:
Or maybe Werder got what he said from the Watkins interview earlier(which I believe was published online earlier), and put them in his column, only to act like it was WERDER's sources?

No Watkins interview was done in response to the article.


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dcfanatic;2486022 said:
No Watkins interview was done in response to the article.

It seems like nowdays, nothing's surprising. What's most people's reaction to everything nowdays? It's "No DUH!".

Pt being that Werder didn't say anything ground-breaking. Why everyone was obsessing over it for hours is beyond me. There's just so many other problems in this world that's non-TO/non-Cowboys related to worry about.


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dcfanatic;2486013 said:
If T.O. says he told Jason Garrett in the meeting on Monday that Romo needs to start reading the whole field because other guys are open as well as Witten then isn't some of Ed Werder's story true?

Or am I insane.

No, you're quite sane. Maybe because you're not a shill. Let's review: Werder cited three anonymous sources and quoted them at length. Bradie James has public conceded that there's a problem. Terence Newman has publicly conceded that there's a problem. Three receivers not named Jason Witten had closed-door meetings with Garrett. The team as a whole conducted their own closed-door meeting, which only happens when there's trouble or dissension brewing. Front office lackey Mickey Spagnola all but acknowledges that there's a problem. Other unnamed players have leaked similar stories to reporters not named Ed Werder. In light of all of this, Werder can start clearing space on his fireplace mantle for his Pulitzer. That is, if he survived being shouted down by crude, embarrassing, publicity-seeking fans who would rather demonize him than admit that the team has some serious internal issues to overcome. Psychologists call that "displacement."


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It's really all irrelevant, as those receivers have only themselves to blame. If TO and Crayton hadn't dropped so many key passes in the past, Romo wouldn't have issues throwing to them in the first place.

Catch the ball on the crucial conversions - TO and Crayton - and you can turn off the whine.


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bbgun;2486058 said:
No, you're quite sane. Maybe because you're not a shill. Let's review: Werder cited three anonymous sources and quoted them at length. Bradie James has public conceded that there's a problem. Terence Newman has publicly conceded that there's a problem. Three receivers not named Jason Witten had closed-door meetings with Garrett. The team as whole conducted their own closed-door meeting, which only happens when there's trouble or dissension brewing. Front office lackey Mickey Spagnola all but acknowledges that there's a problem. Other unnamed players have leaked similar stories to reporters not named Ed Werder. In light of all of this, Werder can start clearing space on his fireplace mantle for his Pulitzer. That is, if he survived being shouted down by crude, embarrassing, publicity-seeking fans who would rather demonize him than admit that the team has some serious internal issues to overcome. Psychologists call that "displacement."



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NO and NO again and again, no matter how many ways you want to spin it it is still no.

How bout Owens was simply voicing what the other receivers had been ssying after the game and other games. Owens has said over and over again that while the defenses are working to take him out of the game and witten, that helps the offense because others are open, but Romo still tries to force the ball to him and witten.

Explain that?

after watching inside the huddle this past tuesday with Roy and Martellus, their comments let me know that they are and have been frustrated.

Put yourself in Roy's place, he finally made back to Texas, playing for his favorite team, he is a big time WR, he wants to prove his worth here, he has as Woodysgirl stated passively aggressively call for the ball.

Anyway you got the cash, your family and friends are watching and constatnly asking you why Romo will not pass the ball to you, you are wide open, but you get no look. roy has said too many times that he has "swallowed the playbook".

Crayton, he has to makeup for last season's playoff game, and back up all his talk, yes, he wants the ball.

Bennett is a rookie but he has an ego/confidence he wants the ball.

is it possible these guys go to T.O. and ask him to speak up, he is one of the captains on the team, and they have notice that things happen when he speaks.

do not be so quick to just throw Owens under the bus, wait till the whole truth comes out and it will real soon.


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Daudr;2486065 said:
It's really all irrelevant, as those receivers have only themselves to blame. If TO and Crayton hadn't dropped so many key passes in the past, Romo wouldn't have issues throwing to them in the first place.

