Just one question for everyone


The Duke
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dcfanatic;2487672 said:

Who is going to win the Heisman?

I got Bradford in a landslide.
I take it you don't think it is being sensationalized.

That's your right. I consider that amazing given how the players, coaches, and team are reporting this.

I'd be happy if Bradford wins it, but as I said in the thread on this topic I think it will end up being Tebow because the Big 12 votes will be split too much.


Kane Ala
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Hoofbite;2486152 said:
I haven't even followed this soap opera enough to know what is what.

However, I don't think that jealousy is the same as just being upset that someone isn't making the right read/choice/whatever.

I have no doubt that TO is upset that Witten is getting those looks. However, I doubt that he is pissed because he yearns for the same relationship with Tony that Jason has (which would be jealousy). I think hes pissed because he thinks that Tony is missing a lot of opportunities to get him the ball. Is it because Tony is purposely looking for Witten? I don't buy it. I think a more reasonable explanation is the fact that TEs are safety valves. You can bet that TO is never the 3rd or 4th read on a play but Jason might be and combined with plays designed for him, he gets a lot of looks. So I guess if you wanted to say that TO is jealous of the number of passes that Jason gets, you would be correct in the most basic definition. Correct me if I am wrong though but I thought the initial report by Werder was all about TO being jealous because Tony and Jason work on things together and Tony is purposely just looking for Witten.

Theres a difference in there in that what I believe to be what Werder initially reported is far more accusing than the truth and definitely a lot more sensational as far as news stories go when the reality of the situation is that TO just wants the ball more like he has all damn season.

IMO, I think TO has some room to gripe. He is probably being missed on routes. It wouldn't shock me the slightest and some of the passes he does get towards him have been pretty sloppy. I think a lot of it is still Tony getting comfortable. 1st game without the brace and against a great pass rush, I think Tony shortened up his reads. He didn't want to take any chances and if someone wasn't open from the get-go, he moved on. That doesn't really play into TOs strengths as the guy needs to be able get up to speed to get his separation. And I am really sure that the whole situation isn't helped by the fact that Witten wasn't even on the field when Dallas had its most successful drive, ending with a TO TD.

I doubt Werder is just straight BSing on the story. He probably talked to someone but who really knows who. The whole anonymous source part makes me think that it really wasn't someone too important but he wants you to think so. I have a really hard time believing that anyone with a real inside presence spoke up. Everyone on the team knows the TO/Werder deal and knows that Ed would love the chance to get a little tidbit to take back to Bristol.

I honestly don't think there is that much to the whole deal. At least nothing more than what we have grown accustomed to over the season. TO wants the ball. Second verse, same as the first. I think what you have is someone with minimal involvement (I know PFT named Witten but I'm calling BS because Witten is far too humble to say that someone is jealous of him. It just sounds far too self-serving and generally selfish to be something that Jason said.) giving Ed a little bit of something to work with and included the word jealous in it and off to the races went Werder. I question if we would have even heard if this source wouldn't have mentioned jealousy but instead just said "TO wants the ball more", which is what I think it is all about, just as it has been since week 1.

Gotta tell ya. Sunday really can't come quick enough this week. I pray this team wins more than ever just to get something new to talk about. A loss and this puddle of mud becomes a great lake.

I'd say you're very close to the truth. A giant bag of crap is all this is.


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Hostile;2487678 said:
I take it you don't think it is being sensationalized.

That's your right. I consider that amazing given how the players, coaches, and team are reporting this.

I'd be happy if Bradford wins it, but as I said in the thread on this topic I think it will end up being Tebow because the Big 12 votes will be split too much.

I am not sure if it is being over sensationalized just yet. I think it could go either way depending on what happens on Sunday.

I know I would rather none of it be happening right now though.

And I also know that the players and coaches are not going to be honest about what's really going on behind the scenes. They don't want their season wrecked so they are just blowing things off when talking to the media. Well some of them anyway.