Catch the F'ing ball on the crucial conversions - TO and Crayton - and you can turn off the whine.

NO, Romo needs to throw the ball, they would not be playing if they could not catch. they will catch more than they drop.
Again there is not one WR or TE/RB that has played this game that has caught every pass ever thrown to them, whether they were wide open or had people hanging on them.


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Stats don't backup the claim that Romo never throws to anyone else or that he isn't reading defenses correctly. His number 1 and number 2 guys get more passes thrown to them. That's the case with every QB in the NFL.

And 90% of the QBs in the NFL don't put up the numbers Romo puts up.


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Ozzu;2486076 said:
Stats don't backup the claim that Romo never throws to anyone else or that he isn't reading defenses correctly. His number 1 and number 2 guys get more passes thrown to them. That's the case with every QB in the NFL.

And 90% of the QBs in the NFL don't put up the numbers Romo puts up.

yeah, but the best QBs don't continually throw into double and triple coverage to get it to their favorite 2 receivers.

Look at those stats again, Doc.

How many INTs has romo got over the past 2yrs? I have them on on tapes, I guarantee that the majority of those INTs were thrown into double and triple coverage.


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Ozzu;2486076 said:
Stats don't backup the claim that Romo never throws to anyone else or that he isn't reading defenses correctly. His number 1 and number 2 guys get more passes thrown to them. That's the case with every QB in the NFL.

And 90% of the QBs in the NFL don't put up the numbers Romo puts up.

Same can be said for Peyton Manning-the majority of his passes are to Marvin Harrison and Dallas Clark.


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BHendri5;2486079 said:
yeah, but the best QBs don't continually throw into double and triple coverage to get it to their favorite 2 receivers.

Look at those stats again, Doc.

How many INTs has romo got over the past 2yrs? I have them on on tapes, I guarantee that the majority of those INTs were thrown into double and triple coverage.

By all means, pull out your tapes and break down all his interceptions.

The stats prove what I'm saying. I have no idea on your assertion.


More than meets the eye.
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dcfanatic;2486013 said:
If T.O. says he told Jason Garrett in the meeting on Monday that Romo needs to start reading the whole field because other guys are open as well as Witten then isn't some of Ed Werder's story true?

Or am I insane.

Can't we agree that T.O. was in fact 'insert word here that is less than jealous' of Witten getting too many looks from Romo by his own admission?

I guess that was 2 questions, lol.

In my opinion, Werder's story contains a great deal of truth, unfortunately.

My only issue with Werder is his omission of facts that don't fit the narrative he's creating.


More than meets the eye.
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BHendri5;2486079 said:
yeah, but the best QBs don't continually throw into double and triple coverage to get it to their favorite 2 receivers.

Look at those stats again, Doc.

How many INTs has romo got over the past 2yrs? I have them on on tapes, I guarantee that the majority of those INTs were thrown into double and triple coverage.

Then pull out those tapes. My curiosity is overwhelming.


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bbgun;2486058 said:
No, you're quite sane. Maybe because you're not a shill. Let's review: Werder cited three anonymous sources and quoted them at length. Bradie James has public conceded that there's a problem. Terence Newman has publicly conceded that there's a problem. Three receivers not named Jason Witten had closed-door meetings with Garrett. The team as a whole conducted their own closed-door meeting, which only happens when there's trouble or dissension brewing. Front office lackey Mickey Spagnola all but acknowledges that there's a problem. Other unnamed players have leaked similar stories to reporters not named Ed Werder. In light of all of this, Werder can start clearing space on his fireplace mantle for his Pulitzer. That is, if he survived being shouted down by crude, embarrassing, publicity-seeking fans who would rather demonize him than admit that the team has some serious internal issues to overcome. Psychologists call that "displacement."

I haven't jumped off the band wagon, (because if there is just a glimmer of hope, i'll be there for the ka boyz) but let's just say I have adjusted my expectations for this year. I'll soon be having to figure out who to root for like Carolina, Minny or who ever the heck seems good if the boyz aren't there. i'll be rooting against NE definitely. The colts look good, i like Peyton's commercials, he is funny, has a future in sitcoms for sure. Tennessee looks deserving, they used to be the Oilers, so I guess that will be my 2nd team this year.

sheesh, what a waste of talent in big D.