The reason I am not going to side with T.O. on any of this is because of what he did after the Skins game. The team wins a huge game and the next thing you know he's sitting down with Deion. That told me the guy will talk about wanting to win until our ears are bleeding, but in reality he wants to win while he's being showcased. Winning without him being showcased isn't good enough for him.

Good point on the split votes, but I think some some voters won't give Tebow their vote based on the fact that he already has a Heisman.


The Duke
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dcfanatic;2487708 said:
I know I would rather none of it be happening right now though.
Who wouldn't that is a fan? I think it is happening for only one reason. Revenge for "next question."


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5Countem5;2487663 said:
There is no spin job blogboy, it has been clearly stated that GARRETT called the receivers in for a meeting.

What part don't you get? I've read your stuff and know you aren't this stupid?

He called them in for a meeting or he told them has an open door policy during the team meeting on Monday while they were watching film and he say T.O.'s outburst on the sideline at the end of the game?


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Hostile;2487658 said:
Theres' no need to spin it. I accept TO at his word. To what purpose would he lie about not discussing football with Romo away from the field? If you imagine that all players get together away from the team to discuss football you're sadly mistaken. They don't.

I don't see where this is at all sinister.

I suppose the part in bold above has no bearing.

He contradicts himself in the same paragraph.

He has no problem talking to Romo, but yet he goes to Garrett because he doesn't want to start any trouble with Romo like he had with his other QB's in Philly and SF.

If he thinks going to Romo to talk can create a problem then he does have a problem in talking to Romo and that problem is that it may cause friction.

What sense does that make?

He constanly contradicts himself.

The other day he said Sheshawn motivates him when he hears the comments made on ESPN, then in literally the next sentence he says that he doesn't get motivated by Sheshawn in what he says.

It was the dumbest thing I had ever heard.


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dcfanatic;2487829 said:
He called them in for a meeting or he told them has an open door policy during the team meeting on Monday while they were watching film and he say T.O.'s outburst on the sideline at the end of the game?

Is this supposed to makes sense?


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5Countem5;2487858 said:
Is this supposed to makes sense?

Pick one.

He called him in for a meeting?


He told him he has an open door policy where he can come meet with him while they were viewing the film of the Steelers game and saw him going nutso on the sidelines at the end of the game?


The Duke
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dcfanatic;2487846 said:
He contradicts himself in the same paragraph.

He has no problem talking to Romo, but yet he goes to Garrett because he doesn't want to start any trouble with Romo like he had with his other QB's in Philly and SF.

If he thinks going to Romo to talk can create a problem then he does have a problem in talking to Romo and that problem is that it may cause friction.

What sense does that make?

He constanly contradicts himself.

The other day he said Sheshawn motivates him when he hears the comments made on ESPN, then in literally the next sentence he says that he doesn't get motivated by Sheshawn in what he says.

It was the dumbest thing I had ever heard.
I don't see it as a contradiction. I'm not TO's biggest fan, but the Witch Hunt for him by ESPN has been obvious all year. They finally decided that their own principles did not matter. I'm not shocked. You're looking for contradictions, check there.

"We do not report on stories with unnamed sources." --ESPN on Favre stories.

"Unnamed sources report there is friction inside the locker room." --ESPN on TO.



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Hostile;2487885 said:
I don't see it as a contradiction. I'm not TO's biggest fan, but the Witch Hunt for him by ESPN has been obvious all year. They finally decided that their own principles did not matter. I'm not shocked. You're looking for contradictions, check there.

"We do not report on stories with unnamed sources." --ESPN on Favre stories.

"Unnamed sources report there is friction inside the locker room." --ESPN on TO.


Trust me, I know ESPN is more BSPN these days than anything else.

But I think the funniest thing today is that all of a sudden some people are now forcing themselves to believe PFT's report about Witten because it fits their side of the argument.

So we have PFT's 'league sources' being more reliable than Ed Werder's 'Cowboys sources'.

Am I still on Earth?

And the witchhunt for T.O. from Ed Werder began why?

Because T.O. wanted to act juvenile and start saying 'next question' to him instead of manning up and talking to the guy.

Once again he brings on unnecessary BS to himself and in turn to the team because he's a part of it.

Greg Ellis has been trashed in the media time and time again. Pacman was trashed time and time again. Wade has been trashed time and time again.

None of them reverted to the juvenile BS.

I don't think Barber is going to play tomorrow. You?


The Duke
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dcfanatic;2487941 said:
Trust me, I know ESPN is more BSPN these days than anything else.

But I think the funniest thing today is that all of a sudden some people are now forcing themselves to believe PFT's report about Witten because it fits their side of the argument.

So we have PFT's 'league sources' being more reliable than Ed Werder's 'Cowboys sources'.
I haven't paid any attention to PFT's sources. If you remember I told you weeks ago that Werder would find a way to get revenge.

Either I'm psychic or lucky.

This is manufactured. It stinks from the report on down. "Unnamed sources" just verifies it for me. TO not calling out Romo publicly ices it.

There's no story here.

Am I still on Earth?
No, we launched New York into outer space. :D

And the witchhunt for T.O. from Ed Werder began why?

Because T.O. wanted to act juvenile and start saying 'next question' to him instead of manning up and talking to the guy.

Once again he brings on unnecessary BS to himself and in turn to the team because he's a part of it.
Aw, so you admit there could be an underlying motive. But you don't see sensationalism?

How does that work?

Greg Ellis has been trashed in the media time and time again. Pacman was trashed time and time again. Wade has been trashed time and time again.

None of them reverted to the juvenile BS.
That isn't true. Wade told Calvin Watkins he should coach the team and said he'd like to see the gameplan he came up with. Pacman may not have gone after the media here, but that was because Jerry informed him not to talk to them at all. In the past he has criticized the media.

I don't see it as juvenile BS. It is his choice.

I don't think Barber is going to play tomorrow. You?
No, I don't.


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Hostile;2488041 said:
I haven't paid any attention to PFT's sources. If you remember I told you weeks ago that Werder would find a way to get revenge.

Either I'm psychic or lucky.

This is manufactured. It stinks from the report on down. "Unnamed sources" just verifies it for me. TO not calling out Romo publicly ices it.

There's no story here.

No, we launched New York into outer space. :D

Aw, so you admit there could be an underlying motive. But you don't see sensationalism?

How does that work?

That isn't true. Wade told Calvin Watkins he should coach the team and said he'd like to see the gameplan he came up with. Pacman may not have gone after the media here, but that was because Jerry informed him not to talk to them at all. In the past he has criticized the media.

I don't see it as juvenile BS. It is his choice.

No, I don't.
are you serious! this is bull**** man! it's a freaking pinkie toe geeze!


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Hostile;2488041 said:
I haven't paid any attention to PFT's sources. If you remember I told you weeks ago that Werder would find a way to get revenge.

Either I'm psychic or lucky.

This is manufactured. It stinks from the report on down. "Unnamed sources" just verifies it for me. TO not calling out Romo publicly ices it.

There's no story here.

No, we launched New York into outer space. :D

Aw, so you admit there could be an underlying motive. But you don't see sensationalism?

How does that work?

That isn't true. Wade told Calvin Watkins he should coach the team and said he'd like to see the gameplan he came up with. Pacman may not have gone after the media here, but that was because Jerry informed him not to talk to them at all. In the past he has criticized the media.

I don't see it as juvenile BS. It is his choice.

No, I don't.

Werder may have wanted to get back at him. A good probability he did.

So why wait all this time? If Werder wanted them to fail and to have the season tank why not fabricate stuff earlier?

The more likely scenario is this.

One of Werder's sources let him know about the WR meetings on Monday and Werder finally had something to move on.

Maybe Crayton was one of the sources?


The Duke
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dcfanatic;2488157 said:
Werder may have wanted to get back at him. A good probability he did.

So why wait all this time? If Werder wanted them to fail and to have the season tank why not fabricate stuff earlier?
It would work after 3 straight wins?