No offense to TO lovers, but my vote is for him to go. I would do it tomorrow if I was Jerra. I'd rather lose with dignity, than win with him. I'm just sick of his crap.



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I haven't even followed this soap opera enough to know what is what.

However, I don't think that jealousy is the same as just being upset that someone isn't making the right read/choice/whatever.

I have no doubt that TO is upset that Witten is getting those looks. However, I doubt that he is pissed because he yearns for the same relationship with Tony that Jason has (which would be jealousy). I think hes pissed because he thinks that Tony is missing a lot of opportunities to get him the ball. Is it because Tony is purposely looking for Witten? I don't buy it. I think a more reasonable explanation is the fact that TEs are safety valves. You can bet that TO is never the 3rd or 4th read on a play but Jason might be and combined with plays designed for him, he gets a lot of looks. So I guess if you wanted to say that TO is jealous of the number of passes that Jason gets, you would be correct in the most basic definition. Correct me if I am wrong though but I thought the initial report by Werder was all about TO being jealous because Tony and Jason work on things together and Tony is purposely just looking for Witten.

Theres a difference in there in that what I believe to be what Werder initially reported is far more accusing than the truth and definitely a lot more sensational as far as news stories go when the reality of the situation is that TO just wants the ball more like he has all damn season.

IMO, I think TO has some room to gripe. He is probably being missed on routes. It wouldn't shock me the slightest and some of the passes he does get towards him have been pretty sloppy. I think a lot of it is still Tony getting comfortable. 1st game without the brace and against a great pass rush, I think Tony shortened up his reads. He didn't want to take any chances and if someone wasn't open from the get-go, he moved on. That doesn't really play into TOs strengths as the guy needs to be able get up to speed to get his separation. And I am really sure that the whole situation isn't helped by the fact that Witten wasn't even on the field when Dallas had its most successful drive, ending with a TO TD.

I doubt Werder is just straight BSing on the story. He probably talked to someone but who really knows who. The whole anonymous source part makes me think that it really wasn't someone too important but he wants you to think so. I have a really hard time believing that anyone with a real inside presence spoke up. Everyone on the team knows the TO/Werder deal and knows that Ed would love the chance to get a little tidbit to take back to Bristol.

I honestly don't think there is that much to the whole deal. At least nothing more than what we have grown accustomed to over the season. TO wants the ball. Second verse, same as the first. I think what you have is someone with minimal involvement (I know PFT named Witten but I'm calling BS because Witten is far too humble to say that someone is jealous of him. It just sounds far too self-serving and generally selfish to be something that Jason said.) giving Ed a little bit of something to work with and included the word jealous in it and off to the races went Werder. I question if we would have even heard if this source wouldn't have mentioned jealousy but instead just said "TO wants the ball more", which is what I think it is all about, just as it has been since week 1.

Gotta tell ya. Sunday really can't come quick enough this week. I pray this team wins more than ever just to get something new to talk about. A loss and this puddle of mud becomes a great lake.


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I knew this would boil over one day, but the timing of it has been completely unexpected. Year 3, late in the season, making a playoff run, etc.

I think the Giants loss in the playoffs was the tip of the iceberg.

My big fear next year is that Jerry may overhaul the coaching staff AND 53 man roster just to appease Owens(i.e. getting rid of Romo, Witten, James, etc). The Niners did the exact same thing when they fired Mooch and hired Erickson, who had NO knowledge of the WCO.


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BHendri5;2486079 said:
yeah, but the best QBs don't continually throw into double and triple coverage to get it to their favorite 2 receivers.

Look at those stats again, Doc.

How many INTs has romo got over the past 2yrs? I have them on on tapes, I guarantee that the majority of those INTs were thrown into double and triple coverage.

Who gets more double coverage on this team, T.O. or Jason Witten?

So now we want Romo throwing it to T.O. while he's double covered.

Make up your mind.