After an OT loss due to an obvious Romo and Witten mistake...that's another story.


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Hostile;2488161 said:
It would work after 3 straight wins?

After an OT loss due to an obvious Romo and Witten mistake...that's another story.

TO has been punking him since the first Skins game.

And T.O. didn't have a 100 yard game until the SF game.

All the opportunity for Werder was there.

But the evidence no matter how slight wasn't.

Monday's WR meetings gave him an opportunity. Something to dig deeper on and write a story about.

What about Crayton as one of the sources?


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bbgun;2486058 said:
No, you're quite sane. Maybe because you're not a shill. Let's review: Werder cited three anonymous sources and quoted them at length. Bradie James has public conceded that there's a problem. Terence Newman has publicly conceded that there's a problem. Three receivers not named Jason Witten had closed-door meetings with Garrett. The team as a whole conducted their own closed-door meeting, which only happens when there's trouble or dissension brewing. Front office lackey Mickey Spagnola all but acknowledges that there's a problem. Other unnamed players have leaked similar stories to reporters not named Ed Werder. In light of all of this, Werder can start clearing space on his fireplace mantle for his Pulitzer. That is, if he survived being shouted down by crude, embarrassing, publicity-seeking fans who would rather demonize him than admit that the team has some serious internal issues to overcome. Psychologists call that "displacement."

As they yell it church, "SAY IT!!!" :D


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All they need to do is shut up, play ball, win tomorrow night, and all this BS goes away for at least one fricken week.


The Duke
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dcfanatic;2488167 said:
TO has been punking him since the first Skins game.

And T.O. didn't have a 100 yard game until the SF game.

All the opportunity for Werder was there.

But the evidence no matter how slight wasn't.

Monday's WR meetings gave him an opportunity. Something to dig deeper on and write a story about.

What about Crayton as one of the sources?
Sorry, no sale. With Brad Johnson at QB there would be no story.

I don't care who the sources were. That is irrelevant. Garrett asked the WRs to come meet with him. That is per Garrett and all 3 WRs.


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Though I can't prove it, I have little doubt Werder relished the idea of getting back at T.O.

Werder is only human, and I must admit that sources who don't talk to me or treat me right, I don't feel bad (in fact, I feel a little bit of revenge) when I have to do a negative story about them.

But Werder would have done the story regardless. He covers the Cowboys for ESPN. Whether he was buddy, buddy with T.O. or not, he would have done the story. But if the former were the case, he likely would have allowed T.O. to get his side of the story out or would have given T.O. more time to defuse the situation internally before it became a big story.

The way it happened, it ambushed T.O. and other Cowboys. Had Werder been on good terms with the Cowboys and the principals involved he may have said, "Look, I'm going to go with this story, but maybe it's something you need to address internally and prepare people inside the organization so it won't come as a surprise to them or your teammates."

This is just my guess based on similar situations I've come across from time to time.


The Duke
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tyke1doe;2488179 said:
Though I can't prove it, I have little doubt Werder relished the idea of getting back at T.O.

Werder is only human, and I must admit that sources who don't talk to me or treat me right, I don't feel bad (in fact, I feel a little bit of revenge) when I have to do a negative story about them.

But Werder would have done the story regardless. He covers the Cowboys for ESPN. Whether he was buddy, buddy with T.O. or not, he would have done the story. But if the former were the case, he likely would have allowed T.O. to get his side of the story out or would have given T.O. more time to defuse the situation internally before it became a big story.

The way it happened, it ambushed T.O. and other Cowboys. Had Werder been on good terms with the Cowboys and the principals involved he may have said, "Look, I'm going to go with this story, but maybe it's something you need to address internally and prepare people inside the organization before I go forward with the story."

This is just my guess based on similar situations I've come across from time to time.
Agreed, and ESPN smelled blood in the water after the Pacman injury and Barber called out by Jerry stuff and they ignored previously stated policies and ran with it despite "unnamed sources."

In other words what I said all along, sensationalism.